>Girls will never look at you like this
Why even live?
>Girls will never look at you like this
Why even live?
>>why live?
>he died
Really steams my saunas
that jon skywalker not zyzz
that girl got no tits, no ass, and her hairline is questionable
no this is Zyzz v2 aka Jon Skywalker
But girls already do OP.
That's just you they'll never look at.
>girls already do
>not being a personalitylet
feels great desoo
Nice calves faggot
I already get mires from average-breasted women , what I'd like is sexual harassment from titcows
>living for girls approval
Just cut your wrists now, fampai
>This will never be you
>picture is from the front
>no ass
king of the chads
>legs like that
>has a fat gf
he's a fag tho? lets see how he is physically and mentally in 5 years from now
Live fast die young
there's no excuse for doing cocaine and popping pills
Braaaaaaapp. Poot
Bigger than you.
Stronger than you.
Smater than you.
Richer than you.
Better looking than you.
Still slaying gash LRC on the daily.
where will you be? copeposting on a burundanga rape survivor support forum.
Why can't anybody in thier group act and dress like themselves and not some zyzz wannabes. It'd actually make them more likeable.
At least he doesn't pretend to be natty
keep projecting, im perfectly comfortable in my own skin.Abusing drugs will come to bite him in the ass sooner or later and then none of his followers and your hypocritical pussy will give a damn about him
>falling for the zyzz is dead meme
based on what? he is a pothead and a junkie thinking he's changing the game somehow, creating a revolution
based on what? his only income is trash tier sponsorships and selling bling bling toys chains
keep coping and idolizing
As a fag once sang
>never say never
Yes they will
>full head of hair despite running test/tren/mast
>quality physique instead of bloatmax/loydmode
It is very rare to see such refined taste and excellent judgement on this board plagued by brainlets and dyels.
I applaud you user.
Seeing shit like this wants me to just say fuck it and roid.
There literally seems to be no downsides if you have the right genetics to accomodate roiding (other than the monetary cost)
It's likable for girls. That's the point.
Trashy girls, but that's their target demographic so they are still making it.
she still got 3 holes willing to open, and she ain't ugly to look at
holy shit.. he has the tiniest legs in the world