ITT: what normies think "strong" and "fit" look like
ITT: what normies think "strong" and "fit" look like
what the fuck am I looking at?
>when you do SS + GOMAD but instead of squats you do the worm
what am i looking at?
what the fuck
this guy fucks
how do I achieve this mode?
>he doesn't fuck
When 2/3rds of American adults are overweight, then yes that is considered fit.
Why he looks fit but deformed as fuck?
Mainly his dumb face and disproportionate pecs
looks like Kafka got his metamorphosis.
Whilst he might not be it's hard to deny he's got some style. Always dresses well.
I will never understand the appeal of him. He has a lopsided Resting Douchebag Face and the haircut of a 45 year old salesman from the 1950s.
Like, I get that Adam Lavigne, scrawny as he is, and Bradley Cooper are attractive, no homo. But I will never understand how this doofus-faced imbecile has gotten that reputation. He's literally any lanklet you pass on the street.
His clothes suit him quite well. I'm a bit jelly.
he looks like someone turned him upside down
I'm a dude and I find him attractive no homo.
>also lanklet 6'0" is manlet kid
that settles it the Goose is perfect
stop picking on goose yeah otherwise i might have to get reallyt mad
It's like two guys cosplaying as Maverick and Goose
Several years ago somebody told me this had something to do with injecting insulin in the same spot. No idea if this is true.
this is my favorite Veeky Forums meme ever
Ive had diabetes type 1 for 17 years and no it doesnt work like that.
imagine you are this butthurt that you think gosling does look fit
he is a prime man
you hobgoblin
f2m tranny I reckon hey
shoulders. Partially posture, but narrow shoulders with yuge traps will always look retarded.
They'd be right though
No shit you faggot, you need insulin, this guy was probably abusing it.
I guess the only definition of fit nowadays is when you become a professional bodybuilder
He didn't take the neck pill.
that is what ''fit'' means you dyel
Fa is the most garbage board after the anime porn boards
But those guys are really fit though
Narrow shoulders, pencil neck, birthing hips, and feminine face.
Alright yeah, they're probably a little off in their assertions
Nah, Gosling's in really good shape. He's not big, but he's definitely fit.
h-hes got a fupa
Never gonna make it. Even Moot called it the best board.
I'd look like that if I just do a short cut.
Should I do it lads? Should should I keep fuelling the gains train?
depends on what you want. I'd personally keep bulking till febuary then cut
Yeah but moots a faggot
Mmm yeah fuck that grapefruit real good.
Still not any better