Is this shit gonna turn me into a soyboy?
It's not soy, it's 'microbial biomass', am I gonna turn into a fungus like an Ork or something for eating this meat substitute?
Non-soyboy diet
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eat meat faggot
do you think any human wants to even look at a quorn eating faglord
Stop eating soy, unless you are a chink eye.
Quorn chicken pieces are 10/10 if you use them in stir fries, curries and pasta.
Just remember to throw in a chicken stock cube.
damn, Quorn tastes really good. Don't think it's as problematic as soy, it's kinda mushrooms so it's almost animal..
On a side note: Can we push soy on niggers hard? Replace their KFC with some soy? If they got more soyboy they might actually contribute a bit to society again.. or was that (((their))) plan all along and the soyboy epidemic is just collateral?
The goal is to crash the soy business and short companies in the industry. So no.
why are you buying packaged food??
Get the ingredients separately and make a meal.
I know that's the shit way of doing it, but at least you know what you're putting in it
but, just assume this could solve the nigger problem a bit.... we can deal with the JQ on other fronts, for sure there are many. Maybe if we make it more clear that whites hate soy, in turn blacks might get mobilize to identify with it. This solves two problems at once - stopping the weakening of the white while at the same time taming the nigger
Give me a quick rundown on soy, where do these memes come from? Is it a targeted attack?
>inb4 phytoestrogens, peas contain a lot more of them bu there is no "pea boy" meme
protip soyboy isnt a real thing
there isn't much evidence that soy is going to feminize you
t. gyno surgeon
This. I've never eaten soy in my life but faggot tryhards spewing recent hip buzzwords annoy me. They're everywhere and make shit quality posts.
Get your E2 levels checked sweetie
Becaus I don't eat soy?
You've eaten TVP before probably. Companies will mix it with beef since you can't tell the difference and it saves money. It's good stuff though you should just buy actual TVP packs.
Buy chicken instead it's at least 3x the protein for the same price
Not sure. Will check that out next time. Maybe it's just America.
If soy isn't feminising, why is soy used to treat menopause symptoms?
Here's a study comparing the isoflavones found in soy to estradiol, which is the female sex hormone.
> Soy isoflavones show slight and slow effects in attenuating menopausal hot flashes
Obviously the patients included in this test would have been eating a large amount of soy in order to ingest a large amount of isoflavones. So it's unlikely that a bit of quorn every now and again will feminise you, but it is fair to suggest that eating soy as a staple for the bulk of your protein will result in similar, but weaker, feminising effects as directly taking estradiol (aka HRT).
Tested quorn once. Expensive both per gram and kcal. So no wallet gains.
Tasted like shit. I enjoy cooking and sometimes mix in vegetarian meals but this shit was vile.
Was fun to test, but due to the soy fat and residue crap from this non-edible plant that needs to be processed before human can consume it, I have decided to never eat it again.
They key to healthy living is to avoid processed food. Not trying to make it look like food.
There's nothing to worry about, goyim!!
((((Fuck off))))