The autistic brigade is back at it again with a new video
The autistic brigade is back at it again with a new video
Solid advice as always
i feel like these are the types of people who had absent fathers in their childhood
An ugly manlet and an ugly whatever-the-fuck-that-is with oversized bodies talking about curing body dysmorphia.
Just another day in the gymcel soy boy chronicles
Alphadestiny and Phil give good advice
The alpha destiny guy is literally a poster boy for the genetics pill
He got big and devoted his life to lifting and only thing he achieved is to look weird and out of proportion. Every girl in the world would pick a 6'2"' guys with a frame over him.
The genetics pill is the hardest to swallow
If being alpha means having a shitty haircut, count me out
Isn't the guy on the left 5'6? wouldn't anyone look jacked next t him?
name one piece of advice alex has given thats bad
dude has 52" shoulders at 5'6". bigger frame than most people
Grow bigger upper traps and keep.bodyfat at 15%
growing out hair to hide balding
promoting ego lifting
> keeping bodyfat at 15%
> bad
you realize most people who claim 10-12% are really in the 14-16% range right? people underestimate their bodyfat by an extreme margin. The average male has visible abs at 15% bodyfat. This is the range athletes stay in.
I guess it's sort of preference but what natty have you ever seen that looks big at 10%? 99% of them look deflated and unimpressive. I'd rather be 14-16% percent and retain the fullness and performance benefits. If you think 14-16% is fat, idk what to tell you, you have some serious body image issues.
> Grow bigger upper traps
why is this bad advice? it's bad to train traps now?
only when a lifter has gotten to advanced levels, plus he doesn't even say to do this all the time. he promotes strict form and dialing in your technique until you've milked it for all it's worth.
old alex is the fucking best
So fucking cute
>muh ice cold lemonade
Rather than
>ice cold red onion and beet juice
For max test gains
ehh I think alphas a pretty cook guy and he doesn't afraid of anything
guy on the right looks like a blaha hodge twin combo.
What a couple of fucking beta retards. Ladies and gentle men, this is what try hard snowflakes look like.
“We like cuddling! Muscles are disgusting! We don’t like men who are obsessed with the gym! We want to look better than the man!” they would say.
At this point, I started getting annoyed with their behavior, and asked them the following question:
“What type of man are you looking for?”
They paused for a second, and replied “Well, obviously a nice guy that’s going to treat us with respect, and who can communicate in a way that does not offend us.”
At this moment, I had a big smirk on my face, knowing damn well that what I was about to say next would cause them to flip out.
“So then why do you cheat on your boyfriends for asshole guys like me?” I exclaimed.
They were silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly went full bitch mode.
“You’re such an asshole, Alex! You don’t talk to a lady like that! Go fuck yourself! You don’t know what a woman likes!” they screamed.
Of course, their words didn’t faze me.
I just sat there in a calm and collected fashion, as I sipped on my cool glass of lemonade.
After about 5 minutes of them ranting at me, I cut them off and said “So when are we fucking? Next Tuesday or next Saturday?”
They quickly glanced at each other, as their eyes and mouths widened.
“What did you just say???” they barked.
“You heard me. Are we fucking next Tuesday or next Saturday?”
Interestingly enough, they started giggling and eventually began playing my game.
They would say things like “You are so bold! You are so bad! You are something else!”
Just as expected, they were coming on to me.
>Jason blahodge
>gorrila warfare expert
>The mountain and the hill
>The orc and the goblin
>Gallon and pint
>George and Lenny
These two should be put on condom boxes.
"Don't want retard children? Use Trojan!"
Dude got big way to fast to be natty.
literally me when i started lifting
I'll be doing my first cycle next year
Everyone has the right to be a sucker once.
He got "big" so fast because he started focusing on isolating traps, back and neck. His physical profile blew up in response.
>everyone bigger than me is on gear
this. so many people on this site obsess over their bench, their squat, and then wonder why they still look DYEL.
they'd be amazed what you can accomplish when you focus on upper back, overhead pressing, and neck work 3x a week.
still no real points made about alex's advice being bad.
Wish I could be this ignorant
Agreed LOL.
Wish I could be this dyel so I could experience noob gains again.
Alex as person is his biggest flaw. Alex is very insecure and comes off as a tryhard. His advice is unorthodox and unless you like the bear look or want to attention whore at the gym he isn't going to do anything for you.
Holy shit bro, how small do you have to be to think Alex is enhanced? Dude is 5'6 with wide shoulders, of course he's going to aquire mass relatively quickly. Especially considering he was hitting neck, lats and back with high frequency during that period and those were his weakest muscles, so he's basically experiencing noob gains on those areas.
Alex gained too much muscle too fast. He blew up within a few years.
Look at his videos when he started he looks skinny. Being short isn't a excuse for gaining muscle fast. Hes lied about his numbers multiple times.
Lol, please explain how he can possibly be on gear.
Does anyone here actually think that Alex has had sex? I just... I can’t genuinely believe he has. Just the way he acts, and his mannerisms... I just can’t see it. I can see Phil banging some ugly sloot.
>talking shit on the sidelines
alex has written a book. what have you done? you have no fucking clout in the fitness world. who the fuck are you to challenge an expert?
no, he didn't "blow up". What you think is him blowing up was just him prioritizing upper back and neck. if you go back to before he started doing the rack pulls, he had a great foundation for his back already from rows and weighted pull ups.
he also had years of calisthenics training before ever touching a weight.
Why wouldn't he be on gear? Dude used minoxidil to "grow" his beard. Why wouldn't he juice to "grow" muscle? His FFMI is high and he shows signs of roid abuse mainly balding. Most fitness you tubers juice.
Pick one.
pretty sure he had a girl training with him in one video, at least i think.
she was doing box squats with bands lol
good b8
Have you seen the Lemonade post he made on his website? Alex is a gymcel.
Doesn’t mean he banged her bro
Can you imagine this guy in bed with someone, or even flirting with a girl? I seriously can’t.
>mainly balding
He had that exact hairline even when he was DYEL
Keep lying to yourself.
>Why wouldn't he be on gear?
thats not the question. the question is, what evidence points to the fact that he is on gear? He has no signs of gear use.
> His FFMI is high
FFMI is nowhere near a reliable way to tell if someone is on gear or not.
>and he shows signs of roid abuse mainly balding
really? gear "abuse"? please tell me some signs of gear abuse that he has. Balding =/= gear abuse. Plenty of males start going bald even at even the age of 16. It's called male pattern baldness.
Hi Alex.
nope, not alex
gonna take this as you admitting that you have no real argument
Alex get laid for once in your life.
Who else but Alex would defend him so rigorously? Not unless you’ve got some interest in this person, eg being him, would you argue like this.
You and Blaha are the same type of loser with the the same butthurt arguing in third person style.
I'm positive alex is in this thread
Alex is more insecure than Blaha. Alex post on here all the time. In fact anytime there is a negative thread about him a poster uses the same language and formatting Alex uses.
Well he watches anime
I believe that should tell you enough already
OK, i don't really like alphadestiny that much but i think so many people talk shit on him because he's got a decent build that people on Veeky Forums want and he's pretty cringy with his non-lifting advice
But why the fuck is nobody talking shit on this mongoloid super mario bros. goomba looking motherfucker sitting next to him? like what the fuck is wrong with this guy? his hairstyle adds to the goomba look and his beard looks like the fucking ball-chin from south park jesus christ
>he's got a decent build that people on Veeky Forums want
Alex pls....
Alex pls....
the guy has massive insecurity issues but at least he looks like he lifts and isn't a total fatfuck that's better than 90% of Veeky Forums
Of course he looks like he lifts. He's 5'4
Tbqh I wish I could be 5'4 then I realize I would look goofy as hell
>ffmi: the website
FFMI is outdated and inaccurate
FFMI fails because it was created in a time when bodyfat methods of testing were highly inaccurate. Athletes at 13-14 percent would test 10.
it also doesn't take into account individual bone structure which plays a huge role in potential
its just funny to see how dumb people can be who hate on someone just for the sake of hating with no real evidence of why they're bad
its the same thing with starting strength, anyone who says its a meme has the most stupid reasons and they're quick to turn around and reccommend some PPL dogshit that would take you 2 years to get the same results as 6 months of ss
Not the dude u responded to but I hate Alex because he's a weeb AND he alpha when he's just an insecure beta. He has somewhat of a decent physique by then I realize he's 5'4
1. Bro rack pulls lmao (I wonder how many people have herniated their disks because of this advice,)
2. Stay fat to look good
I don't feel like writing a 100 point list so fuck you
he's pretty irrelevant.
his lifestyle advice is shit
the info in his book, though, is all 100% correct. he didnt just pull it out of his ass, it is all well studied research.
>1. Bro rack pulls lmao (I wonder how many people have herniated their disks because of this advice,)
he says to do these only once you become an advanced lifter. Rack pulls used to be a competition lift. Look it up, one guy did 2200+ pounds
>2. Stay fat to look good
14-16 percent bodyfat isn't fat
>takes drug to grow beard
>goes bald
stay manlet semenbreastiny
The minoxidil=roids argument is so embarrassingly stupid, and yes I agree feeling the need to use chemicals to row a beard is retarded.
Roids are chemicals that for all you know some dickhead made in his bathtub that can fucking kill you, or at least will almost certainly shorten your life-span. That's not even talking about the possible side effects like growing tits, becoming sterile, developing mental disorders etc.. And on top of all the health shit, it's illegal in Canada.
Minoxidil mildly fucks your skin up temporarily, and you can buy it legally over the counter, and you know it's actually what it says it is.
I think the guy is a cringey weirdo but blindly making these dumb ass assumptions based on this weak argument is fucking stupid.
>In fact anytime there is a negative thread about him a poster uses the same language and formatting Alex uses.
As pathetic as manlet destiny is, you're infinitely more so. Lol
I got laid because the only thing I had in common with a girl was anime. I know I'm the exception but I digress, anime =/= Virgin.
Well I mean of course there is going to be outliers, but that's with anything. 9.5/10 times anime=virgin. Majority of times it's only ugly chicks that are into anime too :/
Rack pulls above the knee
not even an autismo dustin fan but try doing that shit with 150% of your DL max for 8, it works your traps and neck like crazy it's such a good exercise to add at the end of a session
His beginner program is utter shit. His own program is basically Westside for Skinny Bastards with less focus on athleticism and lower body.
Jesus. You little sissies sure love to obsess over a guy you don't even know/like, do you understand that AlphaDestiny doesn't give a single, sweet fuck about any of you faggot, NEET, wastes of skin's opinion? Why would he, you are embarrassments, your parents hate you, you have no girlfriend, no job, no friends; you have nothing. Jack shit. You are so insignificant that your only claim to notability is to pathetically talk trash a man who succeeded in life and is making the most of life.
Look at yourself from another perspective. You wasted your finite time on this earth by tapping away on your little, greasy, fucking phone to write a smear message. just because you failed at life, doesn't mean you can slander the reputation of a man who made a success story of his life. Get a grip on your own shit before devoting your life to stalking an e-celebrity.
Jesus Christ nan I don't even hate Alex but holy shit you're pathetic. I really hope youre just fucking around, because if so I would give your troll a solid 8/10
It’s Alex you realise?
I kinda figured it was either alex or some sad neckbeard looking for (you)s
>that smile at the end
i'm dead
>You wasted your finite time on this earth by tapping away on your little, greasy, fucking phone to write a smear message
Same with you, faggot
This for example
how do you measure shoulders? is it tape all the way around
yeah breh
ah right, 52.5 at 5'10.. lame
it's utter shit in what way? he flat out tells you if powerlifting is your goal to do other programs. he's never claimed his programs to be for athletes or powerlifters, just general gym rats
rack pulls above are objectively a great way to build traps and upper back, even lats when done with a snatch grip
what are your lifts?
diddly 1rm 235kg
bench 5rm 110kg
zercher squat (kek) 10rm 130kg
ohp 8rm 75kg
pretty solid. what about rows?
(cheat) rows I'm at 140kg for a 10rm still climbing weekly