Hard to find pants that fit. SS + Barbell Hipthrusts routine.
Hard to find pants that fit. SS + Barbell Hipthrusts routine.
Do women like men with large asses?
I have a pretty huge ass, but feel its only good for attracting gay dudes.
>Middget ass
>BIue board
>ThinIy veiIed homofaggot posting thread
Actually considering doing SS now ...
... then i remember that I'm 6'4 with a fucked up lumbar spine and i can't even do normal deadlifts with respectable weight without running the risk of injury.
Sometimes being a manlet isnt all that bad i guess...
5'11 king of manlets
Fuck, boi
5'6 checking in
Was over 210lbs of lard in the past. Took this pic the other day feeling good. Posted it on soc. Tranny/fag skeletors gave me 3 - 4 out of 10. Now I feel gross.
fuck /soc/, you look good. you have a high tier face
Don't listen to soc(ucks)
They rate based on how you rate others and have a retarded view on what makes an individual's face attractive
Can you take a picture turned a little towards the camera so we can see booth cheeks pls
women do indeed adore men with large firm buttocks
Is this page full of manlets? Also, I am 6'4 myself, are there any aesthetic body builders at my height? It seems like with long arms and legs, people of my height are guaranteed to look goofy and unattractive.
My ex was 6'4 and he had a larger ass than OP. He was like 219-225
5'11 lost 60 lbs so far, gotta keep going so I can see my abs for the first time in my life. Thank you everything Veeky Forums
I want to fuck you, user.
How does that make you feel?
keep it up body, you got some great upper-body genetics, super broad shoulders and huge traps.
the quake guy is back
Great job dude youre going to make it
wtf dude, you got ass implants?
Date tuesday night with a girl who already told me she's an ass girl. both ways, likes dudes asses and likes hers being touched. Started bb squats about 8 months ago, phew. Current max is 300x10, hopefully it's enough for her.
only 3-4/10 here is an adult male hanging out anywhere that involves blacklights. you can do better bro.
props on progress so far, keep at it.
You can bet you ass [spoiler]:)[/spoiler] they love big thick asses, pic related, thanks Veeky Forums for making me believe in SS and squats
thats a great ass
5'9 170lbs
shit i'm miring at your shoulder ratio
5’10 140lbs
Never been on Veeky Forums before idk where to ask this but i accidently became a fat fuck because i went to college and dont work labor every day anymore help what do
nah you're pulling off the attractive bald look.
5'8", I'm still cutting alot of bf % but this is after 3 weeks at the gym and i'm down to 19%
What are you using to measure your bf%? looks like over 19% to me.
no, you became a fat fuck cause you eat like shit
Yeah thats true. Is not doing work every day totally unrelated tho? If I eat mainly rice and bagels and coffee with some apples and broccoli on the side will that help? I dont have shoes to run in, is it better to run in walmart knock off vans or not run at all?
the tool at the gym that you squeeze and it gives you a readout
16 weeks in. Shifting last bit of bf is a bitch. Will I make it?
Count your calories, lift weights, brew your own coffee
This isn't a cock & balls torture thread, wtf
work out a meal plan and stick to it religiously. If you just eat rice and bagels with the occasional bit of fruit/veg you will feel like shit, struggle not to eat garbage occasionally and fail.
Thanks friends, this is good advice I just had no idea where to start.
If i do a light workout a couple times a week and eat less than 2000 calories a day will that be alright?
work out your personal maintenance calories and reduce appropriately. Remember that as you drop weight your maintenance calories will also reduce so you will need to recalculate your diet or you will stop dropping weight. The post a few above of 16 week progress is me. Current daily caloric intake is 1500 and am 5'9. Current routine is 1 week of calisthenic exercise followed by a week of lifting. 2 rest days a week but I do cardio and core strength stuff daily. If you cant figure out a meal plan, once you have figured out your daily caloric intake, just find a meal plan online. There are a load of beginner ones on bodybuilding.com. It really depends if you just want to lose weight or if you want to add muscle tone? if you drop calories you will drop pounds, add exercise you will uburn more calories, lose weight faster and start building strength. Sorry about the long answer. Good luck.
good eye. Hope quake champions isn't shit
Nah that is perfect man thanks so much
5'9" checking in. Been a skelly for most of my life but I've been bulkin for a couple months now.
weak but still probably an estat
bet you struggle with 2pl8 half squats
Balconybro we dont need four of the same picture
Also why are you black now
Balcony bro making some serious abdominal gains. Thick, solid, tight
5'9" here. Started getting Veeky Forums this year when I hit 90+kgs. Now down to around 65. Where am I at now? What do?
Boom! Clap! The sound of my
What's wrong with your posture matey
he's leaning back to hide the spare tire.
Y yo dicc so big
too much tupac lately. actually just been keeping my summer tan going.
thx homie
Women feel inferior when guys have toned and Veeky Forums asscheeks bro. Every girl I have met who I got into fights with always mention my ass, and how I like to show it off everywhere I go which makes no sense because it was just so random. If you want women to love you a big ass is almost always against you bro. This is coming from a dude who's asscheeks are able to lift up grown adults, and have been drunk enough with some friends to put 200lbs on my asscheeks and lift them up.
rate me
cute kitteh
Gyno and narrow shoulders, and a big head
Im so sorry user
My Veeky Forums inspo, Mirn as allways brehs.
Potential. Keep at it
did you bulk or cut
if you did this in 4 weeks then goddamn gud job user
You have a weird body shape. You seriously need to bulk up to strongman/powerlifter bear mode to compensate for that fridge shaped core.
Start doing heavy deadlifts and rack pulls for shoulder gains, cheat rows for back, and get your arms and legs big enough to make your child bearing hips look normal.
Manlets are to be hated,
Because they are scum.
They should be castrated,
Their souls are numb.
Manlets are heartless,
Their souls are short too.
Manlets won't progress,
When you see them just shoo.
Normal people hate them,
Know that manlets are shit,
Punch them in their bum,
Manlets cry when they get hit.
Even God hates midgets.
And regrets creating them,
So He got double digits
And manlets become crumb.
Manlets will die first
On the glorious day of rope.
So we'll end our thirst
For their tears and hope.
They are always inferior
And won't better themselves,
So they hate the superior
And bring us down from shelves.
They have shit blood,
Bad parents and small brain.
Hearts are made of mud,
So they are easy to be slain.
Short people have no souls
And their sympathizers also.
No one likes these ghouls.
Hearts of manlets are hollow.
>6 ft
>deadlifts and rackpulls for shoulder gains
?? What the Fuck are you on about??
what's up with those forearms?
you do any heavy labour?
lifting for 6 months mostly at home thoughts?
Genetics and rock climbing during the summer, plus tennis for 4 years seemed to build some size
My dad has the same looking g arms and he's 60 with a desk job.
I just only hit 315 deads so clearly it's not purely from lifting
Nice legs
6'0" so officially a manlet
Trying to bulk. These are my mom's shorts.
>Quite the manlet
that's my goal
Honest question but surely a black person has to be a masochist to post on this board with the rampant poltards?
y r u mixed grip with 3pl8
these delts are way too big to be natty
>i went to college
doesn't your college have a public gym?
am i ottermode
how long lifting? routine?
goal body, mirin
4 months in SL, currently on 3x5
> 5’4
imagine a world where everyone’s 6’+ and nobody has to cope w being a manlet
damn tyrone
I´m natty, he just has good delt genetics.
don't get a gf who's into choking or you WILL go to prison. no joke.
Wtf is wrong with you? How did you come to that conclusion?
Cut or bulk? 5 10, ~180 lbs, 20 years old
My method is overhand grip for heavy setx5 rep, and mixed grip for 3 rep and 1rep max afterwards.
Can you elaborate
That your mom's room? lmao
Weight loss noob here. I'm at 12%bf and want to drop down to 10. By my calculations that'll put me at 175lbs. I think I may have been pushing too hard to drop these last 5lbs because my lifts have really been hurting, and I feel way worse at the gym.
Is this just a natural part of losing weight or am I going too hard on the weight loss and need to ease off?
Tips for losing my last 6lbs of fat?
Yes :^) they're very supportive of their son that's soon to be entering medical school.
5' 9
I don't know bro you tell me
>rock climbing
You should have np doing DL with overhand grip as a rock climber.
Or your forearm/fingers need some serious work.
More upper body work.
I agree. However even as a rock climber (casual bouldering btw) I will obviously have a limit to what I can overhand. I have very small wrists which I think hinders my maximum grip strength. My finger strength far exceeds average though, I can do weighted 3 finger pull ups. To be fair, I think my grip strength declines when I'm not actively climbing , which I only do in the summer.
Pic related was in the midst of a cut during climbing season for me, my forearms were bigger and stronger