Pick your chad
>CIA agent
Long Wang is dyel tier, how is he a Chad?
That's why he's a Chad
Women actually prefer that physique as well as his status and income from being a doctor.
Wtf kind of image is that? The first one isn't even Chad, and the rest aren't white so they aren't even worth picking.
>white guy earns the least
you had to balance it somehow right user ?
>nigger makes more than white guy and the nigger isn’t even a professional athlete
What kind of fairy tale bullshit do you expect me to believe, OP?
What do white Chads see in black women?
You guys need to lay off the crack. He's not even white, how can he be a Chad?
Supply and demand. All the white women crave black cock and all the black women crave white cock.
Cope harder buddy. Women are exposed to so much racemixing propaganda these days via tv and Instagram that they do not care if a guy is white.
just asking, how many of you guys take this Chad and Stacy shit seriously?
It's funny on the board but if this kind of stuff is actually having an effect on your life perspective that's pretty unhealthy
>not posting the only chad
>All the white women crave black cock and all the black women crave white cock.
The meme-tier logic never fails to rear it's 'mentally-condition-by-interracial-porn' head.
Correction: some (and a very few at that) white men/woman prefer other races, brainlet.
Tbh a negress that isn't fucking loud as shit, in good shape, and somehow managed to beat out her chimp genetics is a decent gf
t. My bro is dating a conservative non-chimp negress
they put out more easily and don't have entitlement issues
>tfw no black gf
>everyone prefers white
chads have high testosterone which means they don't have ridiculously high standards, unlike /pol/ and /r9k/ nu-males
Chad Thundercock and it isn't even worth reading the rest.
there are no ethnic chads,only first and maybe last,but last has to be top tier heebie like Rothschild
>over 50% with every female group besides black women
I can live with it.
>stand up comedy at the orphanage
kek is this a reference to that reddit cuck post?
Could there be a more jewish post than this?
He looks like a fucking cartoon
That's not a Chad, that's a MetaChad. They are both of this world and not of this world. They are the physical representations and messengers of the ChadGods here on Earth.
700k end of year bonus seems like a good idea so go ahead and JEW me, senpai.
>Ali Allahquaq
>300k a year
wait are muslims really that popular? im part sandnigger and ive literally never seen any woman express interest in me for it.
yes, but you're ugly
He's a chang
only 3 of them look like potential chads
obviously ali
Ali allahquah is actually a Chadjeet
Cherry picked, but statistically WMBF marriages are 40% less likely to end in divorce than WMWF couples, and I believe the only interracial relationship statistically more likely to do this.
My guess for this is . Black women are probably relieved to have stability, white guys are happy just not to have to deal with it.
Chang Long Wang for s u r e