moderate doses of soy don't have any feminising effects and the real reason for the rise in men's oestrogen levels is obesity and over-consumption of meat and dairy products
>prove me wrong
>protip: you can't
Meatcucks rekt once again!
Other urls found in this thread:
>no feminising
>guy literally has a voice of a woman
>emotional retard
>green sickly skin
>typical vegan gestapo faggot
>now shilling soy is good for you
when did he become a living meme?
stupid ad hominem, also VG lifts more than you
>Got cucked by a Harry Potter look a like
>Ran away from a fight with a manlet
>Abuses his dog
>Castrated himself
>wants to murder children
>Cries about people eating honey & eggs
kek what a turbo fag
that guy is completely mentally ill but he seems like he tries hard
because I don't life, but I do bodyweight more then him
I am literally halfway through the world record for free handstand pushups
is anyone going to try and refute the argument or has the Alzheimer from over consumption of meat already set in?
He sounds autistic but his voice is more masculine than that British queer that sells snake oil.
Ok film yourself doing an astonishing amount of strict bodyweight presses and post it. Don't wear a hat, a mask, or baggy clothes either we need to see if you're a goblin kike or not.
Even if he's right, nobody cares because he's clinically insane.
Honestly I dont care. I dont eat any form of soy in my diet. I only drink oatmilk in the morning.. the rest of my day is full of veggies, fruits, grains ans beans.
I don't understand how the soy debate is making anything good. Most vegans dont eat soy after 1 year and only drink soymilk. Kinda funny that if you look back, most antisoy studies are from the dairy industry. Just makes you think.
What argument?
That you can just post random talking points and act like it is a logically sound statement?
Fuck off soyboy.
> Moderate soy vs Full-Blown Obesity
You are so fucking bad at this.
Wait, how does it wreck me if you're not turning into a woman after all?
This guy sounds seriously mentally ill. Hard to imagine how impressionnable someone must be to take him seriously, mostly immature teenagers I imagine.
Unironically his bf is manlier than him. Vegans are weird, I bet the bf doesn't eat soy tho.
post any peer reviewed study that indicates the feminising effects of soy you triggered meatcuck
>This guy sounds seriously mentally ill.
He is mentally ill.
> the guy speaking has feminine facial features
he had a video about how he was hearing things lol
See my post here Soy is used as a replacement for estradiol to treat menopausal and post-menopausal women specifically for its feminising isoflavones. It is wrong to say that sufficient exposure to isoflavones, which soy is rich in, will not feminise you.
However it is hard to achieve a noticeable feminising effect without completely warping your diet and getting almost all of your calories from soy - which no sane person would do anyway.
>I talked to the gray aliens
Fucking hell my sides are gone. is this what soy does to people?
why do vegans have a very short temper? They always seem to screech and are incapable of arguments that don't descend into ad hominem.
veganism lowers IQ.
Vegetarianism and non-restricted diet do not have that effect.
post any peer reviews study that indicates the feminising effects of meat you triggered soyboy
>why do vegans have a very short temper?
because every single time you mention that you are vegans, meateaters start to cry out and ask about your protein deficiency. Its annoying as fuck.
>They always seem to screech and are incapable of arguments that don't descend into ad hominem.
happens all the time with meateaters. Ad hominem here and there, thats pretty much all the arguments they bring up
soy is used to treat menopausal symptoms because it reduces hot flashes, VG provides a study in his video
>I am literally halfway through the world record for free handstand pushups
That's awesome man,i hope you can break the world record. Keep going,never ever give up. You can do it
Why does veganism make you see aliens?
Actually it is because you are homosexuals.
And like most fags, you are very butthurt.
thx bro, I'm actually at 14 strict htps, though the exams are killing me right now
30/min is the world record
>posting the original soyboy
Subjects were seven men, six prepubertal children, and five women.
in male rodents
And considering how low yours is, I doubt it makes much difference.
If that is all you have.
Also, none of the studies you posted had anything to do with the original question.
Go search some more.
99% of vegan channels are hippy mellow types. Richard being entertainingly angry roasting shills like you so hard that you threaten to sue him is the only reason veganism is now popular.
Have you even watched the video being discussed? He cites a fuckton of sources proving his claims.
That milk contains tons of estrogen, it is known.
>posting studies involving rodents
>have I watched a VG video.
Nope. Already seen him get smashed by bearing, gradeA, leafy, randomercam, Patterson ...etc.
No need to see it happen again.
Nobody takes him seriously, but he backs up his arguments with evidence
Wait, he's gay? Kinda says enough right there
>First study is about milk from pregnant cows
>Other two studies are about commercial plastics
I said meat, you queer
I watched the first 5 minutes and Richard is quite the hypocrite. He calls out this other guy for being obsessed with manliness and masculinity but then his argument turns into FITE ME BRO I GOT BIG MUSCLES N SHEEIT.
Richard is truly a special kind of retard.
Virgin stains is a walking example of the effects of soy The guy is riddled with mental illness
white meat like chicken contains extremely high phthalate levels
So you're unwilling to actually listen to what he says or looks at the evidence he present, yet you're still willing to give your two cents on it.
Meatcucks are so afraid of finding out they're wrong that they just bury the head in the sand.
VG will become a mass shooter mark my words
>Open link
>Ctrl+F "chicken" and "meat"
>No results
Where are you pulling this bullshit from?
>eat soy and you'll look like me
Just another reason not to.
>ask you to actually provide evidence to the shit you are claiming.
>giving my 2 sense about it.
Do you just pretend to be retarded or does it come natural?
HOLD UP! When was it established that the buzzfeed guys eat soy and/or are vegan?
>In a thread about a VG video where plenty of evidence is provided
>Asks for evidence
>Refuses to watch video
I could ask you the same question
I'm sure a quick run through their twitters will answer that.
the cops gave him back his airsoft toys
what were they thinkgin?
and this is the cuck arguing against soy consumption what's your point?
It wasn't, PJW and his audience just take their preconceived ideas as being self evident because that is your brain on right wing ideology
he actually looks quite high test to me check his jawline
There is no evidence in that video that meat is feminizing, like you claimed. There are a few studies about phthalate being feminizing/harmful, sure I'll give you that. But then he weakly ties it to meat with a single study that says poultry consumption MAY be linked to high levels of phthalate. There's nothing definitive there. It's like you didn't even bother reading the studies yourself, you fucking soyboy shill
this cuck also defends that cunty fake conservative redpillblack
Why are numales allowed to represent white pride?
and the only studied you provided about the feminising effects of soy was either on fucking rats or had a sample size less than your number of chromosomes you braindead meatcuck faggot
The vegan menace must perish if we are to save western civilization
> There is no evidence in that video that meat is feminizing, like you claimed
If you follow the chain of replies back, no one (I certainly didn't) claimed meat was feminizing. I think you're a little confused.
>Paul Cuckesph Cuckson cites an Elliot Hulse clip
how exactly do PJW's fans telling apart from the far left numales he insults?
most vegans are also females so I'm also a female?
I wasn't the same guy arguing that soy is feminizing. I came into the conversation with no dog in the fight, actually asking for real sources. If you had provided sufficient evidence I would have actually considered stopping eating meat. But you didn't so I won't.
You realize you can argue that soy isn't feminizing without having to make shit up about meat right? Cause now that you've proven yourself a dumbass, it makes it harder to listen to you when you praise soy, even if it is great for you.
I think this settles it pretty much
And this
>gets mad at his family because they won't let him use the footage he took of his grandfather's dead body in his vegan propaganda
>image of a table with no sources
If that is enough to convince you, there is no hope.
Followed the replies all the way back to OP. This is in the OP
>"the real reason for the rise in men's oestrogen levels is obesity and over-consumption of meat"
Again, if he had provided evidence I would consider at least cutting back on meat. But instead it turns out he was just making shit up.
So what is it Veeky Forumspol/? Does soy feminize men or not? Because if not I may include it in my diet.
It's on NCBI, lemme get the link
Well fuck looks like I AM the retard. Sorry buddy I love you.
Sure he does little buddy. For a 200+ lb guy who's been lifting for years he sure is "strong"
Cory McCarthy a vegan white nationalist has countless videos on this exact topic, friend.
I've already given you the phthalates research here is some on environmental pollutants in meat and their effect on your body
>soy milk
>30,000 ng of estrogen
>whole milk
>0.3-1.9 ng of estrogen
let's see the video of you lifting more
there's a difference in how your body processes plant phytoestrogen and mammalian estrogen brainlet
Is the difference a factor of 30,000?
If I eat a pond of plants before eating cheese do the plants block the estrogen from the cheese?
>tfw you drink a glass of soy milk
Yeah, nah
Although I do think soy isn't as bad for test as most think, it's just that faggy men who fall for that marketing nonsense are low test anyway
If plant estrogens lower test then how did our forefathers get away with higher test levels while guzzling beer 24/7. I know the beer had a lower alcohol content but it still had hops.
the chart is completly wrong you fucking idiot. gosh what is wrong with your kids.
>Yeah, nah
Can any of you tell that this guy isn't a mental midget?
Look at his manboobs and fridge midsection. You can tell that faggot is a skinnyfat mess.
These people feed their babies soy milk to fuck them up even faster. It's a snowball effect.
because they weren't all overweight, drinking from plastic bottles and consuming copious amounts of dairy plus beer consumption is only marginally lower than it used to be
He specifically addresses that in the video.
> hurr durr but he can lift more than you!!! xD
im at a 4 plate deadlift after 7 months of training and i'm not even 185 pounds. so after years of training he can do 25 more pounds than a guy who started training 7 months. wow
>First study is about how meat and dairy has a higher concentration of a certain type of pollutant (not phthalate)
>Second study shows the effects of a completely different pollutant on hormones. It also seems more concerned with pollutants from smoking, drinking, and general air pollutants as opposed to what the participants ate.
These don't help your argument at all
>watch vg video
Man he has strong arguments, and he backs up all his claims with scientific evidence. I, as a man of science should listen to him. I'm seriously considering eliminating dairy, reducing chicken and adding soy.
>fit must have a thread about this, let's see what useful information I can get
>mfw I'm now reconsidering all what I've have reconsidered
Veeky Forums what have you done with me?
>consuming copious amounts of dairy
dairy consumption is a fraction of what it used to be. dairy doesn't effect hormones negatively