>smokes a joint
>feels extremely optimistic
>after 30' hits the gym like a sicbeast
Is anyone here familiar with the case?
>smokes a joint
>feels extremely optimistic
>after 30' hits the gym like a sicbeast
Is anyone here familiar with the case?
I got high a few days ago and ran to my gym and did 5 chinups then walked back
Yeah, it's weird. I noticed when I Smoke or especially take edibles, it makes me want to work out or do what I know I need to be doing.
question. does weed affect gains? because I sure do smoke a lot of it after a workout
>smoke a joint
>get sweaty, acne gets worse
>start thinking Im saying weird stuff or that my friends are laughing at me
>contemplate all my bad decisions and how directionless I am
>feel horrible and sad
yeah nah cant relate buddy
Meditate nigga, if you can overcome anxiety when high you'll be a god sober
>after 30' hits the gym like a sicbeast
l read this 8 times and l stiII don't understand what it means.
lsn't Iifting high supposed to be good for you though? MostIy read about how it offsets DOMS after, especiaIIy on new workouts your body isn't used to.
l don't want to drop the weights on my fucking face when l break out Iaughing though so l haven't tried.
>start smoking weed again after quitting for 4 years
>fuck yeahh this feels amazing
>once every month turns into once a week turns into every day way too fucking quickly
>stop going to the gym, get fired from my job, just wanna get high, play vidya and watch anime
>quit again 2 weeks ago, started going back to the gym, and got a new job interview next thursday
Yeahhh... that stuff has a tendency to make me a lazy useless piece of shit. Never touching it again
thats pathetic kys
>be me
>smoke weed every day
>get stoned every day
>workout stoned every day
>get ripped and jacked making gains
>eat lots of food every day cause always stoned
>make mad gains
and thats life
You're lucky you have weed, otherwise you'd have to face up to the fact that you're useless in general with or without drugs.
And what worth do you have
I wonder this a lot too. I've read that smoking every day can make you skinny as fuck and I noticed it bc I'm a collegefag with a lot of stoner friends and all my friends who smoke every day are skinny as FUCK. then again, I haven't noticed my gains going away. I think as long as youre eating and lifting the same weights, you should be fine.
>I think as long as youre eating and lifting the same weights, you should be fine.
That's entirely what it is. The only risk weed has on your gains is lowered lung capacity, and you ending up as a lazy fuck that skips gym sessions.
Weed itself, far as we know, have no real impact on strength and mass
>is addictive
>Is expensive
>Fucks with your REM sleep
>Makes you lazy
>Makes you stupid
>Makes you anti social
>Makes you over eat
Inb4 dude weed lmao
It's all natural
It cures cancer
It cures homosexuality
>It cures homosexuality
I seriously will be sitting around not feeling like working out at all and I will hit my pipe a couple times and 15 minutes later I'm heading for my workout.
Thats the weed subconsciously making you realize how shit you are. Fix those issues and it will go away.
You have no self control and addiction issues. Can't blame the weed you became a lazy piece of shit because thats your addictive personality.
I have smoked weed for 10 years and have held the same job for ten years. Never once did I want to quit to watch anime or play video games all day. I need money to eat and pay bills. Maybe consider moving out of your moms basement. Then you will need that money to survive and your addiction won't take a hold of you.
>Thats the weed subconsciously making you realize how shit you are. Fix those issues and it will go away.
>is addictive
In the way that any pleasurable activity is. It doesn't actually make your "brain" crave it, like nicotine would.
>Is expensive
Sure, but that will depend on how often you do it, and how much disposable income you have
>Fucks with your REM sleep
That it does
>Makes you lazy
Can be mitigated by discipline
>Makes you stupid
In what way? How do you define stupid. Also, a citation would be appreciated.
>Makes you anti social
Depends on the whether it's indeca or sativa, and it's based on the personality of the smoker
>Makes you over eat
Again, weed doesn't "make" you do anything, if you have some discipline
the same mental gymnastics every DUDE WEED LMAO retards says
kys you child
Are you trying to goad me?
i'm trying to point out that you look like a degenerate to anyone with a job
settle down, okay
i'm actually literally settled down friend
because my job allowed me to buy a house
something you most likely find very difficult to understand but please try
>work 9 til 5
>smoke after work
wow that was hard
stacking boxes when you feel like it at wallmart isn't work nigger
I'm not falling for it, my man.
Next time, use punctuation
Enough that I don't have to justify myself to randoms on the Internet. You'd probably just spout off some entry level nihilistic bullshit even if I did.
so you think i'm jesting when i say you can receive money from doing work and then buy a residence
classic dude weed lmao
Then stop posting, you worthless goose
Hey don't put yourself down. Stacking boxes is a worthy way of providing an income and being a contributing member of society. I have no qualms with you for opting for such employment.
>being obtuse in a pointless unfunny way
are you very new or are you a retard
Not with the level of intelligence your displaying. I mean which is easier, buying a house or basic punctuation. Take as long as you want on this one, it's a relatively tricky question.
>your displaying
You really fucked yourself with
how will dude weed lmaos ever recover
The only mention of box stacking at Walmart as employment is from you and the specificity and word choice leads me to believe you're projecting.
>Also, a citation would be appreciated.
you realize u didnt cite ANYTHING yourself...?
i forgot and i get a better sleep every night to recover from my workouts cause im always stoned
Autocorrect on phone. What's YOUR excuse?
we literally don't have wallmarts in europe you absolute retard
concluding something based on your degenerate hobby is not projection
but your weed addled brain probably can't understand this
>coping this hard
I think we all have that one friend that smokes way too much and has lost all direction. Don't be that guy.
Thats because basic and viable information is a google away. Whereas trying to find convincing studies that show a correlation between habitual marijuana and objectively reduced intallect is like looking for a needle in a hay Galaxy.
anybody else stoned as fuck today
>cures homosexuality
lel I wish
Making incorrect conclusions based on limited information with a heavy side of phychological bias.
It's a pretty clear projection mate. Regardless of weather or not you stock boxes at wallmart is irrelevant, you still do something equally worthless, hence the projection.
Also the whole "this is your brain on drugs" is 50 year old rhetoric, you should really update your propaganda.
that's unequivocally wrong though you massive retard
i'm not a weed smoking degenerate
at least learn what terms mean before using them
You write like a child, my dude
I think you format
your posts
like this
because you can't
Yep, start my day off regardless with a quick hit or 2. A gym session morning with 3 or 4. It always makes me feel lazy and slow on my drive like fuck why did I smoke before the gym. Then I do a few sets like oh yeah that's why.
I get to paranoid to be in public when I'm high, only smoke before bed
You don't use arguments, user. You just autistically screech "dude weed lmao"
First I thought you were an idiot
Then I thought you were simply trolling
Now I think it's both
i just pointed out you don't know what projection means by posting the definition
but sure go ahead and post ad homs because you're to retarded to understand what an argument is
>is exspensive
>paying for a plant that grows like a weed.
Sure thing, retard
>dude straight edge lmao
supply and demand my dude
Not an argument
>implying anyone that has the impulse to smoke weed has "discipline"
I cringed
It's good practice. Use it to engage with your anxiety. With practice you will be better at handling it, and you can overcome it quicker.
Do you think the same of alcohol?
>Thats the weed subconsciously making you realize how shit you are. Fix those issues and it will go away.
>side effects of marijuana include anxiety and paranoia
>but it'll go away, trust me I know a bro who smoked and had that
Blunt science ladies and gentlemen.
it is though
i'm pointing out that you're being retarded because you're using ad homs
that is an argument
Not an argument
Also, isn't this your post, Mr. Ad hominem?
I used to have this, every time I smoked I would get super motivated like it was a hardcore pre workout and I would have the best workout. It made smoking with friends terrible though, they would become stereotypical stoners and just want to crash out and watch tv. They also can't quit it, I stopped cold turkey just over a year ago for a job with drug tests and I don't even think about it until it gets mentioned.
>posts an explanation of projection
>still doesn't realise he was displaying textbook signs of projecting
Oh dear, for all your pseudo-intellectual posturing you're actually retarded, who would have thought.
i'd tell you to reread the definition but it's painfully obvious that the weed has run it's course and that nothing will enter your mind
stop replying to me you literal 60IQ nigger
it is an argument
by definition i mean
but whatever
delude yourself into thinking whatever your dude weed lmao dependant brain wants you to think
Please respond to my post
Please use punctuation
Nice strawman fallacy you're trying to bit me into
You're so fucking stupid, man. I honestly can't tell if you're genuine or just a dedicated shitposter.
The very first post you made to me, you called me a retard, and told me to "kys you child", but all of a sudden, you don't like ad hominem.
Can't you please confirm if you're just taking me on a ruse cruise?
>weed user violently lashes out
don't do drugs kids
I'm not your enemy, user. I just wanted to know how you came to your conclusion, and how your sentiment was regarding other substances. You can have gripes with one drug and still be okay with the other
You got me good, user
>calling someone stupid on the Internet is a violent outburst
What kind of sheltered faggot community did you come from and why are you spending your rumspringa on the 4chans?
>getting this rused over bants
weed users everybody
You are trying to talk to him logically about his illogical hatred. You most certainly are his enemy. In fact you're the penultimate enemy.
>getting so btfo that you start spouting incoherent memes
Keep going, softcock. Your tears are my favourite post-workout.
That is my first post in this whole thread desu
>coming to the aid of some fag who got btfo on Veeky Forums
Even more pathetic.
> using drugs
sorry I'm not a faggot.
The only pathetic thing I've done all day was argue with a brainlet weed user on Veeky Forums
>all shitskins
You can't make this shit up lmao
>AII the anti-smokers are pissed off IankIet dyeI nerds
High as fuck reading this Imaoing my ass off
me. i feel comfortable. i saw some friends perform their music. i was anxious at first being aloone at a bar but then i relaxed.
idk what it is people do at a bar
Claiming mental gymnastics is a shit non argument that only VeganAaay uses
Although this sounds "dude weed-esque" it's actually useful.
People who freak out when high tend to have a lot of issues with self image and confidence, being out of control of your self in front of others and enjoying it will turn you into chad
[Citation needed.]
heya newfriend
you have low serotonine which means you are beta cuck.
so you get a small serotonine boost after smoking drugs and perceive yourself as someone better
fix your live
Dude that name is so fucking unfortunate, but likely fitting as well