Does stout contain estrogen too? It's the only beer I drink.
Does stout contain estrogen too? It's the only beer I drink
yes it has hops
are you a faggot? stop drinking it and see what happens
Idk, have it analyzed you retard, who gives a shit.
Hops don't contain enough phytoestrogen to feminize you, m8. There's probably more of it in the pre-fermented wort than what the boil extracts. Lots of stuff has phytoestrogens in it: coffee, carrots, potatoes, etc.
If you're really that worried then drink cider or wine, otherwise go lift you low test faggot.
Tons drink ale and onions
stout is an ale.
Yes it does. Drop the stout and switch to a daily pint of emu semen. It'll increase free and total testosterone levels by 260% in just 3-4 weeks.
The ingredients in a beer are cooked, and yeast is added. A closed ecosystem is formed and microbes break down the ingredients, changing flavors and altering the chemical composition. Antinutrients can be broken down by enzymes as microbes defend attempt to maintain equilibrium, and absorb what they need to survive in their new environment (meaning, when you drink the beer, you get those microbes as well as the higher bioavailability of nutrients and lesser antinutrients)
However, this counts for nothing if the beer is pasteurized. The nutrients as well as the microbes are killed in the process
Healthy beer uses natural ingredients, good water, and is bottle conditioned (live yeast still in the bottle) and must be fresh
Macrobrews are empty calories with no health benefits
I see the kikes are shilling again telling men not to drink beer. By all means drink the degenerate spirits instead, the kikes want you to die off early to replace you with robots. Stout is good for you.
I'll add the caveat that it is good for white people. We lived off of alcohol as a means of sanitizing water. And we ate the meals used to ferment, wasting nothing. If it wasn't a nipple, it was a weak beer
Some races didn't have to worry so much about clean water, hence can't properly metabolize the alcohol
Please tell me my favorite beer won't turn me into a bugman. Am I safe /pol/?
Again, beer doesn't turn you into a cuck. White people have been drinking beer for all of recorded history.
Soyboy meme? Enjoy your oestradiol-17 et. al. you dumb fucks.
0 hops
>et al
>there are people who think that soy is more harmful to test levels than drinking alcohol.
Jesus Christ you faggots are literal trash. That's like people who think that smoking tobacco is better for you then vaporizing thc because it "doesn't fuck w/ your mind". Meanwhile they are destroying every fucking organ in their body with booze and cigarettes.
Soy literally doesn't lower test significantly. Drinking however does immensely and it also kills you. It kills your test, your liver, gets you fat. Dumb fucking idiots.
>inb4 soyboy
I eat soy pretty regularly and trust me there are no libido issues in the bedroom. The secret to my ability to be able to cum multiple times with no rest is that I don't drink alcohol like a degenerate so I'm able to preserve my test.
>You're eating tofu?
*drinks carbonated alcohol*
>you know
*crack's open another beer*
*checks blood insulin levels*
>bad for you
*pull's out man-purse and takes daily ED-medication.
Brew your own mead like a real man.
Zero hops
Hey I like like cider (I make my own), but it is associated with youths who simply want the buzz of getting drunk on the cheap. Cider is just weak apple wine drunk in larger quantities.
I was never healthier than when i ate a shitload of tofu. Is tofu really not estrogenic?
Stout has good shit in it, but alcohol inhibits the abortion of it into your body.
You will have good iron absorption, but little of the B minerals from the yeast get absorbed.
t. vegan
Feeding a baby Soy formula is the equivalent of amount of estrogen as 5 birth control pills.
Soy Boy.