Been taking 5mg a day of this stuff for 2 weeks, I don't feel or look any bigger or different.
What is going on?
Been taking 5mg a day of this stuff for 2 weeks, I don't feel or look any bigger or different
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you are gay
creatine just help you recover from hard workout. also you should not expect to get bigger in two fucking weeks. also you are gay
maybe its because you are taking 5 milligrams instead of 5 grams
Your first 2 weeks you should take 20g a day you lil bitch how the fuck do you think you’re gonna make it? If the label says 2 scoops you do 8 if the pill bottle says 1 pill every 4 hours you do 4 every 1 hour do you get it bro?
Whatever it takes
*Ding ding ding*
You dumb shit.. do you even know what it's for? What your body uses it for?
dat accelerated hairloss
>implying shitty hair genes
First off, fuck OP.
Secondly, I've been taking this stuff preworkout, and it's fucking phenomenal. Would I get a heart attack if I mix it with C4? I'm trying to avoid anabolic steroids at all cost, and this seems like the best path.
I wish I had known :^(
Holy shit yes that's why I stopped creatine, I noticed my hairline was receding.
>14 years using creatine
>Hair Iine hasn't moved
>Father was baId in his Iate 20s
Fucking what
although i will shed like a madman if i fap
its pretty gay
It comes from your mothers side. If your mom's dad and grandpa had a full head of hair, you probably will too.
Really? Well I'm fucked since he went bald in his early twenties. I kinda want to go bald anyway since my hair grows to fast
You guys are joking, r-right? I have really nice thick hair, people always compliment it
Yes they both had great hairIines into their 80s on her side and great Iength.
>Veeky Forums actuaIIy had good news for once
Thanks user.
nothing accelerates hair loss besides genetics, for fucks sake. if you are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness you will go bald, and it will accelerate that. if you aren't, you won't. stop blaming other things for your hair genetics.
This OP. I had the same mistake as you. After my friend figured out i was doing the dosage wrong and gave me nonstop shit for it, i started taking the proper amount and turned into a gainz animal.
Prove it
what if my hair color comes from my dads side? my dad balded really early and now I'm paranoid
False information sorry. I have the exact same hair as my dad, and grandfather on my dad's side. It's more likely to be inherited from your mother's X chromosomes, however research suggests that men who have a bald father are more likely to develop male pattern baldness than those who don't.
This is the only sensible answer here. Creatine is likely, not certain, to accelerate balding in people who are already balding
start lifting and drink more water. just take 1 teaspoon
Not exactly.
While creatine does shit fuck all for testosterone levels, it does increase your dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels by like 40% above baseline.
>doing creatine
Take 3 grams per day dude.