Or do you need a lot of fat that genetically places itself there, too?
Can you get a butt like this with squats only?
wtf happened to this board
Squats target quadriceps
r9k transients
you need to develop lordosis
But is that enough to get it that big? My butt isn't even close to that size.
Squat glute activation is low. It activates quads>hammies>glutes
fuck you
Squats can do that, but they'll also grow your legs, unlike in the image
Go lower faggot
it's always been like this famalam
The seagulls are migrating for winter
Be injected with chozo DNA
Lunges are the best compound leg exercise for targeting glutes. Deadlifts second, squats third. You should be doing all of them, though. And if you want to isolate the glutes, do barbell hip thrusts or glute bridges or whatever they're called.
if you're female, sure. if you're a guy you will never get the kind of ass a woman can get, because of their privileged female genetics
that being said if a woman pursues sticc mode she can easily destroy her own ass
Squats will work everything and give you big legs to. If you want just a big ass do ass isolation, hip thrusts, glute bridges and stuff like that.
this bitch also took roids and has an awful man voice now. Sounds like one of those old broads who's been smoking a pack a day for 40 years.
do squats, leg lunges and glute bridges. Find more info on these exercises. Don't go overboard on squats you don't want turbo quads. Or maybe you do, whatever. Also if you haven't figured out, do these with barbells and leg lunges with dumbbells.
The successful /fits/ have moved on with their life and the fatties in denial have stayed here looking for a miracle method of losing weight without having to discipline their diet and exercise.
It's basically a bunch of lazy ignorant stubborn idiots who eat buckets of potatoes and corn, then ask themselves why they are so fat and girls won't like them.