If you get to 1/2/3/4 are you guaranteed to be swole after cutting?
If you get to 1/2/3/4 are you guaranteed to be swole after cutting?
No. This is only the point at which you'll be considered respectablly strong by the standards of autistic people on the internet.
It's a great beginner-intermediate benchmark, but really you shold set your own goals and work towards them.
Depends on your body. If you weigh 115 lbs and can deadlift 4pl8 you are probably in good shape. But if you weigh 300 lbs 4pl8 it isn't nearly as impressive
I remember alpha destiny saying something like its about 80% of your entire potential looks wise
im being srs
Shingeki No Kyoshin
I hate how the 1/2/3/4 meme is "advanced beginner" on Veeky Forums
if you can 1rm 1/2/3/4, you are top 5% strongest guys in your gym, and can outlift probably anybody you see on the street
if you can 5x5 1/2/3/4, you are the strongest guy in your gym, and would never be in a situation where additional strength would be needed.
1rm 1/2/3/4 is fucking strong, Veeky Forums body dysmorphia blinds them to this. I squat lmao2.5pl8 5x5, and have LITERALLY never seen anybody squat over 2pl8 EVER in my university gym with 10 cages, outside of one guy obviously pinning who tried to squat lmao5pl8 and literally exploded his fucking knee and is crippled now
tl;dr train for hypertrophy not estatting
He doesn't know a thing when it comes to strength-size relations. He legitimately thinks hypertrophy and strength training are the same.
>tried to squat lmao5pl8 and literally exploded his fucking knee and is crippled now
RIP in peace
This is why I'm terrified of squats, my knees are weak enough as it is - squatting 2 plates would probably destroy them.
>if you can 5x5 1/2/3/4, you are the strongest guy in your gym
Lol no you need a new gym.
there's people in /plg/ with 3/4/5 bench/squat/deadlift that still look "not that big". If you want to get stronger, then lift for big numbers. If you want to get bigger, lift for overall progressive overload and most importantly VOLUME. As said, the two aren't exclusive, but it's ridiculous when strengthcels say "you need to lift X amount of weight on this compound lift to be X amounts of big". It's not a 1:1 correspondence, everyone is different and reacts different to training stimuli. Different body types also dictate different efficiencies on the lifts, so someone with good leverages will need comparatively less muscle work to get something done. There's also CNS adaptation that needs to be considered, i.e. peaking out
So many fucking factors to consider - saying "you will look like X after you lift those certain weights on compound movements" is retarded
Is ultra instinct natty?
>tfw no qt3.14 amazon Saiyan gf
>if you can 5x5 1/2/3/4, you are the strongest guy in your gym
>there are people who actually believe this
This guy has it right.
I'd say it's pretty hard to look massive without being able to lift 1/2/3/4, but you could be something that is only close, and you could definitely lift 1/2/3/4 while looking small.
I know plenty of gymrats that can't 1/3/4 (and only 2pl8 for a few reps) and have decent overall physiques. Enough leg hypertrophy from their fancy machines and upper hypertrophy from the dumbbell variations. I also know some regular strength trainees that outlift those gymrats but get dwarfed by them. And inb4 roids, I'm not talking about unnatty amounts of bigness here. Also, I'd say deadlifts anywhere before 6pl8 are a bad indicator of size.
Superpowered ottermode is real
It's real if you're white anyway. Our muscles are different and more efficient, also we have better muscle attachments so we can get freaky strong while staying compact, I'm pretty sure every other race has to get xbox huge plus vitamin S to get big lifts.
I've already hit 1/2/2.5/3 after 4 months and I still look DYEL. Could be because I'm 6'3" though.
people at my uni gym squat 3+ plates all the time, and deadlift more than 4 plates. Now shoulder press more than 1 plate is very rare but 2 plate bench is very commonplace
Dragonball super
Lmao. I go to a shit tier gym filled with old men and teenage twinks and there are still guys here doing 2.5pls8 bench for reps.
>go to powerlifting gym
>surprised when the people there are not representative of a normal gym
been going to different gym in southern california for ~5 years now
I have literally never, NEVER, seen somebody do a 4pl8 diddley. not a single fucking time, nor have i seen somebody do a 3pl8 squat. I've seen tons of dudes who can do a 2pl8 bench, maybe a few who can do 1pl8 ohp, but anything to do with legs and it's incredibly rare to find guys not only doing them, but doing well.
I dont know what slice of heaven everybody but me lives in, but it CLEARLY is not san diego county. I understand that you retards who cant even pull a 300lb deadlift act like 4pl8 is no big deal, but in the real world 1/2/3/4 5x5 makes you one of the strongest dudes in the gym.
everybody jizz your opinions on how this isn't true because some roiding manlet can put up a 3pl8 bench in your fagsauna of a gym, but you know it's true
>go to a sporty uni renowned for gym heads and seeing people squatting lmao 200kg isn't uncommon
Too annoying
I got to a comunity gym in a small town in new zealand.
The average deadlift is around 4pl8.
You need to move out of soy boi town and join a gym that isn't pt or la fitness.
hes never said that shit
>100 ohp
rofl good luck with that
A lot of people have benches that go way beyond 2 and then have shit tier stats for the other three lifts
people in my university gym routinely bench 3-3.5pl8s
Fagdestiny is cancer, but strength = Size and size = Strength retard. For natural lifters anyways.
This is pretty small, so no.
Also if you're like me keeping lean mass is just impossible while cutting. It's like I hit a certain point where I look good then the only thing I lose is muscle.
Or at least it was when I was natty. Post natty well as long as you train and eat protein, what the fuck do cals matter?
Naruto Shippouden - Hueco Mundo Arc
Leave el padre Grande to me
If you're the strongest guy in your gym you're in the wrong gym
- me
I could 2/3/4 in high school and wasn’t even one of my stronger friends... if you can’t do 1/2/3/4 as a grown man that is really sad
He did, on so many occasions, what have you been watching.
Whenever someone tells me that I just know they care more about "rules" their internet cult taught them than their actual life experiences. I've seen enough powerlifters lift big numbers while looking like a joke. Not even gonna argue about how it works, it just works this way.
You're weak as fuck mentally and need to go to a better gym. All the guys that use the platforms at my commercial gym deadlift 5pl8+ easy. A lot of them are doing 4pl8+ squats. My friend that holds the state 83kg bench record works out there too. 1/2/3/4 doesn't mean shit you can get that in a year at most.
give it more time and pack a little of hipertrophy, you'll look better gradually
>t. 6'2
People are surprised when I deadlift 4 pl8 and wonder why my bench is low (185 3x5-6)
There are all kinds of people in my gym and id say deadlift and ohp is most uncommon
2-4 plate deadlift is what I see to be average strong guy. Except this crazy big black dude warming up with 3pl8 going up to 5-6 pl8
185-315 is average strong guy bench here
Squats are usually 2-4pl8. 4 pl8 would be for the strongest guys (Personally squat 245 3x6)
To answer OP. No I'm skinny fat then again I've only done 1 and 4