What is a respectable 3x10 for incline barbell bench for a male?
What is a respectable 3x10 for incline barbell bench for a male?
a 3x5 OHP instead
>incline barbell bench
I want to look decent and have an upper chest so 3x10 and no OHP it is.
well then you're a faggot retard pal
overhead press is a harsh exercise to the neck and upper back. it is to be avoided.
yeah, squats will bust your knees, and deadlifts will snap your shit up. just do 3x10 bench (light) and a fucking ton of curls and you'll be fine, right?
>t. dyel twink
I do a 145 for 5x10 and have an okay upper chest.
>I want to look decent and have an upper chest so 3x10 and no OHP it is.
lurk more you dyel
>incline works upper pecs
I can do 200 for 3x10 but my upper chest is 404
you're probably doing close grip and using too much tricepts.
rgbp 4 lyfe
Are we doing the same lift? OHP requires you to load up the least weight and is the easiest to bail out of.
All right then smartass, what exercises do you recommend for upper chest?
3 plates, no less
>you can isolate upper an lower pecs
based OHP poster
I didn't say you could, but there are obviously some exercises which will be better for certain areas of the pectoralis major.
>no proof
let me just cut this whole interaction short by just saying lurk more
> Incline bench
> Do it anyway
Do flat barbell bench and incline db bench. Incline bench doesn't work a different part of your chest, but it incorporates your shoulders more depending how high you angle it.
Also to answer your question, 185lb is the weight on incline bb press where I would give approval on sets of 10. It's not spectacular, but it's enough to be able to tell that youve been lifting for more than a few weeks.