any of you guys get bigg specifically to protect a protectable pure qt? It pretty much started me off lifting.
And then she probably fucked chad lol
If you carry a gun, you dont need muscles
i prefer both
>any of you guys get big specifically to protect a protectable pure qt? It pretty much started me off lifting.
what a weak little faggot you are.
Fuck you as I can
Did she ASK you for your protection? Or are you just imposing your will on her, unilaterally?
>t. rape culture
With these guns you won't need guns!
That's probably just insecurity/thoughts of inferiority, if you were worried about being attacked/defending your GF all the time. Lifting can fix that though, yea
redpill truth
burgers truth
sjw truth
>avoiding the question
Did she ask for your so-called 'protection' or not?
It's not 'helping' someone if they don't ASK for your 'help'.
You can't shoot anyone in every confrontation. You're a pussy
Let me tell you guys a little something about females that wear fake glasses to look nerdy. They're actually not little nerds, they are not innocent, and they do not need you to protect them. They go around fucking with beta soyboys and occasionally fuck chads on the side because he has a huge dick and she needs a real man, not some soyboy with muscles. thanks
That's what started me lifting... Something my first girlfriend told me many years ago made me realize "feeling protected" is what makes women attracted to you most...
>be innawoods with gf
>making out n shit
>she feels knife in pocket and asks about it
>i show her it and explain I was gonna use it to write our names on a tree
>she tells me that knowing I could just kill her with it makes her horny
>lose virginity with leaves in my ass crack
kek @ your beautiful memories
Yes, I want a soft little gf with a gentle soul and the only way I know to go about getting that is to lift heavy objects and put them down
Why not?
so did you kill her or what
This come on
he stabbed her repeatedly
>see some bitch getting raped in an alley
>well, technically she didn't "ASK" for my help
>Getting raped isn't asking for it
>Stop help culture
>With these guns you won't need guns!
>Read it as with these guns you won't need anus!
But she didn't say no sooooo
>not lifting because the self-inflicted physical pain and struggle helps validate your sheltered existence
what are you doing
holy fuck why do guys like you always think women are whores? It's almost as if you've never dated anyone or if you have, you must have really shitty taste. There are so many girls that get overlooked because they don't wear 100 lb of make up and shit but they are actually really cute. Hell I've dated a girl who's aspirations were literally to be a stay at home mom and hated minorities, isn't that like.. you guy's dream girl? Fuck
Anyone who disagrees doesn't post because it'd be pretty wasted on these people
Yeah my gf is 5'3 and a cutie and I feel like having to peotect her so i want to get bigger
Lads should I get with a 5'1 girl just so I can protect her and take care of her?
>6' lanket btw
I don't lift and I'm not big, so no.
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