>The weekend is ending
>Come, take a seat, tell me how you've been
>You're looking buff, any new qt's mirin'?
Week is ending - Get it of your chest /feels/
Other urls found in this thread:
>deadlifted over 400lbs for the first time today
>feeling extra depressed and anxious
>doubt I'll be able to leave the house tomorrow
>a good friend had his 18th (legal age where I live) birthday party yesterday
>couldn't come, was feeling so shit
The lifts are good, but I still can't seem to lift the feels away, h-hold me brehs
I hate being lonely, but I'd rather be alone than hanging out with absolute assholes
Focusing on my studies and family, which is going as a whole through hard times
I am going to make it, but not anytime soon.
Solitude is great for improving yourself. Embrace it man, you'll come out stronger and better
Head up user :) make sure you have a good sleep schedule and are eating right. Try to keep urself busy when u are feeling very down, that always helps me. (chores, school work, etc.) Nice new PR btw :D
>"FeeIs" garbage
>Non fit posting
Saged, repoted :)
Back after like a month off lifting cuz shoulder injury
Gf and I breaking up soon
Dunno if I wanna try to date
>back was sore from dl 6 days ago so i went easy and just did 2.5 plate dls again
>went on a optional school trip (2 days 1 night) (im 18 its ok)
>my ex is in the same class
>we were together for abt a year broke up 5 months ago
>was my fault
>only a small group of my friends went so we were all together including her
>we just ignore eachother usually and so did that now too
>doing my best to get rid of feelings since i fucked up so much that its over(didnt cheat or anything just was a shit)
>spending this time when there were 5 of us so i couldnt just totally ignore her i remember why i loved her
>couldnt sleep the whole night
>why does it still fucking hurt she is probably over me but i just cant
how do i stop cucking myself
also i had 2 girls after the break up still didnt do shit since i just ended up not doing anything more serious with them since i just cant
im just gonna go cocoon mode probably since nothing helps gonna get swole
sry for the incoherent blog post
think its over with me and my gf gonna go work out the feels in a min.
thanks Veeky Forums for everything, you're the best friends i've ever had and i sincerely hope all your issues resolve themselves and that you all find happiness. love you user.
I was talking to these two girls that are into me but I just don't want to do anything with them. I don't want to fuck them or anything.
Despite this, as I was falling asleep last night I felt so lonely and just wanted someone to hold.
Not sure if its just me being butt hurt about my ex or what
Im in the same spot as you man
I don't want to be alone but I also don't feel like talking to girls right now, that I should just focus on me.
>Justice League was disappointing
>skipped a girls bday party to Skype with bros
>homework piling up
Lifts are going good though
Same feel bro , lifts going good , lots of friends now I joined the military but still feel unfulfilled. Don’t even want to fuck girls just want an emotional connection and cuddles desu
Why are you going to break up?
Thanks man. Meals are not a problem, I do mealprep daily and eat on schedule, sleep is worse. I'm on medication, but even with that, sleep is just shit, I barely feel rested.
Distance and life after college. She wants to do ecology and conservation in the tropics and I'm not about to leave the comfy north Midwest
>Moved out at home with mom
>Moved together with gf
>Half the country away from mum now
>Miss her a lot
She‘s alone there now and I feel really bad.
Been chatting up people on interpals. It's getting easier. I'd prefer real life but I'm not the most outgoing lad of the century
21st birthday soon, going to spend it with family probably. Need some advice on this one lads, I'll keep it short
>meet qt, fall in love right off
>some other dude is gunning for her
>tell her straight up I'm interested
>she says too soon, starts flaking out of our plans and events
>seems to be getting a lot closer with the other guy
>fuck this shit I'm out, ghost
>heartbreaking weeks later I'm somewhat better
>the few times she saw me after she was dying to talk, and tried to create as many situations as possible for it
>giving off nervous talking + hair fidgeting the whole time
>wished me happy New year's + other events when I hasn't said anything first to her
>haven't spoken for 6 months now, she's going to message me again soon because of bday
Is it worth it starting a convo with her once she messages or just fuck it, unstable?
Love you too brah, we're all gonna make it
I can't seem to motivate myself to do jackshit for my Univertity degree. I have no problems with motivation otherwise, which is really strange, I worked really hard to even get to where I am now, but now it seems like I can't do it anymore.
Went on a date with a cute girl last week and it went really well, she even suggested we do it again sometime
Now she hasn't responded in like 2 days and the old insecurities are starting to set in again
Fuck brehs, I thought I finally had a chance at being happy
Thats just how women are, flaky as shit I had a girl giving me her phone
number, she gave it to me without even asking, I tried to get her to a date
and she didn't reply in time or just after the date arrived she came up with
some bullshit excuses, happened 2 times and I deleted her number and moved on to the next pussy.
I swear to god some bitches only seek valitadion without ever wanting to
suck some dick for it, to them just knowing they are desirable is enough.
They keep you on the hook for compliments, just move on if she flakes 2 or 3 times.
Thanks user you deserve to be happy too
Fuck it, not worth it. Don't fall in the cesspool again
>Have been with the same girl for a few years now.
>Qt at work I always been feel attracted to, I was too fat to have confidence to talk to her
>I got fit after around a year of lifting and eating clean
>Last few weeks I have caught her mirrin, finally managed the courage to talk to her.
>Found out she is obsessed with nutrition and healthy eating like me. Also she deadlift and squat.
>She is my age.
>I really like her, not just "wanna get laid"
>I don't want to cheat on my girl nor leave her.
>I don't know what to do.
I'm so fucked up Veeky Forums what would chad do?
>girl started losing interest in me
>try and make an effort
>doesnt work
>havent spoke to her in 4 days
its over isnt it lads
I'm a bad kisser. Help pls.
I hadn't gone to the bank for awhile since I work a tip job and someone i live with(probably) stole 400$ish dollars I was planning on buy a nice rifle with they left enough in my wallet to not immediately suspect I was stolen from and have no idea who it was. I blame myself for not going to the bank sooner but I'm p upset right now
>tfw she flaked me twice now
>just stopped talking to her
thought she was into me as well,
fuck sake
I can't stop thinking about my ex. She blocked me on every social media because we thought it would be the best for us. But holy shit, I really want to see how she's doing. Even hearing her voice.
I know love is pretty much an addiction and I'm trying to work things out, but it's being difficult.
Anyway, I planned my recovery a bit better. Got into meditation and Veeky Forumsness so I can recover. But it's still hard to concentrate on things that I must do like studies and my final paper.
>still training with machines and managed to increase weight on almost all upperbody machines by 10KG
>asked a girl if I could hang out with her today (didn't do anything weird)
>ended up having to cheat on my diet on the way home
I think I did alright
I fucking hate life. I want WW3 to start and obliterate life on this planet
>lifting 2months
>finally got my deadlift form down and lifted 80kg this week
>added 20kg to my bench,up to 60kg
>feeling good
>new job is going well and I keep improving my coding skills so will be on more money soon
>GF being a pain, I feel like I'm putting a lot more effort in than her
Is it just me or most of people ITT are hurt about their ex? Damn, we are all pathetic for not getting over even though they are probably fucking another dude right now.
Meanwhile I literally said no to a girl that really wanted to have sex with me because I felt like I could breakdown while at it.
Family and a small group of close bros is all you can rely on in life man.
Focus on work, build your life. I have a gf of 4 years and I've done so much for her but she still acts shitty to me. Is it worth it?
I dunno tbqh senpai
>Damn, we are all pathetic for not getting over even though they are probably fucking another dude right now.
please delete
yea sorry user. happened to me too
>friend of cousin here on holiday
>we become friends
>spend entire week together
>we have amazing chemistry
>kiss and makeout. have sex the day before she travels
>catch feeling for her . I know I shouldn't I'm a dumbass
>now I'm all alone again
>I don't know if it's worth talking to her since she lives far away
>been feeling depressed for a week now
She's not acting like she's unstable bro. She was probably just unsure. If you think you have a shot go for it.
Just found a physical bitcoin I bought for a laugh back when it was $10. This is a legit $10k windfall. Going to pay off some debts and stick the rest in a mutual fund. I'm overjoyed boys.
I can't. We are on the same boat and we have to accept it.
What the fuck is wrong we us men? Let's be honest with ourselves, society is pretty fucked up to think that women are anything close to sensible.
Every single dude that lost a loved one is wrecked and these threads prove it.
We are pathetic.
My gf cheated on me over a month ago and I feel with you bro. I met a really awesome girl that treats me so much better than my gf did and it feels good being with her, but the pain is still so bad sometimes.
You're only pathetic if you let it consume you.
I was already a melancholic person before meeting her. I was truly happy back then. She was my first serious relationship.Trule love. After two years, we broke up, too much problems in our relationship. I was also suspecting cheating. Couldn't heal emotionaly and went into depression. Saw a psychologist for one year, changed nothing. She tried to come back after months of silence, but how could I accept used goods? She admitted fucking random dudes to forget me. More then 1 year has passed and it still hurts, I've tried one night stands, didn't work, made me even sadder.
For most of us, 'she' was the first one who made us feel affectively/sexually "good". Being a basic need, we developed some sort of connection with her. In our minds, we still need her because if not we are doomed.
But that is not a rational thought, is an effect of a serotonine/dopamine withdrawal; and we need to understand that the sooner we get over her, the sooner we can try something again with other person, who will even be able to feel even better than with "her. Or maybe just pump and dumping until we meet another soulmate, if that ever happens.
Currently my life rules towards girls are "enjoy as much as you can, while you can" and "when it inevitably ends, don't feel down and keep working on yourself, as you were previously doing, there will be more and better chances"
you seem upset, user. Have a drink, on the house - what's on your mind?
Well said user. Listen to this man.
>What would Chad do?
Better ask yourself what would Christ do, mate.
>For most of us, 'she' was the first one who made us feel affectively/sexually "good". Being a basic need, we developed some sort of connection with her. In our minds, we still need her because if not we are doomed.
Not like this, please
Love you too, keep your head up brah
Any chance of moving her out near to where you live?
Definitely fuck it
>almost thirty
>the only friend i have talks to me less and less
>have to find a new job soon because my contract is running out
>went back to college, wont graduate in another year and a half
I'm fucking depressed
I'm almost thirty and have no social life, I have nothing
I've never had a gf
I lead an empty existence
Can you still make friends when you're almost 30...
>spend my entire weekends alone because i have no friends and no life at 24 years old
>not just alone, spend most of it in my fucking room
>during the late summer through fall i at least have soccer on the weekends (i referee), spend all weekend doing it
>season ends
>this is my first weekend without games to do
>right back to being in my room alone all weekend watching football
And it doesnt even matter when i put myself out there, because even though i get to know people, i never do anything with them
of course you can
Was in the same situation. Buy a safe, keep the money on you at all times, or always deposit it. Also, lock the door to your room or install a lock. Chances are this isn't the first time they've stolen from you, and it won't be the last.
crushing loneliness
steady gains
My cut begins soon after Thanksgiving. Was plateauing at 170 for a while. Bulked up to 185 over a few months, and while I do look a bit fatter, I'm not DYEL-status like before.
Im 26 in the same boat. I just started going to the gym and my only irl friend barely wants to hang out or talk to me. I'm getting depressed each fucking day and I lost my wizard status to a terrible hooker. I have nothing to live for except either work towrads a mirin body or learn survival skills and liveinnawoods
worst part is i bet if all of us older losers got together to try to be friends we would probably not
You are right user, but the thing is different when your ex was actually a good person and no cheating was involved. Hell, I wish mine cheated on me because at least I'd be angry.
Good one, user. I'm also planning on staying strong.
You're right. It's pretty much an addiction that we should get over. And you know what? We'll make it.
Srsly user, I'm trapped in this dilemma, tomorrow I will got to work and see her smiling at her desk while I go to get some coffee. I will catch her mirrin again and compliment her how pretty she is. She almost never wear make up, I can't tell you enough how I like that.
>went to college football game
>get mired by qt
>talk to her
>get her snap
>her brother walks up to me and tells me that she's just visiting and not actually a student
>"she's too young for you bro"
>turns out she is 17
>I'm 22
>talk for another minute and then leave feeling kind of shitty
>get home and receive a shower snap from her
>she is barely covering her boobs
>respond with a chest/abs pic
>get a blushing emoji from her
What are the chances I'm going to jail for snapping with this chick?
thats the funniest part
Day 19 of no nut November. I don't feel like an alpha male.
hat the fuck are yuo doing, when you found out she is underage you delete everything idiot
i want to kill myself every time i read this
it's not nofap you need to do
jerking off is good for you
it can prevent prostate cancer
no, what you need to be doing is noporn
porn is ruining your mind
not fapping
Most states have window of consent from 16-24
dude come on its not worth it to even take the risk
you're 22 (to the guy in the story), you dont need to be getting with 17 year olds in high school
I will try to do that in not so far time.
I'll be going to get a membership at my local gym for the first time ever.
Hope this is the turning point and doing exercise will help me physically and mentally. Hopefully it isn't a meme
Talking to new girl after falling for some bitch to hard and way to fast... going good I think but she’s a Christian girl with a good loyal group of friends and I don’t think they exactly approve of me but I can work past that I hope. Thinking about all my fuckups in life that make me seem like a shitty person when I don’t really think I am.
It's one of the best parts of this board. Fuck off nazi faggot.
Same user, I feel just the same
every fucking relationship i've been in feels like that
I just graduated with a history degree from the top university in my country, and I have a letter of rec from the most powerful man in an EU member state.
I can't find a job.
All I do is lift, eat, and lay on my mom's couch trying to think of wtf to do while slowly descending into madness. This is not how a young man should be living.
Every week that passes scares me even more.
I turn 26 in a month. I live with my parents. my life consists of going to a wagecuck low paying job that I commute an hour there and back. i dont have any friends or gf, i basically dont do anything besides go to work then come home. weekends, i dont do anything.
And yet I don't even care. the weeks FLY BY for me even though i dont do anything.
>oneitis who I stopped talking to a year ago texts me out of the blue
>we talk for a week and she says next time shes available we ahould hang out
>all of a sudden she ghosts me and hasn't text me for two days
Whatever, I got over that thot months ago
Lifts are going great.
New government job but its contract... hoping to get extended
Bought a house and moving out in 2 weeks
Caught feels for a girl in a relationship...which always seems to happen.
Thinking of giving up and getting on Tinder
>Everything that's worth having has already been taken.
Why not join a soccer team? Easier to make friends than reffing.
i'm fucked up by guilt and regret..
at the beginning of this year this girl and i started being bf/gf
she was the first girl i liked as a person in a way that made me think that i could be in a real relationship with
before her i've been a huge manslut (and a general cunt as well)
other people have been "warning" her about me, which didn't help at all, since she began to withdraw and be cautious about me
almost two weeks after we became a thing i started to go after this girl who did dig me at the time HARD
somewhere around that time i also told my gf that i will also be doing stuff with other girls, and why she couldn't do the same as well. it worked. i know i'm a cunt.
so now i began to use the other girl as a way to hurt my gf whenever i felt spiteful or similarly...
but still she was an angel through it all.
then one day i overdid it and she was so hurt that she broke up with me. almost always i used breaking up with her as a weapon to get her to do what i wanted...
a few hours later i went to her place and we talked some and i said how i was sorry and that i don't care about fucking random sluts and whatever the price was, i wanted to be with her.
so she forgave me for the time being and we were a thing again
a little later i again broke up with her because of something she did which i did not like at all
all menial bullshit in comparison to the way i treated her (i only mentioned the few things which do not need a big explanation to see why it's a fucking low thing to do)
shortly after that i changed my mind but she couldn't do it once more
in the meantime i fucking missed her
i saw all the ways in which i was a pathological fucking scumbag (a lot of things i didn't even know about consciously)
and i bettered myself in that regard, even though it does not make the past (not only in regards to her) any better..
you know, i found jordan b peterson and binge watched all his lectures (2nd fucking coming of jesus)
>Got all four of my workouts in last week
>wasnt 100 percent true to my diet
>still lost a pound and a half
>sister is doing Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow
>just waiting on some of those noob gains
and i wrote a kind of letter which i wanted to read aloud to her in which i detailed avery way i made her feel like shit intentionally and how truly sorry i was.
so about a month ago i told her i had to say a few things i've been thinking about to her
she said ok and we met at her house
we had pleasant conversation
you know, when i'm not a huge cunt to her we actually like each other's company a lot
had some fun making some VERY weird food at like 3am
and during this time i read out my letter to her (it was long)
and i see how much it affects her...
at the end i ask her seperately to
1) forgive me for being evil
2) be together again, this time in a good way
she was very conflicted, we cuddled in way and she had tears in her eyes
she said how she always thought that she did everything wrong and how she thought that i must hate her
she never wanted to end our relationship but was hurt and thought i was with (the other girl) in the meantime (i wasn't)
but i knew that that wasn't it all.
she said that it would be unfair to say to me that she wanted to try again, because she met someone else and didn't know how that was going to turn out.
so from then on we had increasing contact, and it was very cordial... when seeing each other always touching in some way, she sends a lot of hearts in her text messages
i'm still very much afraid that she'll choose the other guy, but i can't let that get to my head
so we made plans that she was going to come over and cut my hair (don't ask)
it looked pretty good
then about an hour before she wrote me
"my brother thinks that you can't be friends with your ex"
"what do you think about that"
and i told her "and i think your little brother can't tell you what to do, and that it's not his business"
even though i knew that this was the hang up for something else bad
"but i have a boyfriend"
so i lost
i won't have her
finally be good to her
repent for the things i've done to her
I had a weird last few days. Good and bad.
The bad is that I basically hit rock bottom. Realized my life has sunk to the point where I detest myself so much, I have two options. Either kill myself, or work towards improving myself.
That led, strangely, to some pretty good feelings. I realize I have nowhere to go but up. I started taking care of myself and leaving the house more. No point feeling ashamed or embarrassed, since I have literally nothing left to lose.
and it's all my fault
"but it's just the price i pay, destiny is calling me, open up my eager eyes, cause i'm mister brightside"
i know it's just a fraction of the pain i inflicted on others (especially her) but that doesn't make it stop
it hurts when you know that you could have stopped being a fuck literally every second in the past until it was too late
too little, too late
>pic related, it's karma's face when
Lifting is going pretty swell. I added 10kg to my deadlift today.
Made some comfy social gains and even got a date with a qt lady. Date went well I just had no idea how to close. Its been like 4 months since my fiance left me it just seems so weird flirting with other women now.
I live in Florida so technically it's legal.
I always felt that I lack behind in maturity and looks by 2 years compared to most of my peers and it seemed like the opposite was true for her, so it really didn't look or feel out of place.
Then again thinking about the actual age difference does make me feel like a sex offender who is about to appear on the reboot of "to catch a predator".
Some chinese girl i met last night told me she could tell i go to the gym a lot then squeezed my arm. feelsgoodman
Then i autismed out and started showing her pics of Chris Bumstead kek
Wow, aII of that.
>What a fucking faggot.
This appIies to everyone here, but those posts, hoIy shit Imao fucking pathetic
How hard is it to learn soccer? I need to join some sort of sports team or something... the only problem is I’m worried I won’t be very good at it being 6’2 and not being the most athletic
>met up with chick from Shanghai a week ago
>we get to dinner and I take off my jacket
>she says in a cute chinese accent "woah your arms are huge, you look like you go to the gym everyday" and squeezes them
>later that night we're cuddling in her bed and she just can't keep her hands off my body
Seeing her again tonight, feels great getting this much attention.
I've started one weird program I heard about from local small channel youtuber, never saw anyone on fit training like this and I'm fucking curious where it gets me. Definitely would make a thread if it works well. Hope it would blow your heads away, guys.
I live in florida too, I met my gf when I was 21, she was 17, two months away from 18. It is legal, but you need to be careful. There is a legal shit for it. Let me look it up for you.
Lost strength at uni for a variety of reasons (anxiety, lack of sleep, less energy in workouts etc) and developed a seriously tight lower back
Feels bad man
Really not hard at all. Plus there are teams with different talent levels, so you could find one that's for beginners, or one of those "social" teams that don't take the game too seriously.
If you join a coed team, there's probably gonna be one or two fat girls you'll automatically be better than.
tell us about it user
Literally get drunk lmao, I remember my first time and it just came naturally especially when you're not exactly sober
>went to christian retreat innawoods because why not
>last brush in with the Christian kind did not go very well
>typical weirdos/hypocrites that get the Fedora's panties in a bunch
>turns out these group of young Christians are actually faithful, honest and nice
>Christian qts there are nice and welcoming, dudes are chill and down to earth
>get my Jesus on for 3 days
>mfw all that innocence was absolutely heartwarming and endearing for a washed up semperfinigger like me
>mfw they invite me to go to church with them next Sunday
I'll be going back, falls completely in line with the self improvement thing I've been up to in the gym.
Good to hear bro, your hard work is paying off. You'll look even bigger to her cause looking like you lift is rarer I feel in asia
The good thing for me is im not trying to bang these sloots so i can be as autistic as I want and not care
Oh my bad I though you were saying it was illigal, here is document btw flsenate.gov
I'm 5kg off hitting 100kg bench, after 4 months of lifting. So feeling pretty great at the moment. I'm on track to beat the national record for my weight/age group if things keep going well.