Which woman has the best genetics? Are women who are slim/petite genetically superior or the hourglass with tits and ass?
Which woman has the best genetics...
Medium is already pushing the outer limits of thicc, and the thick bitch is just overweight
Slim probably squats more than you OP
None of those are white so none of those genetics are good.
I think the slim is the best. slim but can squat and get a good ass on her.
Those women are fat, user.
The "slim" chick in that pic is closer to an hourglass than the other chicks. The other chicks are just fat. Hourglass means big tits, round hips, and a small waistline. Fat bitches with fat tits have been confusing the issue because they think fat tits are the same as big tits, round hips are the same as fat asses, and conveniently ignore the small waistline part.
How is medium fat though?
She's storing excess fat in her thighs and gut. She's not obese, but she's not skinny either.
Women are supposed to have excess fat so they have tits and ass though...
A combination of these two posts is correct.
Only virgins would call the two big beautiful women fat and obese. They are perfect and own it. Work it girls
You can see the shadow of her belly button and under gut. Take her out of that dress and she'll have a saggy gut and a proto-frontbutt. That is too much fat in the wrong places. The "slim chick" has a small waist and a non-flabby stomach, but also has bigger tits and a more attractive butt/hips.
There are ratios of body proportion that are near universal when it comes to attracting the opposite sex. It's why some chubby chicks can look good with big tits if their waistline is slimmed by clothes and their guts aren't too out of control.
You have to be a girl. Sure the slim one is the hottest because she's hourglass but no sane man would turn the medium. She would have a little tummy but not a front butt or saggy gut. Stop being so salty. That girl has pure sex appeal from her figure, I bet you look like a shapeless stick.
Fucking christ. Medium is a fat fuck. Thick is a repulsive, deformed landwhale. BBW doesn't even look human.
You have to be a fat girl. Sure the medium one is at least fuckable because she's only chubby but no sane man would prefer the medium. Only fat chicks call fat guts "tummies". Stop being so delusional. That girl has minimal sex appeal from her figure, I bet you look like a potato.
look at her belly you mong
slim is actually not slim, but fit. her body is excellent
>prefer the medium
did I say prefer anywhere you reading comprehension lacking roastie cunt? stop samefagging and stop telling us to find girls who aren't like you unattractive. competitive attention whores are so transparent.
This, who ever made that picture is fat apologist.
Medium is best tho.
Medium is actually this
Thicc is actually bbw
Bbw is actually fat
Let's see
Slim and Medium would be my go to
Thick would be my fuckmeat
BBW would be that nice fat chick I take out to dinner sometimes and get head from before taking her home to her husband.
The white one.
Yeah and they store it in their tits and ass, not flabby gut and double chin
Jesus fucking christ. Are you actually the fat assed, chubby gut, no tits woman in the photograph? Is that why you're so triggered? Or are you just such a thirsty incel that you can't possibly imagine another man who doesn't have the same desperately low standards as you?
How does it feel knowing no matter how hard you kikes push this shit black women will always be considered repulsive by whites?
There is a girl at my gym that is thicc AS FUCK. Her tits, arse and thighs are so fucking big but she has a small waist and shoulders and nothing jiggles around. Also had a really pretty face
I wanna cum all over her
They all have very similar genetic fat distributions, they're just varying degrees of fat. You're a Goddamn moron
thicc for marrying bbw for sex
3 is perfect
2 is great
1 just because every other guy would think you're alpha but would fill like im fucking a guy
4 would smash but wouldn't tell anyone
nah i prefer the thick one
Well you're supposedly Dominican so that's why
4 would smash and tell everyone because most feel the same but are too pussy to admit. At first they give me shit but eventually look up to me for saying how it is
4 is just an obese girl that dresses nice and takes pride in her appearance (minus the fat)
Most landwhales are too scared to wear dresses and shit and don't really care about how they look, hence why they're so fat.
low test, just look at those milkies
I would intercourse with any of those at this point tee bee hee
None because they are all niggers.
You're black or brown so you like fat girls