Is it difficult being a tall woman? Since you have limited dating options, and your lanklet brothers mostly prefer shorter women?
Is it difficult being a tall woman? Since you have limited dating options...
>Is it difficult being a ... woman?
P-Pack it up b-boys
>mfw 6' and chatting up a 5'11 qt
>mfw she's definitely taller when wearing heels
I love it but she really is a sweetheart though and not fat so I'm gonna ask her out
It's difficult being a tall man that refuses to settle for a womenlet, literally the hardest thing in the world to fine a girl that is around 6'.
I don't want settle for a womanlet if I'm going to have kids.
I'd imagine being a chestlet would be pretty difficult.
It's pretty much the female equivalent of being a manlet.
there's a beta provider for every women user it's just a matter of finding him
34B cup and while I've been rejected once or twice, I have very little problem when it comes to men. I like them however, they're cute and perky.
There actually isn't though.
According to the last census there was about 5.2 million more women in the US than men.
and I'm still alone
>tfw women have sex with dogs and horses but not you
You'd be rejected by me, that's for sure.
But if you're fine with them then you wouldn't even care what I thought.
gib mommy milkies
is this roastiekino?
tall women, like all women, are mostly limited by their own preferences
if a tall woman is ok dating someone shorter than her, then she'll have better chances than everyone else
Same here but it's mostly because I don't go outside much.
I live in one of the biggest cities in the US so if I actually tried I could meet many girls.
Though since I'm posting on this board you would have already figured out why I don't.
Tall chicks are fucking disgusting
Fucking waste of space
You know what to do bitch, post them titties.
That's the most beta shit I've ever read user, they're just roasties, fuck em and dump em, if you let them think they're special they walk all over you.
>That's the most beta shit I've ever read user
First day on Veeky Forums, huh?
Anyways, just because I am introverted and suck at flirting does not mean I put pussy on a pedestal.
Since you are posting on this board I have my doubts that you actually walk what you talk.
whenever I read something like this I picture one of those pickup artists you see on daytime television with the thinning hair and dad clothes that fuck bottom of the barrel trash from clubs.
You could think what you want, I just thought you were speaking from a place of low self esteem, and I was trying to set you straight.
You're probably right user, I'm just speaking from a place of frustration because I just got dumped.
I guess you could interpret it that way.
My biggest problem isn't self esteem, it's that I'm lazy.
One time I saw a woman who was like 6'1" and husky, also she had alopecia. The expression on her face was one of abject misery.
They can always compensate by getting a fine ass, if they aren't completely lazy morons.
are you joking? small boobs isnt bad
small ass though is bad
>tfw big dick but too lazy to put it inside a woman
>jerking off inside a vagina or inside your hand
it's all just jerking off anyway
Tall girl flaws are accentuated because they are bigger.
If she was hot like an average sized girl its even better.
Short 10s become actors, tall 10s become fashion models
it's only difficult if you refuse to date shorter men. A 6'2" woman who only dates taller men is going to have limited options, but if she can go shorter then she'll be fine since men aren't as shallow as women
also, this
not this at all, plenty of men don't mind flat-chested
My fiancee is 6'1".
She gets harassed walking down the street and we don't go to clubs because her ass is getting grabbed constantly. She's had to switch jobs before because her boss didn't take "no" kindly and stonewalled any professional advancement.
Being pretty and tall gives you advantages, but people are shitty and don't like being told no. It's a mixed bag, like everything.
That's because women live a lot longer than men. 100-year-old women can't find new partners but she had a husband (or could have had one if she wanted) for most of her life.
Chestlet enablers pls go.
I understand that I can't in a few posts change your minds against years of coping with only being able to score girls with mediocre chests.
We all can't be lazy forever, right?
>pretty and tall
and surprise its a guy on fit's wife
>girl at work is a tall woman (i think over 6 feet)
>she's okay but kind of stick-like
>gets pregnant
>everything on her starts growing bigger
>infinitely hotter
Sure but it's not like the surplus women have over men are entirely comprised of 100 year old women.
>Smug Fat Kid
it's actually a grown up lady
I'm 7'4" and I had an ex who was 6'4" but she was still a lot smaller than me even on heels.
My current girlfriend is 4'4", though, and we are really close with each other and we are really adorable.
However, many guys are attracted to me because they keep mistaking me for a girl because of my really cute and androgynous looking face and hair, as well as my really long legs, despite my extremely tall height and huge muscles.
Even when I go out wearing sportswear (and I always wear sleeveless tops and shorts for sportswear, and I often go out wearing sportswear), many guys are still attracted to me despite my huge, muscular arms in full display.
To be fair, I can actually make my arms look slim when I wear sleeves.
But those guys might also be into huge, tall, muscular girls, even when I'm a guy.
Plus, there are many girls attracted to me because of how huge and handsome I am, and also because of how cute and quirky I am.
Most girls who are attracted to me are the ones who want a cute and quirky boyfriend.
It's really hard dealing with having many guys and girls attracted to you when you already have a girlfriend.