As a guy, which lifts should I concentrate on more than others to get a body like this?
As a guy, which lifts should I concentrate on more than others to get a body like this?
Dick sucking x F
Just drink soy milk
You need to do a push, pull, legs routine.
First, push your dick between your legs.
Then pull your underwear up into your ass.
Finally, close your legs to keep you dick in place.
Barbell hip thrusts work for me.
Instagram ass pushouts x F
BB hip thrusts and deads for butt, every time.
Front squats or ATG high bar squats for the quad/hammie growth as well.
weighted decline bench crunches, weighted hanging knee raises, and half kneeling cable chop for the abs.
recomp and then cut for the definition, hope your genetics and fat cell placement is favourable.
n-nice one user
i dont get it whats the problem with soy milk?
Full of estrogen
i typed soy milk estrogen and googles autofills were snopes? reddit cancer and babies
I didn't say it was bad for you, I just said it was full of soy. There's little evidence in support of phytoestrogens influencing hormone levels. But Veeky Forums hates soy, probably because of their hatred of vegans
Full of estrogen, not soy** my bad
so fucking what it autofills? snopes doesnt even have an article about soy and estrogen, but they do about soy and thyroid problems. in that article, they say soy does have a weak estrogen effect
blow me you vegan twink
hands free neck pullups to failure
haha my sentence sounds funny let me add punctuation google autofilled with 4 different words after "soy milk estrogen" snopes was 1st which i dont know what that is, reddit was 2nd, cancer 3rd, and babies 4th i cant take picture of it.
And your point?
i figured you didnt understand what i wrote
is that a tranny
because i have never fallen for a trap before
Lady Beaker
challenging face, skinny chick that started power-lifting
>All milk (whether from cows, goats, humans, or porpoises) naturally contains small amounts of various hormones, including estrogen and progesterone. Because hormones like estrogen are fat-soluble, the level of hormones is higher in whole milk than in skim milk.
Proof that GOMAD is for traps
also I don't care how much hormones a dude takes. it's impossible to get this kinda flexibility/hip angle on a bench arch for a biological male. For sure not be able to hold it the entire time
Gabby is bae. Also, being nationally competitive is hardly "started power-lifting" [sic]
damn dude
bitch "started" at some point I'm sure.
Unless ur contention is by being good she bent space-time to always have been doing it.
She started over five years ago
Why the fuck would you want to hyperextend your spine like that on a bench anyway? Unless you're just a bitch that can't do the full ROM with proper form.
She's a qt. I want to bang her until she leaks, shame she's married.
Never say never, user. She's very young and it's already her second marriage.
So, she's a butter-face that started lifting as I said.
that's not a hyper extension but okay let's see your bench boss
F-frodo? Is this a teaser for a LOTR sequel?
Have a commie slut mother x F
>She's very young and it's already her second marriage.
Squats n oats with soy milk
>conveniently avoids mentioning estrogen levels in soy milk
omg i see this picture every day now
That's how powerlifters compete