Made decent strength gains of SS/SL, and still looks like shit, i'm satisfied with my strength and want to focus a bit more on aesthetics for now, while still not neglecting strength.
Anybody got a good link/recommendation for a PPL routine?
Only ones i found were on and on reddit, and i'd rather not.
PPL / routine general
Other urls found in this thread:
PPLPPLx isn't enough frequency if you still "look like shit".
Do a push/pull (ppppppx) or a full body 3x a week. At your level frequency >>>> volume.
Any full body that doesnt neglect aesthetics?
Ive already deloaded 3 times as rippletits suggested and i cant make any progress on upper body lifts.
I just do
day 1
day 2
day 3
and really, do you NEED anything more? I don't think so. I usually add something fun into it at the end like curls or crunches but I don't consider it that important.
Push (A)
Tricep Pullover 4X12
Close Grip Bench Press 12, 3X8
Incline Bench 9 8 7 6
DB Incline Bench 10 10 8 8
Flyes 12 10 10 8
Bench Press 6 6 6 5
Pullups 12 10 10 8 (B)
Barbell Row 12, 10, 8, 8
Deadlift 10, 8, 8, 6
Dumbbell Row 15, 15, 15, 15
Hammer Curls (superset) 12 12 10 10
Barbell Curls (superset) 12 10 8 8
Concentration Curls (superset) 12 10 8 8
Dumbbell Row 15 15 15 15
Core + Shoulders (C)
RDL 4x10
Weighted Sit Ups 3x25
Bicycle Kicks 3xF
Ab Roller 4x12
OHP 10 10 8 8
Seated Dumbbell Press 10 8 8 6
Side DB Lateral Raise 12 8 8 8
Front DB Raise 12 10 10 10
Bent Over Rear Delt Raise 12 12 12 12
using perfect form and feeling muscle contraction should be the priority, not weight. Don't feel ashamed of using low weight. Look up what Kai Greene and any bodybuilder thinks
what are your current lifts (squat dl ohp bench row, chins) and total months of training? This is necessary information
Bugenhagen style concurrent where you mostly focus on pulls
>Heavy Day :
Bench 3x3, 1x8 backoff
Deadlift 3x3
High pulls 5x3
Barbell rows 3x10
Light Day :
Bench 3x5 @ RPE 7
Chin up 3x10
Dumbell rows 3x10
Hack Squat 5x5
Volume day:
Bench 6x5 @ 85%
Block pulls 5x5
Meadows row 3x10
Dips 3x10
GPP day : (optional)
Face pulls 3x25
Skullcrushers 3x25
Farmers walk 3 rounds
Weighted hypers 3x10
192cm 89kg total
Training seriously for 6 months
Weight are in kilograms and for 3x5 sets except deadlift which is 1x5 :
Ohp : 52.5
Bench : 72.5
Squat : 100
Deadlift : 155
Bent over BB rows : 75
Chins : 6reps x1 / 5 reps x2
Is this for real?
Twice a week is not enough?
You know bugenhagen uses peridosiation right?
How did you guys transition from a 3x to a 6x ppl?
Ive been trying, but most weeks I end up getting fried around 4-5x
I have a hard time not going all out on the compounds at the core of every day, I guess
Jesus fuck this autism no gains routine.
just do pplxpplx
if thats to hard just do an upper lower split, ULxULxx
total dog shit for retard fedoras.
Once a week is better than zero
Twice is better than once
Three times is better than twice
K? Just go as often as you can bro and stay consistent, don't over think it, just keep showing up at the gym.
thanks user, I'm going to start week to of doing it tomorrow but the I worry about the trainer only setting me up for 2 different workouts for the push and pull days each. I was going to ask them for some other workouts to add on as it's only bench press and tricept pushdown for tomorrow. I'm looking through routines and there's a lot more different workouts that I ever would have imagined so I'm just figuring out what I need to add I guess.
bro, those lifts are wayyy too low to start an intermediate routine.
if you're stalling on SS/SL then switch to a different program like Greyskull, ICF 5x5 or Alpha Destiny Novice Program to mix things up.
But you shouldn't consider any kind of intermediate program without at least 1/2/3/4.
For bench, start doing close grip bench with a PAUSE. This will build your pressing strength like crazy.
Just do what works for you. I would never in my life work out 6 times a week, but some dudes love it and do it for years.
I alternate full body and upper lower every three weeks. Great way to get a great burn but also to get great strength gains. Bare minimum: Focus on getting a weekly set count for each body part/compound and either split that up over three days (for full body) or two days for upper lower.
When will the PPL meme end
Do an Arnold split, it's better in every way, please avoid the meme
Day 1: chest + back (bench and deadlift)
Day 2: shoulders + arms (ohp)
Day 3: legs + optional abs (squat)
This is vastly superior to PPL
Anyone do U/L or something like that 3 times a week (6 training sessions total)?
Currently doing chest/shoulders/arms and back/legs/abs alternating
Day 1
Bench SS Curls
Incline Bench SS Reverse Flies
Face Pulls SS Triceps
Flies SS Lateral Raises
Day 2
Squat SS Chin ups
BB Rows SS Calf Raises
Hamstring Curl SS Ab Wheel
Cable Row SS Ab wheel or calf raises
3-5 sets of 5ish on first lift
3-5 sets of who cares on everything else
Day 3 and Day 5 look like Day 1, but with OHP and Paused Bench in place of bench
Day 4 and Day 6 look like Day 2, but with Deadlift and Paused Squats in place of squats
replace hamstring work with quad work on deadlift days
accessories change as I get bored
Your ohp is suffering by coming after your bench, and also not aiding your bench like it should
Your deadlift is suffering coming after your squat
This is terribly sub-optimal
6 days a week in the gym is retarded for a natty to do. May as well bring your sleeping bag and fuckin live there.
Keep the gym sacred. 3-4 days a week max.
You're not going to make more gains going 6 times a week than 3
>Day 1: chest + back (bench and deadlift)
>Day 2: shoulders + arms (ohp)
>Day 3: legs + optional abs (squat)
That's utter garbage. You'll make no gains hitting each muscle group 4 times a fucking month.
y tho?
Elliot say that you can get strong and thick only doing this:
this is technically a PPL with some variations. Intensity and frequency are the key, that's the point about progression.
This is actually good advice.
Personally seeing much better results doing Push/pull back to back
i do push pull and then l a day for shoulders + abs with minimal leg work, some quad extensions, calf exensions and squats
wait genuine question when tf do you do legs then? just cardio at the end of your workout?
not who you're replying to, but my buddy who did push/pull 4 days a week would do squat variations on push, and deadlift variations on pull days
this is a bait answer but ironically it's right. switch up exercises and shit so you don't strain too much and be sure to take a week to deload at least once a month if you're doing this
post body pls im pretty skeptical even tho i rlly want this to be legit
Squat 3x6 1-2 times a week
Press 4x8
Rack pulls 4x8
20-30 RP Cheat curls
3x8-12 lat raise
Bench 4x8
Row 4x8
3xF Pull-ups (8+ = add weight)
15-30 RP Skullcrushers
3x8-12 Rear delt flys
Is this retarded or could this work?
I did
After my SS misstake and made the gains of my life. Within 4 months my T-Rex SS physique was fixed and I looked normal again.
For some reason when I read this I just imagined a guy walking up to a bench, looking at it and saying 'pppppp' before walking away ripped.
Squat on push, deadlift on pull
>What is a rest period
>What is overtraining
-A: Chest and back
-B: Shoulders, abs, arms
-A: Chest and back
-B: Shoulders, abs, arms
-C: Legs, cardio
Also swim and surf 2x weekly
Not if you lift 5-7 times a week. It rotates through each week so that I don't do the same muscle group on the same day. Workout A could fall on any day of the week.
DUP - Daily Undulating Periodisation
Week A - Volume (pyramid up and down from 3 max working sets at 3x8 on main lifts), Week B - Intensity (5x5 on main lifts + 1 rep 90%/100%) - follows ABABABA...
Each Week follows ABABABA ABABABA and so on...
Workout A
Weighted Chinups
Rack Pulls (On pyramid down at 2pl8 becomes power shrugs which hit calves on the side aswell as providing eccentric/concentric for traps)(Rack pulls are isometric/stretch based for traps/upper back)
Bicep Curls (Weighted Progression, overall strength goals with this lift)
Workout B
OHP/Bench (swaps every 2 weeks)
(Seated Shoulder Press included if OHP fortnight)
Tricep Isolation
Fucking frequencylets
(F - full body workout)
>Made decent strength gains of SS/SL, and still looks like shit, i'm satisfied with my strength and want to focus a bit more on aesthetics for now, while still not neglecting strength.
You look like shit because you bulked too much.
You have two options: ULxPPLx or PPLPPLx.
This x1000
Day A
Leg Press 5x5
Hamstring Curl 4x8
OHP 5x5
Cable Crossover 4x8
Weighted Pullups 5x5
Seated Cable Rows 4x8
Plank 4x60s
Day B
RDL 5x5
Quad Extension 4x8
Incline Barbell Bench Press 5x5
Dips 4x8
High Pull 5x3
Chinups 4x8
Cable Crunch 4x15
Is this too much volume for AxBxAxx/BxAxBxx? Lifting several years, trying to maintain physique and iron out weaknesses. Can't squat or DL due to adductor tear.
Newfag here. What does "number x number" mean?
I thought you have to do houndreds of pushes/pulls during workout.
First is sets, next is repetitions (reps)
so if it says 3x5
you do an exercise 5 times, rest a little, do it 5 times again, rest a little and do it 5 times again.
That's it you've done the exercise for the day.
(All the information you need is in the sticky by the way, so please read it)
Cool, thank you.
Still sounds a bit to.. quick, but I don't know shit, so....
So if I do 2x50 & 1x100 because my weights are too light and I'm a skinny weak poorfag begginer, I do it all wrong?
>So if I do 2x50 & 1x100 because my weights are too light and I'm a skinny weak poorfag begginer, I do it all wrong?
Read the sticky, it's the best advice I can give you
Licked it the other day, deep-throating it now, thanks.
You can deep-throat me if you know what I mean
Sounds hot. Can I fuck your ass afterwards?
Ok, let's not turn yet another Veeky Forums thread to a /soc/ one.
Found it.
For future reference.
>Third, good workout programs make you move a substantial amount of weight. Doing some girly program where you do a huge number of repetitions with tiny weights won't do you much good (including if you are, in fact, a girl). To stimulate muscle growth at the expense of just carrying fat around, you have to place a substantial load on the muscle. That means using enough weight that you can only do 5-10 repetitions of a compound lift before needing a rest. The exact number of repetitions or sets you do isn't important, but you can't get results without placing a real load on your muscles.
It also means gym I once went to sucked too, nobody told me I should do it like that, instead I was doing 20, 30 reps, so did my gym buddy, nobody said a word...
Looks like I'm getting more plates on the day of birth of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ...
did this for a few months. saw great gains but was severely overtraining. finally decided to stop when i injured my shoulder and had to take a month off the gym. then i jumped on a PPL and my lifts have been increasing ever since