will drinking milk in the morning and post wo lead to gains or will it make me feel puffy and bloated?
how come most BBers don't drink milk?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because for it to really work well you have to add salt to it otherwise you get that bloat look. The taste is horrible considering for a standard pink of milk you need to add a full teaspoon
guys pls
milk gives me really bad acne :(
>Citing outdated 'studies' of dubious source from 20 or 30 years ago
answer my fucking question or I'm shooting up this board
>blood loss from intestinal tract
i guess nobody noticed for a couple of thousand years that they have explosive bleeding diarrhea
some of you guys are all right, don't come to Veeky Forums tomorrow
you wanna be first? answer my goddamn question
>Milk causes mad cow disease
Mad cow disease only occurs in cattle
>Milk causes blood loss from the intestinal tract
That's not possible
>75% of the world is lactose intolerant
75% of the world are niggers that couldn't figure out how to raise cattle
>Listeria in cows milk. It's also rare to find in milk.
This is why we have an immune system
I don't give a flying fuck about MUH BACTERIA and MUH TOLERANCE I just want gains
If you drink milk you die instantly
no soy boys
lol look at this fucking babby official
wrong thread
p much this
>how come most BBers don't drink milk?
They fell for dietary memes
Also doubt the"milk=prostate cancer" entirely especially when in the article it says:
>Estrone and prostate cancer risk in men: As far as the estrone levels Maruyama et al. measured in their 2010 study are concerned it is very difficult to tell, whether or not the 26% increase in E2 levels is or isn't a problem.
>The estrone values in the Maruyama study are unrealistic. With a normal range of difficult to tell
>What remains to be seen, though, is whether future epidemiological evidence will support or refute the currently heralded hypothesis that dairy consumption increases prostate cancer risk and whether we will be able to identify more feasible explanations for this relations than those that are implicated by the results Maruyama et al. present in their 2010 study.
okay so we know it doesn't lower test but will it lead to memey fat gain
No unless your're on super GOMAD
Gomad have me bitch tits :(
gomad making you fat is a meme, as long as you're at a 500-1000 kcal surplus and lift, you're not gonna get fat as fuck
This. Also, if youre lactose-intolerant you arent white.
>Drinking the milk of another animal.
Enjoy your GMO puss, millfags.
prove it faggot
Actually we are all lactose intolerant when we finish infancy, we stop producing lactase which is the enzyme that digests lactose, ofc there are people "more" lactose intolerant that others. That's why it's important to drink raw milk or kefir milk. Raw milk has the enzyme in the milk but it dies when pasteurized (boiled at high temperatures), now if you get your hands on some kefir grains, you can ferment the milk, and the grains eat the lactose (sugar) to build probiotics, so you get milk on steroids basically. At least that's what most european cultures did.
so basically I won't fuck myself over if I drink 1 cup whole milk post workout
I wanna know too
pls respond
no you won't
thanks mong
Plus I saw some NIH studies that advocated whole milk pwo
keep the thread goin
I drink one of these each day. 91g of protein at 560 calories isn't too bad for me.
Currently doing half GOMAD
16oz glass with every meal, 16oz mixed with protein after workout
easy 1200 calories and I have zero problems digesting lactose
how are the gains going?
I tried that for sometime but something seems off....idk, it gives off vibes of bitch tits. If it seems like a meme it prolly is
>not drinking fairlife whole or chocolate
>making it
just getting back into lifting after a brief hiatus
2 months, 5'10" king of manlets, lifted on and off with terrible diet for all of college
BW :148 lbs -> 158
Bench: 135x5 -> 180x7
OHP: 80x5 -> 105x7
Squat: 150x5 -> 205x8
DL: 225x8 -> 285x8
not great, but I'm gaining
I absolutely plow through milk (1L+ a day) just to add calories and plus it tastes good. I drink only water during the day and have milk with breakfast, my protein shake and another regular or plain shake later on. Added health bonus is I generally have milk instead of soft drink. Milk obviously being a shitload healthier alternative if your looking to drink something other than water.
good progress man, although I view progress as physical as opposed to strength.
But if you're getting stronger then that means ur building up muscle gains, provided you're not some fat powerlifte.
Good fucking job, now go make it
b4 bed bump
yes, milk will lead to big gains, at the cost of a little added body fat. that's why bodybuilders don't drink it unless they are bulking