Veeky Forums thinks fucking pic related is gay...
Veeky Forums thinks fucking pic related is gay
A man fucking another man literally is gay you faggot. If I paint a turd to look like a donut and you eat it you are still a shit eating faggot.
no its a woman going trough a couple of things and still has a lil ding dong down there. Just cause i fuck trannies doesnt mean i have any attraction to men at all. I only fuck passable trannies btw.
itt: fags
you're the fags for not liking girls.
is this gay?
if she (he) wasn't in thailand, how would you know she (he) was originally a male?
I'm not gay at all but I would let her and her friends gang bang my asshole and make me drink their cum
the adams apple
It’s gay because they still have an XY chromesone
I just want to suck their little brown dicklets, is that gay?
holy shit..
holy shit.
The adam's apple. Now that I see the light, it's blinding
those aren't ladyboys you can the difference
real thai girls have fish faces and are short
I found her (guy) attractive until I saw the YouTube video this is from. There are lots of experienced sex tourists talking about how that girl (guy) has been working at that bar for a while, and how she's (he's) a bit expensive but worth it. It's disgusting to imagine the miles of paying sex tourist cock that has been through her (him).
Asians have it easiest. Hips, hands, shoulders and neck are the places to look, they will never fail you unless they have dropped 7 figures in American dollars on becoming a woman
Ladyboys are gross. White traps with pink buttholes and cocks are way better.
>the adams apple
Are you 12 or just really stupid?
are you saying he doesn't have a mans sized adams apple?
I think it's gay though I will say I saw a lot of hot ladyboys in Thailand that I would have fucked if I didn't know they weren't ladyboys. I want to go back to Thailand.
>This entire thread
not gay
I'm not too familiar with this sport, could someone explain what this is about? I can tell by the reactions that it appers the blonde in blue scores on the wrong hoop (?) yet the enemy white team goes for the other hoop as well?
Why is the white team trying to score on both hoops?
Women suck dick a sports. That's all you need to know about this webm.
What the fuck is going on here?
Women's sports are fucking garbage. I went to some UNC event anf they're women scrimmaged literal who's and almost lost because they were men. Short men.
Does it make it any different compared to Amsterdam or Nevada's brothels?
True, im in thailand this minute and OPs pic contains what looks like go go dancers, which are 100% female, lady boys can't even enter some clubs or work at gogo bars
the best thing about this is the girl has an adams apple.
Are there mods on this board?
Ok, so:
White team shoots a free throw, misses.
Blue team gets a rebound, but instead of going to the other team's goal, they score a lay-up on their own.
Here's where things break down:
Because women are followers by nature and avoid confrontation or any sense of disagreement, they will literally start to do the wrong thing (and continue to do it, EVEN IF THEY KNOW IT'S WRONG) as long as everybody else is playing along. The only thing women prioritize is feeling good, accepted, and unthreatened. That's their primary motivation for everything that they do. That's why all women are the same, deep down.
After blue team demonstrates that it's okay to shoot at the wrong goal (even though it isn't), white team follows suit and begins to shoot at their own goal as well.
This webm is a case study in female psychology. So long as other women are doing something (even if that something is completely and utterly wrong), a woman will follow the lead that the other mindless women are setting for them. This is why so many women embrace policies that are actively detrimental to female quality of life (importing Sharia immigrants, wanting the right to work (forces wages down), wanting the right to vote (ruins family cohesion), etc etc).
TL;DR: Women will do anything they see other women doing even if it is completely incorrect.
It is. Real men like them chunky.
can you post the vid?
she looks like a fun fuck
there's nothing gay with fucking a woman
I had an experience with a ladyboy from the philipines this weekend, it was great. I'll even admit it was a little gay, who gives a fuck though? it's 2017 bitch it's gayer to not bang anything than to bang a ladyboy
no it isnt you fucking fag
whatever you say, virgin
Just imagine making it Veeky Forums. 30 years old. beautiful kids who will one day grow up to follow in your footsteps in gains. Who will one day lecture you on the newest supplements. Your beautiful 30 year old Milf wife tends to the garden while you work. You come home to a hot dinner and a prime piece of ass waiting to be fucked. Life is perfect and content.
It is
NOT Veeky Forums RELATED
I would totally do him.
No homo tho
sheesh bruv
weak bait faggot.
>it's 2017 bitch it's gayer to not bang anything than to bang a ladyboy
Imagine being this delirious.
10 gold stars to whoever did that edit
Gay iphoneposter
you aint wrong
One day bro
i dont
i swear to god certain ladyboys look much better than women
>define a man as a human with a penis and two balls
So you're saying that, as a man, if you want to fuck a man it's not gay?
you forgot no tits,no curves, and no high estrogen levels, all of which ladyboys have
Not fitness related fuck off
what the fuck am i looking at right now
>your beautiful wife
yup, good luck with that
Are you? Women can't have adam's apples, and trannie abominations can't remove them with surgery. It's a 100% guaranteed way to tell.
that profile made me kek
Its because they spend 24/7 to look as feminine as possible
>implying she'll want to fuck after you give her a baby
Lenny pls go.
Virtually never.
Holy shit, I would fill her up with cum. Really, that's so hot to cuck some weakboy, that's what I've been lifting for. I think that's why there were all these articles about cuckoldry being the new fetish for intellectuals. It is, for those who cuck, not for cucks. That's the most natural and desirable thing to do -- cum into a pussy to have a child. And proving her husband to be a cuck is sure a great bonus and a huge ego boost. Guys, I am afraid to lose the nofap game right now because of these thoughts.
cause fucking women stopped caring by figuring out they'll still have a sex life without trying, even if they're fugly beasts, drunk beta male will still need them to empty their balls
>Plot twist, there's no husband and you end up paying for child support all your life
>being such a retard not to make sure she's telling teh truth
Keked though.