I want to die
I want to die
Don't die without having lived
I want to cease to exist, but I don't want to kill myself, I just want it to happen once and for all without me noticing.
I am too much of a pussy to do anything in this life. I do not deserve to live, I deserve to be dead, there is absolutely nothing for me to live for.
y tho
not today user
Do you want to die?
Or the person you are now?
If it's the latter get medicated and kill the person you are now.
Fucking faggot.
I want to die because the person who is me will never change
I want to just go
leave and never return
i want u to be alive
Don't say that, we love you bro.
That's what everyone thinks past the age of 25, life is boring as fuck once you're an adult
>I am too much of a pussy to do anything in this life
don't user, if you die at the end, what are you losing trying to do the impossible ?
Me too. There is nothing of beauty left in this world and I'm friendless so what's the point of hanging on?
>wake up
>go to work and hate it for 8-12 hours and still be broke as fuck
>go home tired as fuck and watch tv
unless you're wealthy life is fucking horrible, I can't even afford to go out anywhere and I work 60 hours a week doing hard labor
the impossible would be for me to tell her how much I like her
but I will never do that. I will never do that...
meditate on death everything is going to be ok
Iktf bro I have to work almost 3 weeks just to pay my rent and bills and the rest is spent on food to survive and I can't even afford to drive a car and I live in Canada
>tfw walking 45 mins through snow and cold 4 months of the year just to get to job you hate
Why do you want to die?
Life was worse like a hundred years ago. You would work 16 hours and then go "home" to a shack filled to the brim with diseased strangers.
>tfw no food
>tfw no internet
>tfw no air conditioning/heating
We are living in the best times.
Keep your head up user, dont let go.
Bullying in high school has made believe that everyone assumes the worst for me, which is why I have isolated myself from the entire world. I am 26 years old right now and have no real friends, I have never had a girlfriend. I recently met a girl that I truly like, but I can not express my feelings to her, because she doesn't deserve to be with a loser like me. I deserve nothing but death.
I’m the same way. I’m too much of a bitch to do it but before I go to bed every night, I hope for some clot or something to end it for me. Everyday is struggle for me. The worst thing for me as well is putting on a front for others. It drains my life
i love you user
Same here. I’m not suicidal or anything. Nor am I depressed, I just don’t find life interesting.
>Mimimi life is hard.
Better get ripped then, you guys
My life is nothing but agony and spiritual sickness. I think I'm in hell. Hearing redditors tell me it's ok because air conditioning is hilarious.
I found past 25 everything is just boring because you've already done everything that's worth looking forward to. How anyone even makes it to 30 without killing themself is beyond me
You can be a sick cunt or a sad cunt. Don't be a sad cunt
That’s the only thing I do
Are you me?
>being able to afford air conditioning
check your wealth privilege, during summer I sit in front of a fan and wrap ice cold towels around my neck to stay cool
38 checking in... it's hell and dire straits... only happy when i lift and workout
I'm already bored out of my mind with life, every weekend I get blackout drunk and do whatever drugs I can find just to stay sane and I'm 27
I'm 26 in a few weeks and I have lived basically an entire life that would be anyone's worst nightmare of patheticness and misery yet I don't want to die. Like, literally so pathetic that I avoid meeting people just so they don't see how pathetically I live.
It's very strange.
>tfw live the worst life of anyone I know
>tfw somehow not suicidal
All my friends are light years ahead of me in the real life department with there cars and houses etc and I rent a room and can't even afford to eat some days yet I'm happier than my wealthy friends who are always pissed about something
I know that speech, that's good ol' depression.
Just hold on. Go through the motions and just hold on.
I know a guy who had a car and his own apartment and he killed himself last year meanwhile I'll never be able to afford a car or my own place and I'm happy
>tfw Canadian
>tfw cost of living so high most of us are lucky to eat anything other than ramen and potatoes
This country is ridiculous
Am I depressed Veeky Forums?
> Sleep schedule is totally fucked. I try to get to bed at the same time every night, but I find myself tired earlier and earlier every day. I either wake up earlier than intended or sleep in several hours later. No matter what I do, I'm fatigued all day. I keep finding myself laying down for naps cause I'm just so tired.
> Can't focus worth shit. I have so many things that need to get done. Financial shit, school shit, family shit, friends shit. Instead, I find myself napping, browsing the internet, or staring at a wall.
> Apathy. Whereas a few weeks ago I was stressed out beyond belief because of everything going on, now I find myself completely apathetic. I can't even think about things without my mind wandering off somewhere else. I don't seem to care about the hole I'm apparently digging myself into.
> Loss of interest in everything. Video games? Nah. Movie? Nah. TV? Nah. Music? Nah. Food? Nah. Gym? Nah. Friends? Nah. Weed? Nah. Alcohol? Nah. I'd rather just sit here and stare at my screen.
> Loneliness. I've been single for about 3.5 years now. The loneliness has come and gone. I've gone on some dates, and gotten laid once since then. Lately, it's just consuming me. I see happy couples and I feel terrible. I dream of falling in love, then wake up. I'm taking rejections way harder than I used to. I keep thinking about what I used to have, and how I screwed it up. The thought of being with someone new is just weird and off-putting, though.
> Suicidal thoughts. Every day. It got real serious about 2 weeks ago. Felt completely at peace in the moment, though I came to my senses. I'm just too apathetic nowadays to even think about suicide seriously, but it seems to be the answer to every question I have.
> Poor appetite. I've lost 7 pounds in the last 6 weeks, without trying. I can't fill myself with food anymore, which is weird because I've always been on the fatter side. At least I still do pushups and pullups most days.
basically had a break down last night, and mum took me out of the house to the water.
she's worried about me and I hate feeling like this even more now.
kid detected, life hasn't even begun to fuck you yet
not if you have rich parents
if youre in Toronto, there are lots of young people in the downtown core
don't know how they can afford it.
I'm 24, housing is too fucked here right now to rent if you aren't full time and I'm not.
My parents are pretty poor as well but nowhere close to as poor as me, I make 1800 a month working full time and my rent is 1100 a month
Sometimes I wonder how a normal person would react/function if they switched lives with me and had to live like me for, I dunno, a week, hell even a few days. They would probably end up depressed and suicidal, and being as ugly as I am would only exacerbate that for them.
As weird as it sounds, it's basically the reason why I don't really try to make an effort meeting people. You;d think that if you're completely alone you want to try to meet people. But if I try to meet people, talk to people, ask people on dates, etc, it would become apparent how much of a pathetic loser I am, and honestly I don't want other people to see it. At least by staying isolated, I don't have to have my patheticness get exposed in front of everyone
Yes, high likelihood. Please go see a doctor
This is true man my rent takes up 3 weeks of my monthly pay and they say rent shouldn't cost more than a weeks pay lmfao bullshit
Do young people there live on their own in apartments or usually with parents?
t. live in Bay Area california
On their own
ice cream and ytp
yeah well then maybe they should move back home
Yeah I also heard rent is supposed to be around a weeks pay but when rent is like 900 a month for a shit apartment there's no way you're making that in a week when the wages here pay between 12 and 13 dollars an hour
i think like this sometimes but u know
if i died, i wouldnt be able to eat ice cream so i guess ill just get fat and be a powderlifter
i live in the bay area and pay my parents $600/month for rent lol
Seek help.
this thread is too sad to even troll, flame or write bullshit. fuck you anons
>paying your parents for rent
Lol What? People live with parents so they don't have to pay rent bro. The only people I know with any money saved live at home because once you move out it's basically a never-ending cycle of being broke
Yep the fun ends once you move out
>no expendable money for fun things
>working just to barely get by
Life sure is fucking fun once you move out kek
I can't afford it. I can go through my school, but if I walk in there and tell them it's an emergency, I'm 100% going to be put in a hospital. If I tell them it's not that bad, I get put on the wait list until mid-January.
Fuck man.
i pay my parents rent so that im not freeloading. i dont want to be a freeloader.$600/month helps cover my food, water, electricity, etc costs. where i live rent is super expensive as well.
i dont even make that much money. i only make $18/hr at a shit job because i cant get into grad school, but the people i work with who have gone to the kind of grad school im looking at basically live how you guys say people live (paycheck to paycheck being broke and paying student loans)
iktf Bro
>fucking ugly so I don't get to enjoy the best years of my life(uni high school etc..)
>going to be out soon, so working shit job and still getting no play
Just fuck my shit up man
18 an hour is fucking wealth compared to my 11.75 an hour and my rent is 975 a month, not to mention the cost of groceries etc here in Ontario it's sickening
why dont you move in with your fucking parents then, what are you too "proud" to or something? i assume your parents are in the area becaude why else would you live in toronto with your job
I don't live in Toronto I live in small town 2 hours away from Toronto and I'm 28 I'm not moving back in like a child
>live a child
so you are too proud to do it, then dont complain about it
You want the idea of who you are, now, to die. THAT guy is not living up to your expectations, because you're trying to create something based on the expectations of others.
How could you possibly do that?
You've probably regretted a lot of decisions? A lot you have done makes you feel wretched. You're not that. If you want to die it means you know you've been wrong.
The only way, not to un-do wrong, but to rise above it, is to do good.
Anyone who's 28 and lives at home is a joke
deal with being poor and stop crying
OP, this place does suck, it is not you or your fault.
For sensitive people Globalism/modern liberalism is a death sentence.
In the old world everyone had the love and meaning of a large family around them and work needed to be done to survive. Everyone had responsibilities that everyone else depended on. Love abound. This could have continued even without the need, and should have.
All of this has been destroyed or is actively being destroyed.
Globalists/liberals/progressives want sensitive, thoughtful people, like you, dead. We are the only ones who pose a risk to their financial and cultural hegemony.
I suffer like you too OP.
Instead of destroying yourself why not join me and the others out there to destroy them? This place needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt. And the causes for our current crisis must be destroyed, never forgotten, and never given power again.
Start working on it.
what the fuck? Is this some kind of joke?
Take some zinc nigge
I think depression is honestly an existential crisis fully unbound. All the symptoms are there. anyone else think this?
>no interest in anything
>life is mundane
>things that make you happy are boring
>really seek for change in life that will make you active
>no energy
anxiety goes hand and hand with depression, but i guess that goes with the feeling of needing validation from others, and thus being scared of what others think of you that you're incapable of acting
Let the past die. Kill it
Wrong. You hate your current self. Possibly you want to see yourself in a better place. How do you do that? Serve yourself. Make yourself happy. Maybe find a purpose. this current self seems to be bringing you down.
I know that feel bruh. We all do. But we're gonna make it. But that means leaving our past behind and reshaping the future
lol u listen to logic too :)?
wanna hangout sometime?
Change yourself. Trust me, you can. I thought it would take forever and wouldn't even be possible, but if you enslave yourself and turn yourself into a robot and work daily towards what you want to be, you will eventually get there. God bless.
Dang, everything you described was me like a year ago. I was forced to get help. I got prescribed SSRI's and other stuff for ADD. Didn't take the SSRI's, but I did take the meds for ADD. They helped. Now I'm back on track. Still feel like a depressed fuck, but at least I can get work done. Seek help bro, you'll thank yourself later
>Never had a best friend.
>Don't have any friends outside of work.
>Have to make up stories so people don't suspect.
Just one, just one close friend is all I want.
Tomorrow is another day, OP. Get some rest and plan something that you've been wanting to do sometime in the near future.
Remember whatever you're going through is only temporary.
Look life is tough but dying isn't any better.
The problem is perspective, you're pathologically focused on everything that is wrong in your life you condemn yourself to be miserable.
Try and think about what is positive in your life, even if it's a small thing. Then focus on what can be improved. If you do it habitually, you'll change your perspective and change your mood.
We're all creatures of habit, and we all unknowingly condition ourselves. All you've done is condition yourself to be miserable, focused on the negative. But you could change that. It probably doesn't seem like it, but there are people in worse situations who are happy.
SSRI’s definitely aren't for everyone, but they absolutely saved my life
Powerful psychedelic drugs are one of the best antidepressants available. The research on psilocybin and DMT has shown it is almost invaluable in treating acute depression.
The theory is powerful psychedelics break down the self-referential thought and rumination that is characteristic of depression I.e. my life sucks.
Psychedelics de-centre your thought process, making you more aware of the whole rather than the individual. If you don't believe me look up the recent study in the Lancet (medical journal).
So if you're desperate enough to consider suicide it might be worth considering tripping balls instead. But obviously I can't condone breaking the law to obtain illegal drugs.
Same here user. I was told I'd never amount to anything by my parents and teachers. I was also bullied, all because I was autistic and socially retarded. This is back when autism awareness wasn't as widespread and my parents were teenage parents so they had no idea what was wrong with me.
Imagine doing this all year round. Fuck off, I have it worse here near the equator.
I came close to suicide tonight. Grabbed my bag and set off to grab a bottle of jack and find a nice spot to hang myself. Took a detour to gym. So here i am
Wait until the 15 dollar min wage everything is going to go up
Not op just rando he's saying your problems are a symptom of modern society
Why dude?
Get a better job? 28 years old and earning $11.75 an hour? Are you retarded?
When I was 18 I was making $300 USD a day for like 6 hours work typing essays for kids.
>haven't browsed fit in over 7 months
>been working and working out
>today figure i might as well check out what I've missed
>first thread I see is fucking pepe crying with the words 'I want to die'
>for some reason it has 92 replies
Nope. Back to life.
>what is structural unemployment
tell me how I know you're a cucked libertarian
Get professional help.
Beaten,tortured,raped, groomed to murder, ended up in a gang, 2 attempts on my life, betrayed by friends, crippled. All this before i was 18. Then 2 of my children killed (aborted without my consent) another 3 attempts on my life. Disowned by family (both sides). Found out my father had a family before me and i have a older bro an sis that want to do with me. Blah blah blah.
I would go to a doctor to seek mental help but i have a feeling id be thrown into the looney bin and medicated into a zombie.
You are literally just lazy.
Hang out with your dad. Unless he's a lazy slob too, it should help.
It always helps me to hang with mine when I'm being a pussy. We always go hiking or work out together or do some DIY - it's stupid how good he is at it - , sometimes just take care of shit for the rest of the family.
I'm 23, he's 50 and he still always gets me to get shit done. Shit l ove that bastard it'll be a real fucking pain when he goes.
Then develop your skills? Wtf? Are you some retarded commie or something that blames "the system" for his own faults?
Cucked? I'm not the one struggling to pay rent lol.
Fuck man that's heavy. I know it might seem weird coming from a stranger over the Internet but there are always people to reach out to. Not sure where you're from but I'm sure there are anonymous helplines where you can talked to trained people who can help you overcome your problems. It might be a stepping stone to begin at least reaching out to someone and talking to someone about your problems that you have faced.