Would you rather be a numale or a manlet?
Manlet hands down
I'm a dwarflet at 5'4, but definatley not a numale. My gf told me she's attracted to me because i don't take shit from her or any females
numale, it's easier to uncuck yourself (just browse pol for a few weeks) than it is to grow a few inches.
oh my god
That's tough.
Would I only have the appearance of a numale or would I also have to take a testosterone penalty and unironically #ShillForHill?
I really don't want to be a manlet.
>uncuck yourself
>dude just browse /pol/ lmao
>le redpill amirite
Fucking cringy underagefags
hello short soyboy
Im 6’ 1” and likely have higher t than you, /pol/tard incel
Back to to your containment board
>I'm 6'1"
Absolutely seething
Chances are those making fun of numales on this site are actually numales, just a slightly different variant
I can tell you’re a manlet from your responses lmao. It’s ok man
She lost. Get over it
Don't lie to him man, it's not ok
>still this mad
wew calm down manlet you're scaring the children
Wow, dude. You're so fucking edgy.
It’s worse than I thought. We’re completely infested by redditors
Numale detected
I’m already a manlet, so I’ll stick with the devil I know.
Let’s say full soyboy if you pick numale
Sheit that's practically character assassination at that point.
That makes this choice very tough.
I'd have to lean towards being a manlet in that scenario.
I'd rather die than be a numale, so I'll stay a manlet
What did he mean by this?
Redpill is just the first step to ironpill
Would rather be and remain as a manlet. There are far too many perks I've noticed to being a manlet over an numale.
I'm 5'7-5'8", and I've been down the road of also being a submissive, passive guy back many years ago. As I grew (kek) into adulthood my mentality changed, and I realized it doesn't really matter much.
Bitches will still look for the next best thing, and being short actually helps finding someone who is better for you in the long run. Do I have less sex than other people who happen to be taller? More than likely that's a yes. But I haven't had to experience the pain of ever being cheated on either, except with one chick. But I got her pregnant, convinced her to get an abortion if she wouldn't pay for a DNA test, and didn't even support her. So she got what she deserved.