>tfw big dick, wide shoulders, good jaw
>used to get into fights all the time and fuck other middle schoolers up
>now 19
>beta personality unless I explicitly try not to be beta
I assume my test since puberty has tanked. Wtf do I do to fix it??
>inb4 inject
Ok then give me a safe source
Tfw big dick, wide shoulders, good jaw
Other urls found in this thread:
maybe get blood tests first
You can try to stop being such a dicksucking faggot
>doesn't mention height.
Sorry OP, your manletism can't be cured.
I cant until I raise my test
Do nofap
No problem. I already have basically low libido. I only fap every few days when I get bored
Wtf is wrong with me
its a very obvious red flag, OP is insecure
i'm on the same boat as you user.
best we can do is try nofap and then kill ourselves if it doesn't work.
Don't /thread your own posts
im 20 and i'd fuck you up, but i assume you're a nice guy now so its okay
Yeah nah m8 i might act beta sometimes but id still fuck you up
post pic you manlet, you a twink
m8 I trained krav maga for 4 years and am a brown belt in judo i will fuck you up
Wtf are you gonna do, deadlift me?
>krav maga
You do nothing, you accept that you’re in the real world now and you’re everyone’s beta bitch.
cant talk sources faggot, go to reddit for that shit.
this board is so fucking stupid, stop blaming your testosterone levels and accept that you need to make lifestyle changes. Jesus christ
>"low test" is the reason i make shit gains
>"low test" is the reason i cant talk to girls
>"low test" is the reason I have no job
>The model has coefficient of determination r2=0.41 indicating that around 41% of the variation in serum TT throughout healthy male life is due to age alone, and that 59% in the variation is therefore due to other factors such as lifestyle, anthropometry and health status.
stop being obese, do cardio, and grow the fuck up, virgin. It's not your "test" levels, stop using them as an excuse like a manchild. Did you not have a dad?
You have to go back
>training that much in martial arts but still managing to be a douche
you're full of shit you moron
good luck scratching my knees manlet, back to the pitt