any of you successfully defeated this posture issue? what worked for you?
Anterior pelvic tilt
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Post more of that ass bbyboy
get a haircut that doesn't look like your mom cut it, rat boy
lose the fat...plank everyday...
There is no solution
seriously, try your hardest to find pics of people who went from your current posture, to a proper straight-up one. it doesnt exist
Got a job where Im on my feet all day and started lifting (stronglifts 5x5)
Lower back hurt like a bitch at first but went away after 2 weeks
Warrior lunge/anything that stretches quads, strengthen glutes, stretch glutes.
These will help lessen it, but it wont go. Try and keep your glutes slightly tensed all the time and imagine there's a rope tugging your hips forward.
work on glutes
you keep on trying to stretch your hamstrings, but your hamstrings are actually being pulled by your pelvis because of tight quads
but stretching only relieves temporary pain, so the solution is strengthening your hip muscles, glutes, and quads
aka do deep squats
this isn't that bad
some soft boy at my gym has it so bad it looks like an anatomy textbook drawing of someone with it
too add to this, just squeeze your glutes, feel how it pulls your hips forward? try to walk with a little more bend in your knees and a tighter ass
you cant never defeat it, but with constant and painful everyday stretching you can mitigate the look
also urs dont look so bad, keep an eye on that forward head too
this guys vidyas are pretty great on the topic
Couch stretch. Worked for me.
progress pics?
Nope lol. But I can tell you I could barely even get into that position starting off without writhing in agony, and now I can do it while looking straight ahead. I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. Also you'll still have to do stuff for upper body posture.
How do you even know if you have anterior pelvic tilt? This guy looks normal to me
Had awful back problems for years.
Check your matress. I didn't realize how awful my matress was until I got a memory foam when I moved out of my parents. It hurt laying in it for the first week or two but that was because my back was adjusting. Now I lay in it fine and my posture is better.
Do you lay on your stomach? Don't do that. Lay on your back or side (preferably back.) For even better support, if you lay on your back, put a pillow under your knees. Again, it may hurt for a minute, but it'll be worth it.
Also, don't slouch when you sit in chairs or stand up.
Since this is Veeky Forums, I would also recommend checking your form when you lift.
presumably if he's trying to stand up straight then he definitely needs to stretch some shit if that's as straight as he can go
>I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.
so many guys with these home remedies and fixes, but no one having actual proof of it working. typical
le papillon stretch
All seriousness, try changing how you sit. You have it from sitting all day long. You can stretch but you'll still go back to sitting.
Start with butterfly stretch then start sitting with your legs crossed - lotus pose or whatever they call it in yoga.
You're never going to outstretch the amount you spend sitting, but if you change the way you sit?
I'm trying it right now. Feeling the same type of soreness in my hip-flexors that I get after stretching them.
I cannot tell how much effect it's made since it's only been less than 2 weeks but I wanna say that my hip-flexors hurt less and less when sitting like this, I can sit longer each day and I feel a bit better.
Well I'd simply ask OP to get into this position and if he can't then he needs to stretch it anyway so
false. i fixed mine with stretching, better sleeping position and working on my back