Time to really crank up that fat people hate with the worst you can bring Veeky Forums.
/fph/ Fat People Hate - Maximum Disgust Edition
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OP here, and yes I fucked this up already. Posted part 2 before part 1.
Better to live one day as a lion then live a lifetime as an obese manchild
Yeah, but Boogie's the one at risk of having a dick swallowed by his own body.
White women are the be-
Is she trying to play Chubby Bunny?
Idea, if you're waist size is over a certain circumference then you have to pay for two seats. Yea or nay?
Sadly him and Sirloin never co-operated
Sirloin has been quite for the years and just started when I started trying to become Veeky Forums
Hamli provided me with rage from time over time
>planning on moving together with gf
>life went extremly well, got first job, gf, I know Hamli is fucking jealous
>we got ourself an old appartement that we have to renew from scratch, floors, walls, colors, electrics, all the shit
>had my first job at the time, not too much money, gf already worked several years so she got a nice amount saved up
>try to pay my share as good as possible
>Furniture shopping, for some weird reason Hamli is with us too
>Find that nice sofa, decide to buy
>decide I pay
>insert card, type code
>"Limit exceeded"
>forgot to change it from highschool days
>gf jumps in and pays
>week later I get mean looks and weird comments by gfs friends
>find out later that Hamli immediatly spread the rumor that I abuse my gf as paying-machine
Fuck that guy
Seats are a way of selling a given amount of space to a person. If you literally need the space of two seats (of even three) then you need to pay for ALL of that space. That is room you're denying to other people, and because of which you need to actually pay for.
>obese manchild
Judges were looking for the answer, 'pig'. Since they're invasive and destroy crops.
He's far too much to handle. I'd suggest stranding him in Mordor, but that may be a bit too much, even for a swine of his size. I pray his gullet expands to where he can no longer accompany you and your GF.
Brodo, you have my sword
And my bow
And my fats
>my fats
And you sir can have my sides and my keks
>Heelllo? Is it me your look for?
>Am I not turtley enough for the turtle club?
the livestream was so much fun
>if you're waist size is over a certain circumference then you have to pay for two seats. Yea or nay?
I would as well pay by totaly weight, since that is what costs the airline fuel -> money.
Basicly paying for a basic price to fly with 220 lbs/100 kg in total, including bags and other stuff.
If you need more, you pay 2x the basic price, get 2 seats and a weight allowance of 440 lbs/ 200 kg.
Also allow seat seperation with a retractable/removeable panel between the seats.
Fatties that fly economy class are selfish assholes:
There are larger seats in the plane (buisness class, premium economy, first class etc.).
But they rather make the flight a nightmare for everyone around them than paying extra.
Borderline underweight for the average woman -> eating high calorie diet brings you close to a healthy weight
>300 lbs
Morbidly obese at pretty much any sieze.
Rofl is that boogie
>120lbs for woman
>”borderline underweight”
What the fuck?
120 lbs is pretty light for a normal woman, if she is short that weight is perfect.
>be me
>in law enforcement
>work in courtroom
>clerks calls name
>no appearance
>judge issues warrant for arrest
>one hour later
>fatass black woman enters
>tells me she is here for court
>starts complaining she doesnt want to wait that long
>the person who arrest warrants were issued for
>says she has to get back to hospital for knee replacement
5 feet 4 inch is short for a woman.
Since a plane has a finite amount of passenger room and the fuel costs are directly related to it's cargo weight, the only "fair" way to charge for seating is based on mass and volume.
Isn't that the average height for a woman?
One might even call such a woman a chicklet.
It's certainly the perfect height.
>what's the difference in our appearances besides how we look?
It’s literally the average height in the US and considered to be so in the world.
>total bitch to judge
>judge is sensitive enough to retract the warrants and adjourn her matter
>obese black woman complains about the date he adjourned it to
>tells him to stop being a grump and retire
>mfw my taxes are paying for this cretins healthcare
Where I live the average woman is 1,83 m or just over 6 feet.
Where do you live
Fuck wrong chart, it is 1,70 m, so about 5 inches less
Netherlands, but mixed up the chart.
it is 5 feet 7 inches
So only slightly taller. 120lbs is not underweight by any means for a woman.
That is a BMI of 18,8, you are considered underweight at 18,5.
>you don't want to see her angry
>that feel when BMI of 21.1
>can still see my ribs
This is some stupid shit.
I guess you have more muscle mass than the average famale.
Also seeing ribs is not exactly a good indicator for beeing underweight.
But I'm not a grill
Never said that, just that you my have more muscle mass than the average female.
My BMI is 21,5 and I can see my ribs, but that is due to low bodyfat and decent muscle mass.
>this is how americans lose weight
As an American does that mean I'm doing it wrong by not doing that?
I don't have low bf% though
Am American.
Can confirm.
>i stay asleep
the motto of every whale
the link doesn't even work you faggot.
As stupid as the guy is, at least the guy didn't lash out in the comments and instead started with "thank you all for your interesting advise..." Maybe this guy could be saved, because fuck knows he won't be able to save a soul with that gut in any service.
Least you have excellent taste in reaction images.
Also, how do you like the court room life? Did you start and stay there or transition after training with the county?
I didn't want to see her at all
alpha af
He's completely delusional. He probably thinks he can run up 6 flights of steps in full combat attire and not get puffed because he's never done it before.
Well she does look like a tengu, so there is that.
guessing you live in some communist shithole where they blocked it
i live in the usa you double nigger. who cares tho. fuck your link and go to hell.
That judge is a saint. Why do all the worst people take up time with the best judges. All I see are people who deserve leniency get shit on and people who deserve to get shit on get leniency. fuck these people, why even support them when they have no interest in supporting themselves.
Think of it this way. You make enough money to be in at least the 40% tax bracket as a police officer. So you just work just shy of the first five months every year paying the rest of your salary for the remainder of the year. Depressing as fuck too, but at least you don't think about it going to fatties.
>i live in the usa
So a communist shithole then.
He has a built-in fleshlight. Nice
you think he jerks off by just pushing on the fat
alive doesn't mean living.
the man probably has pain and severe inconveniences every single day of his miserable existence, not to mention his health issues
I fully support this notion.
All feminists should be hams for easier identification.
Probably, yeah
>best example is the 300,000 die of obesity statistic, that number came from amount of deaths from poor eating and lack of excercise
>instead of counting calories carbs grams points i could be having a nice meal with family and friends instead of spendind two hours at a gym
we need another world war
>"Sure if you have a personal trainer, a chef, and no life you might be able to lose weight and keep it off."
Translation: Get a life fit people.
God damn this frame of mind is infuriating. The mental gymnastics these people have to perform to justify their self destructive lifestyle.
I work out for less than a hour a day.
(Sometimes longer in the summer cause walk around after jog more)
That's it. Other than keep my intake in check I do nothing and not only have I lost weight I've started making gains.
I don't know everyone seems to think that in order to do this sort of thing you need to spend every free hour working out and main line health drinks.
>Be honest or I will get angry
So, tell me what I want to hear or I will throw a tantrum?
gets me every fucking time without fail
Fate hate is what made me start losing weight. Last summer my fat ass tipped the scales at 364lbs I'm now down to 322 and on a 1700 calorie diet (lean proteins lots of veggies and other low GI foods) doing low weight 5x5 every other day to keep muscle. I want so baldy to get down to 195 then start lifting to get actual muscles. I like to think I'm making some progress even if it's slow and will take years.
I never want to be fat again I hated myself so much, but since eating right and lifting my mood has improved greatly. Once I get my weight down I want to start training for 5k runs.
By last summer I mean this July I started dieting and lifting. Guess all the fat in my head made me fuck that bit up.
Keep it up. You'll make it.
She'll probably gladly take welfare and Medicaid from the Feds, and then kneel during the national anthem because the US doesn't do enough for her too.
100% oni
No son, you must love fate. The superman lives by amor fati.
Well, there are people living in this magical place called Europe, where the average heights are larger. Where I live the average height of a woman is 5'6 so I'd consider a 5'4 woman short, while a Chinese guy would probably consider a 5'4 woman tall as the average height is 5'1.5 over there.
Since this is fatty hate and I hate myself here is my fat ugly ass. 6ft 2 and a fucking slob in my work out room. Ignore my shit tattoos I got them when I was in high school and an edgy loser.
So far i can only do pathetic lifts. 150lb in back squat, 108lb in flat and incline bench, 101lb bar curls, 100lb over head and 100lb rows, 95lbs lb on the calf isolater.