How much does a girl have to work out her chest to compete with the one on the left?
How much does a girl have to work out her chest to compete with the one on the left?
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You can't "work" to get tits, big pecs look terrible on girls
Fucking boob goblins
It's all genetics
eat 4x10 daily
6x hormone injected animal products/day through adolescence
>buying a flattering/lifting bra x1
Be an American, drink the milk.
Also girl on the far right has ringlets and so is objectively hotter.
Estrogen levels on the left ooooo boy
What if I told you all these girls are 13?
I’d be terrified/amazed to see the future
this is why we need to lower age of consent and bring back arranged marriages
I’d be very disappointed that some 13 year olds already have the gross bodies of some adult women
i fucking wish
fat injections via surgery can compete if you keep it a secret and have it done by someone good.
Otherwise there is no other way.
Society is already handling this. Note the younger ages of women hitting puberty in the West and the increase in male gynecomastia. Basically keep eating shitty western food and you will have bigger breasts regardless of your sex.
Pecs can help make breasts appear more perky. Attractive breasts are almost completely genetic and dietary (during development) due to glandular tissue.
I'm pretty sure tits are fat, not muscle.
Anyone that forgets the glandular component is contributing to fat enabling.
The one on the right is cuter, has a better figure and still has quite big tits too. I'd easilly take her over the one on the left
Although they look related possibly sisters.
The one on the right has “quite big tits”?
You’re a moron
incredibly minor contribution. tit size has nothing to do with milk production
If men can accidently develop massive tits due to hormone imbalance (Gynecomastia) what makes you think it is impossible for women to naturally develop large breasts? Its idiots like you that are making healthy weight women akin to unicorns.
Size and milk production should go hand in hand. This one could feed an entire starving African Village
Kek. Bullshit. More like 16.
consume a lot of soy.
What purpose exactly would that serve in the society though
Tit size has everything to do with milk storage though.
If the production is the same and the demand is the same, the bigger woman can still feed more kids at once.
This is advantageous if you have two kids that need to be breastfed at the same time.
A smaller woman would only be able to feed one kid, recharge, then feed the other.
The titcow will fill both of them up at once and then recharge.
>tfw no tittymonster gf
The part that houses the milk isn't proportional to tit size
Yes it is.
>When you’re lactating, your breasts produce milk constantly, and it accumulates in the milk ducts between feedings. When your baby nurses, he will empty out most of the milk in the breast – usually about 75 – 80%. Breastfeeding moms can produce an equal amount of milk over a 24 hour period regardless of the size of their breasts, but women with large breasts may have more ‘storage capacity’ than those with smaller breasts.
>That means that that a large breast may store more milk in reserve between feedings – sometimes several times as much as a small breast. For example: If a large breast contains 6 oz, and the baby takes 4 oz from each side at a feeding (8 oz total), that leaves about 2 oz in each breast (4 oz total) in reserve for the next feeding – in addition to the milk produced while the baby nurses.
>Smaller breasts may contain 4 oz in on each side. If the baby takes 3 oz on each side (6 oz total) per feeding, that leaves about 1 oz in reserve in each breast (2 oz total) for the next feeding, in addition to milk produced while the baby nurses.
Here you go, quotes and all.
> no center knurling
> plates not flush with sleeve
> that outfit
She's only in it for attention
Second on the consent, lost me on the marriage.
Ehm because during pregnancy the glandular part blows the fuck up and some people gain up to 4 sizes. That's not coming from the fat part.
That's more likely to happen if the breast was big to begin with.
Can't you see that?
Is that why men naturally find large breast attractive? The ability to nurse more offspring?
Well it's also a good indicator of the health of the woman too.
that's some armchair evolutionary psychology, but so is this : it's actually because they more closely resembles an ass and at some point people made the transition from entirely rear fucking to front fucking (the pussy also became more anterior) so liking big tits was tied into this transition.
she dont Need too. If she have a better ass, she already won.
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hast du diesen Kiosk/Pavillon gesehen, war genau schreck vor den.
females (sans exogenous hormones) cannot into big pecs
arranged marriage can be bad both ways, who wants to marry a shitty thot
You're right when you say she has already won but what you neglected to mention is that she won second place.
Even if she has a better ass the girl with the larger bust is still queen.
It's the same as with ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph body types.
Ectomorph simply can't achieve natty what endomorph and mesomorph can.
hence all those posts "is this man natty ?"
They need to work enough to get money for plastic surgery so they could disfigure their bodies permanently in effort to imitate someone that is simply superior to them.
Actually beer legit helps get biger breasts, its just a tiny amount though so its gonna take a lot of beer, which in the end might make iot worse from weight gain.
google phytoestrogens from what i read depending on the beer you only get 10% of these max a drink. which is only better than nothing.
Hope you find your queen. Im good with ass
Hey thanks man.
I hope good ass comes your way.
Klar, hab dir am Freitag im Forum geschrieben, irgendetwas mit dddg, Betreff war user. Machen wir es bitte die Woche, ich muss endlich raus aus meinen Depressionsloch, ich muss wissen woran ich bin, gib mir ehrliche Kritik auch was mein Aussehen anbelangt.
How much easier would life be if you were born to be a attractive girl with big boobs.
Would it be like the "tutorial" of life and a autist neckbeard would be the "hardcore" mode?
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Diese Woche... mal gucken, ich glaube, das lässt sich machen.
Ich werde in jeder Hinsicht ehrlich sein.
Würde aber sagen, auch mit Kontaktdaten, treffen wir uns mal lieber vor dem Opereingang. Ist auch toll windgeschützt.
>Pecs can help make breasts appear more perky
100% untrue. complete bro science rumor that keeps getting posted
It actually does to a degree, milk production increases to around a D and from then on it doesnt. Glandular tissue increases with those starting sizes.
> evolutionary psychology
Brainlet detected.
> born too early for CRISPR to make all girls look like left
Pecs on a girl look like shit if they’re ripped as fucked, and have no boob fat tissue left, having pecs while maintining a healthy bf% for a girl makes their tits look better
Stuttgart ist für mich Abfall
t. Badner
Entirely false. With the total inability of women to build upper body strength naturally; developing large pecs requires either massive amounts of training or male hormones. Either result in dramatically reduced bodyfat and higher testosterone levels which nukes oestrogen mediated fat. Women with substantial pecs cannot have breasts and the fitness models you see who do so have implants.
Stop being such a horny fetishist and think.
Boobs are 100% genetic, if you are skinny you can gain fat to see if it goes there but otherwise your only recourse is surgery. Same with female asses.
If you are a plank girl then stop hoping some squats will change that, you are just wasting your own time and i would rather you just get injections and come back out looking hot.
Bench your lean body weight...thatll do it
Bout 100-120lbs should do it
Accordin to manswers slappin tits grows em
No one is talking about roid pecs but you m8. Stop trying to scare women away from gym by implying that they will become roid monsters with the slightest effort. Women are already dumb as shit enough without your contributions.
Muscle is below both glandular and fat tissue you fucking land whale enabling retards. Building chest muscle does not necessitate reducing either glandular or fat tissue.
You cant work out to get bigger boobs LMAO what are you 12? That is not how boobs work. Please go google how boobs work. They are not muscle.
Schwaben sagen, über Württemberg lacht die Sonne, über Baden die ganze Welt... aber nur wenige in der Welt kennen Baden oder.
Women cannot develop pecs to any visible degree without either training an incredible amount of roiding so your advice is either useless or damaging.
Muscle is hormonally active, lifting and specifically growing upper body muscles promotes androgenic hormones which shrink oestrogenic tissue. End of. Your 'musclefu' girls are on roids and those with breasts have had implants.
I'm no expert but jesus christ when I see a woman like pic related it just makes me want to creampie them so bad
>gf is chestlet feels bad
Life on easy mode.
t. Mohammed
The fact that even the girl you posted is a chestlet makes me feel bad for you and your gf.
Stop posting this shit trap.
>terrible, terrible faces
Yet thousands of males are still gonig to fuck him because they won the gene lottery in one department. Fair, right?
Milklets, when will they learn?
>hope and will to life: lost
> trap
> tits and no dic
Weird trap.
Yes it is fair, dont tell me you wouldnt go mental on the right given the chance.
> almost no tits
> no ass
> posing like a twink faggot
Yes its a trap.
>almost no tits
they are at least 7 in the face department and 9 in the body department so still 8/10 minimum
>7 in the face depatment
Not even close. I'm a 9 after all!
Wow, just when I thought fit couldn't get any more stupid
maybe not if you spend all your time fapping to pornstars in your mothers basement but in the real world they are definitely in the top 30% of facial aesthetics user
You realize that a 7 is way above the average girl you see on the streets, right? I don't even want to know where you life.
>Shit form
Pick one
where do you live that those girls aren't in the top 30% of females? Remember if it's america 13% are black and 50% are fat