>vegan out demonstrating their love for animals
>finish demonstrating
>drive home in their leather seated car
Tip top tup tep kek
Other urls found in this thread:
no wonder vegans are such losers
>stop practicing your culture, goyim.
Fuck off, kike.
Why do vegans assume I love animals? Animals aren't human, they don't experience emotions, they don't even know they're alive. Killing an animal is no different that killing a tomato.
This isn't mental gymnastics - mental gymnastics is deluding yourself into the thinking that an animals instructing survival behavior are somehow signs of intellect or emotion.
>I avoid harming animals
Not eating animal meat isn't saving animals lives you fucking idiot.
>Animals don't experience emotions
>Animals don't even know they're alive
Do you have any evidence to back up those claims? Because literally any animal behaviorist or psychologist would disagree with those severely outdated claims. Seriously, it's not hard to argue against veganism, so why can't most you retards do it without looking like the meathead stereotype?
Also kek
Laughed my ass off at the bottom right.
Its sociological blowback from anthropomorphic characters in children's media in the past century. When children see animals portrayed as having feelings and being similar the more weak-willed will begin to associate with them instead of seeing them as a prey species whose natural place is to be eaten.
wow, vegans just got owned by this epic totally real scenario. how can they recover?
I'm aware of the hypocrisy but I rarely cook for myself and i'd rather not waste food.
Aware of what hypocrisy? Youre an apex predator. You dont need an excuse to eat meat.
It has been proven through studying the chemical reactions in their brains that many animals do indeed have emotions. Dogs have even shown to have similar brain activity to humans when listening to music. I'm no vegan, I hunt and eat what I hunt. I do think this is sufficient evidence to grant animals a protected status more than property. You shouldn't be able to cause another being pointless suffering just because you are capable of it.
I simply don't care about the lives of animals the way that I would a human and thus don't mind eating meat.
If I did care about animals the OP's image would be correct and I'd need some serious mental gymnastics to justify eating meat in a world where it's no longer a necessity.
Hypocrisy in that I value the lives of some animals more than others. I don't really think I have the right to rob any sentient animal of its life. I
>vegan demonstrating love for animals
>drives home in leather seated car
>drinks glass of milk, comes from cows
>eats salad, comes from plants which are living things which for some reason aren’t worthy of love
I bet you think murder is never justified either. How does it feel letting something as petty and artificial constructed as morality get in the way of your will to power?
I believe vegans can eat animal products if they don't cause harm, such as honey and milk
Animals aren't sentient, prove me wrong
>implying animals exist
It feels good. I sincerely enjoy trying to make life as good for both myself and the people I care about.
About the murder, it depends. Cold blood? Obviously. Revenge? Unnecessary, but understandable given the circumstances. To prevent harm to oneself or others? Not wrong at all.
Man I can't even prove solipsism wrong. You just have to work with what you can perceive.
Fuck vegans. I value my own satisfaction more than caring about animals, so I eat tasty foods. You're a faggot for thinking it's more complicated than that.
>a few weak vegans stop buying meat from the super markets
>it doesnt change the high demand for the produce so animals carry on getting killed anyway
2/10 b8, only thought about it for about three seconds
I think the theory is that eventually everyone will become a vegan and destroy the meat industry.
eating meat should be done in moderation
vegans are really cancer
that's interesting, source?
His ass
Its a good observation. Dont know what the fuck you expect, soyboy.
that means nothing
And? What exactly are you expecting, user? You cant prove what people are thinking but its a good theory.
>Pol buzzwords and pol thought process
i said it sounded interesting retard, obviously i thought it had merit, was just looking for something with meaningful data, not everyone comprehends ideas the same way.
I really like having certain animals as pets that have been interacting cooperatively with humans for thousands of years, insomuch one can speak of co-evolution between two species
I like eating certain animals that are suitable for breeding and consumption due to their docility and high nutritional value
ain't no gymnastics woman
just that normal folk have difficulty putting it to words
>I like eating certain animals that are suitable for breeding and consumption due to their docility
you know wild cows, boats, sheep and pigs were all violent man killers right? wild pigs, boars, eat people.
You're wrong.
Original theorist here. It's just my take on it. With the state of our sociology and psychology departments today I don't think we'll see any worth while research on the subject as well as how difficult it would be to have control groups or such a long experiment like this would need. So it is really just a pet theory. Makes more sense than than anything else that explains the planet's premier predators switching away from meat.
they aren't wild so much now, are they
people can choose nowadays too, probably back when food was more scarce the option wasn't there to be picky
Milking is beneficial for cows, same as sheep shearing
Then stop stealing their calf’s and stop raping them to keep them pregnant against their wishes.
Lmao found the vegancuck
Maybe, If the vegan's end goal (Abolition of the Meat Industry) where to succeed I don't think the agricultural industry can produce enough of the more "exotic" fruits and vegetables vegans need to consume to remain healthy without far-reaching environmental damage. i.e. If you want avocados there is going to be less rainforest in Ecuador. Whereas pastures and plains tend to have a low amount of biodiversity to begin with and the crops and animals farmed on them are similar to what they replaced.
>autistic screeching, the post
What are you even talking about?
Rape and kidnap is a uniquely human concept buddy. Stop anthropomorphizing animals. They aren't us and don't think like us.
They still feel pain though.
>constantly raping a cow do that she constantly and painfully produces milk for your greed
>stealing those calf’s and killing them for meat
Shut up cuck
Kidnapping and killing the young.... that is what all predators do. Humans are actually unique in that we hunt adults almost exclusively.
No emotional pain as you're implying. I suppose we should keep every living being from mating as pregnancy involves pain.
Name me a species that frequently rapes another species for personal benefit?
>inb4 dolphin rape caves
Not proven to exist
>be a vegan
>most likely atheist because if you're retarded enough to be vegan you probably think you're smarter than millions of people that were smarter than you and still believed in God
>think animals' feelings matter
>when the animal dies it just ceases to exist, any pain inflicted, even horrendous pain, means nothing once it dies
>you're just sympathizing with the animal
>Name me a species that frequently rapes another species for personal benefit?
Name me another species that has traveled to the moon and I'll match you.
>it’s okay to be unethical because we’ve gone to the Moon
Some species of ducks exclusively rape.
>Male sea otters have been observed forcibly copulating with seals,[59][60] and male seals have been observed forcibly copulating with penguins.[61] Inter-species sexual behavior has also been observed in sea lions.[62] Male grasshoppers of the species Tetrix ceperoi often mount other species of either sex and even flies, but are normally repelled by the larger females.[57] Males of the spider mite species Panonychus citri copulate with female Panonychus mori mites almost as often as with their own species, even though it does not result in reproduction.[57]
Heres even some sources
Abele, L.; Gilchrist, S. (1977). "Homosexual rape and sexual selection in Acanthocephalan worms". Science. 197: 81–83. doi:10.1126/science.867055. PMID 867055.
Barash, D (1977). "Sociobiology of Rape in Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos): Responses of the Mated Male". Science. 197: 788–789. doi:10.1126/science.197.4305.788. PMID 17790773.
Ethics are constructed they're not immutable dumbass
This is a cute way to avoid answering. Ethics are based on religious beliefs. If they were based on science, we wouldn't have the carebears running our leftist institutions. Your beliefs are based on Christianity. So stop dodging the question.
Put up or shut up.
Answer my question cuck.
>appeal to nature fallacy
>hurr social construct!
What was your question? You just said
>amerimutt reading comprehension
Veganism is based on Christianity? Take a moment to consider how retarded that statement is.
holy shit
If that's a fallacious argument then Ethics itself is a huge appeal to emotion fallacy.
The ethical framework most certainly has its ties to the teachings of Jesus.
So far you haven't said anything of value. Multiple people are providing legitimate arguments and all you're saying is
Nope, the ethics of not wanting to hurt animals is. I explicitly said "ethics are based on religious beliefs"
user, you fucking quoted me bro. Read the damn post.
Christianity's morality draws from our innate sense of morality, not vice versa.
Humans have no morals, only cuck religions introduced this shit to control us. Fucking amerigoblins and their blind dedication to a dead jew on a stick
>America founded Christianity
Out of all the neckbeard with a sword pics, this might be the best.