Olympic Weightlifting General
Oly resources:
Hi friends, how is your training going?
Olympic Weightlifting General
Oly resources:
Hi friends, how is your training going?
Not bad, just getting back into it after a hiatus.
I need resources on non linear periodization though, I can't get my head around it yet.
Anyone know of any?
Bless me, Dima, for I have sinned. I've been running instead of working on my snatch.
I am very new to the sport but I don't understand why you would use nonlinear periodization to compete in weightlifting. It's not obvious to me what the variables you would be changing are. As far as really competitive training goes, I'm only really familiar with the Bulgarian approach, where there is not a lot of room for nonlinear periodization as intensity is very constant. Can you give more details?
I guess any type of info on periodization would be good, especially if it works on relative intensity.
Not sure how long my cycles should be either, I'm using oly to make a me a better athlete in general but may lift in the occasional comp for funsies and to rep the club.
I have basically dropped all olympic lifts except power variations so i can focus on getting my squat up for a little while
Does that look good to you? You've probably already found it if you've been looking for this info.
I just ordered the Adidas adipowers in white, very excited for those to arrive. First pair of lifters so I'm interested to see how much my stability and balance improve.
I don't understand why you would not just include full snatch, full clean & jerk, and the squat variation you're focusing on (especially if it's the front squat)
Cant be fucked to be honest
I'm doing 5x5 squats and i'm too worn out after i finish to do anything serious with the classic lifts
Also i work a construction job all day so it's hard enough just doing the squats
>focus on getting my squat up for a little while
>5x5 squats
have you considered doing a lower rep range?
I've been looking for good, free programs. Does anyone know of some? I used to use catalyst athletics but now you have to pay.
Thanks user, I'll have a read and see how it looks. Russian periodization seems to be the best theory I've seen but I've yet to grasp how it decouples volume from intensity properly as of yet.
I have trouble determining my snatch grip
I have long-ish arms and I feel like my contact point is too low
When I widen my grip it isnt too comfortable to my wrists. It also makes the overhead Position really unstable because of my good shoulder mobility
did some overhead stuff friday (hit some PRs), felt fine afterwards, no problems saturday, then woke up sunday and i get some impingement/discomfort when raising my left arm forward (like in a front raise) UNLESS when I apply some pressure to the left shoulder with my hand. Seems like I got that while I slept, probably in a bad position
what's that? Seems like I will take a week off overhead stuff and just do basic rehab/stretching, instead focussing on squats/pulls
>I have trouble determining my snatch grip
Are you losing the bar behind you, or in front of you on missed attempts?
where are your fingers resting on your thumb when you get into a hook?
Impingement perhaps? Try taking it easier for a session or 2 and stretching your lats a little before training.
If it persists, get it looked at by a physio.
Just recovered from quad tendinitis
Slowly getting back into it
not op, but would losing the bar in front of me be hinting at a grip width issue? or just poor strength
thank god for this thread coming alive again, I just hit 1/2/3/4 and have been meaning to get into oly after that.
>tfw haven't lifted since January`
>tfw lost a lot of weight as well (mostly muscle lmao)
Should I just focus on /strength/ or should I bother doing classics as well?
I also lose the bar in front of me sometimes from insufficient lockout. I think it's just a matter of not getting under the bar quickly enough and being timid about letting it set back behind the ears.
Front usually. When I widen my grip I might sometimes lose them behind because of the lack of stability
And my hookgrip is almost the same on clean and snatch, gonna check it at the Gym later
also pls answer my questions
tfw powerlifter with shit mobility
Only you can answer that because it depends on how good you feel about your lifting ability and how much you prioritize the o lifts in your programming. Warm up with a yoga bar and try to snatch 30kg/65lbs. If your form feels good, up the weight over several sets of quick doubles and see how your form degrades as you approach your old weight, then correct the cues. If you fail a weight 3x, drop weight.
If you decide to continue the lifts start with 2 days per week of heavy full snatch and full clean & jerk, but add yoga bar drills on your other strength training days.
When I clean the bar to my deltoids, am I supposed to readjust my grip completely before the jerk? (and thus un-rack the bar from my shoulders)?
Was thinking of running memegarian with squats/presses/pulls, I mean, you can always benefit from technique and all, but I have complete and utter shit strength right now (can barely front squat 2pl8)
No, you should grasp the bar when you prepare for the first pull such that you can receive the bar in the full clean with full grip. If you're lifting with a quality olympic bar, the spin will be such that you don't need to loosen your grip to rotate into your rack. If you are having trouble receiving in the full grip, do wrist, tricep, and shoulder mobility stretches.
Well if you follow the Bulgarian method and are squatting singles multiple times in a session, you will definitely get stronger. Depends on your goals as to whether you want to bring that kind of intensity and crowd out a lot of other training that is not lower body.
also bumping these sickbois can't fuckin wait
Haven't really been training as of late, so I'll just post webms.
Hey /owg/, I am a newbie, I lift at home and I don't have any weightlifting friends. Can you plis critique my program?
Probably shouldn't be striving to hit heavy singles in the snatch and clean and jerk if you're new to the sport and lifting w/o a coach. Singles are fine as long as they're not a high percentage, though. If you're really serious about solidifying tech, I probably also wouldn't do power snatches until you have really solid snatch tech. Power snatches are far more forgiving about poor technique than fulls, and can end up reinforcing shitty mechanics. This is coming from somebody who only does power snatches because I'm too lazy to do fulls at a lighter weight.
Help pls, I need to get
What do?
Faster how?
Maybe, but it's generally an indicator of bad pulling mechanics more than anything. You could be banging the bar with your hips out too far, cutting the pull short, or you might just have bad overhead stability.
Just posting this as a resource:
Especially this bit:
Coach Fang described the Chinese weightlifting technique as:
There is no explicit elaboration on lifting technique other than achieving those four points, which refer to keeping the bar as close to the body’s center-line as possible throughout the lift, moving your body and the barbell as fast as possible, keeping your body low rather than lifting the barbell high, and ALWAYS being in a balanced position at any point in the lift and in total control of the bar.
Well I think I need most of all to bring my strength and conditioning up. I've found it's honestly not very motivating to do classics when you feel weak.
You most certainly should not be following the Bulgarian Meme method if your main concern is increasing conditioning. You can get a lot stronger at squats doing single max effort lifts every day, but conditioning is not singles. Also if you're squatting lmao2pl8, you probably ought to just do a linear progression 3/5x5.
I used to squat 210kg, memegarian is much faster than literally any x5-type program. And by conditioning I mean getting used to training again.
Can you guys throw an eye at my relative lifts and tell me if it’s a good idea to change standard SS programming to:
I.e. Power Cleans and Bench twice a week, OHP and Diddy once a week.
I want Bench to catch up and for me to work on my form, and PC’s are behind because I deloaded to practice technique.
Do what feels right. You can't really fuck up unless you did what you're describing for a very extended period of time.
I need to get faster below the bar. I've been told I have a decent pull but I can't get myself to an atg squat fast enough.
Mfw c&j 53% of FS
OH wait not FS, I meant backsquat lmfao
Not as bad but still bad
You're not a good lifter if you can clean & jerk your front squat. You're a good lifter if you can clean & jerk a lot. Know that.
200kg backsquat
106kg clean and jerk
g e n e t i c
D e a d
E n d
Why the FUCK is there an M in my trip
>106kg clean and jerk
Haven't you been training for like a year now lad? Fucking hell that is bad.
yeah so like I said. according to Takano you "should" be lifting 152kg but the training ratios are for very advanced lifters. if your entire program doesn't revolve around competing in weightlifting then you shouldn't be discouraged about what your number is. Just lift because the challenge is enjoyable and it's really rewarding when you nail that fukkin barbell, user.
Well out of this year 16 weeks was spent doing a strength cycle focused on squat bench and deadlift
And at the end of this another 15 weeks was focused on german volume training where I only do oly on saturdays
So 3/5 of the year was non-oly training but in the time I did do oly my snatch went from 58-80 and my clean and jerk went from like 78-106
If the turnover is your problem on the snatch and clean, use high hangs to practice getting under quicker.
Do you guys have any good mobility routines? I recently got into Oly lifts and am having troubles with butt wink and shoulder mobility.
lmao just stretch nigga... just try harder to stand up straight lmao
absolutely disgusting mobility (in a good way)
This is literally true, "mobility drills" and such are for nu-male crossfitters. The reason your mobility is shit is that YOU ARE TOO WEAK TO STAND UP STRAIGHT as you are cucked by like a decade of doing nothing but playing wow, eating soy and fapping to shemale porn
keeping the thread alive, what do you all lift for the big two?
so this is the power of manlet, impressive
I think the spirit of the question was more "can you guys list specific stretches that would increase my mobility to achieve these form cues in the lifts" not "what is the best way to use my balance ball and 5lb dumbbells to engage my stabilization muscles"
also Klokov does Crossfit, but keep up the memeing my guy
I always warm up with shoulder dislocates with a yoga bar. Try the "world's greatest stretch" as well but be sure to go for depth and really feel the stretch. Maybe also warm up with shoulder raises with small plates as shown here:
I would just generally watch that video to get a good idea of mobility/movement preparation. Alan Thrall also has a separate video on the butt wink I'm pretty sure.
don't die on me
If you're somewhat established as a lifter and not a total noob, losing the bar in front may mean that you last pull is getting too far away from your body and/or your grip could be a little wider.
Experiment with your grip a bit, wider grip means it's less distance to pull and possibly easier to lock into the overhead position (depending on your biomechanics) but that you also start in a lower position that could be awkward for you if your torso or lower legs are too long to achieve a good back angle and hip height at start.
There's no cue that suits every lifter of course, I'm slammed onto the collars for snatches and it's comfy, but my pinky fingers are on the 910 rings (outer rings) for cleans, but I'm hoping to experiment going a little wider pending some better internal rotator cuff flexibility.
Might be worth trying to find something in between that "too wide" and "too narrow" grip, while also doing some balance excercise like jerk and snatch balance drills.
Let us know how you go.
Nope, but if you have the power to bounce the bar off your shoulders at the top of the catch you can use the air-time to quickly move your hands a little wider to make the jerk easier.
It's a intermediate to advanced technique mostly that requires very good shoulder mobility to do properly and consistently.
>internal rotator cuff
I mean Anterior rotator cuff, please excuse my lack of autism
What's the best squat only ptogram, /owg/?
And don't include ones you're meant to be on a cycle for
She’s horny for her recover assistant bros
Rebecca is growing up to be a hoe
These Spanish weightlifters are hoes
who vegan masterrace here? Making mad gains and being healthy AF??
There's really not much better to do in Latvia than lift weights and get dicked
mfw snatch 70% c&j
I'm fine
How far apart should my hands be when doing BB power clean?
w-where did you find this?
Her insta story
are they saved anywhere? asking for a friend
No because that's what i was doing for ages and my squat didn't progress at all. I'm below 3pl8 at the moment so i need to do 5 rep sets for a while
I have the grey powerlift 3's. I love em' and I'm sure you will too.
Still no discussion about the passing of the King of manlets?
Routine for a 19yo who's never lifted a barbell?
There was a thread for it a couple of days ago. I wanted to make an /owg/ for it with this as the OP image, but I didn't have it in my computer so I didn't.
Isn't starting strength a meme?
How often can you lift a week?
What are your stats such as height, weight, sports background, etc? If you've really never touched a barbell, you should first try and be able to
>pull it from the ground to your hips
>back squat it
>front squat it
>jerk it over your head
19 5'10" 150
mildly athletic
Can do 4x10 pullups/ chinups
Okay, that's fine. At the point you're at now first:
>Learn how to power snatch and power clean & jerk then eventually move into learning the full snatch and clean & jerk
>Learn to front squat and back squat
>Practice technique as often as possible with weight that's light enough to do much volume, but heavy enough to provide resistance so you're not just muscling the weight.
Once you've got that down:
>prioritize every training session with the classical lifts generally with snatches then clean & jerks (and have these classic sessions as often as possible weekly)
>squat a lotーat least 3x a week after doing the classical lifts with generally the ratio of front squat to back squat sessions every week being 1:2.
>overhead press (not the old school/starting strength style, but rather like here: yashathoughts.com
>deadlift (not the kinds like conventional or sumo, only snatch deadlift or clean deadlift) once or twice a week
>set x rep scheme go by feel, but classical lifts and power variations usually don't exceed three reps
progress in the adding weight on the bar by feel, but attempt to increase 1RM at least once a week (more often so for squats in your case)
I haven't included stuff like variations from blocks or the hang as well as pulls yet because those address specific problems in the full classical lifts. Once such problems consistently appear when doing the classics, only then should you incorporate such auxiliary exercises into training sessions. When you should do them in a training session will depend on you.
Bodybuilding/bodyweight exercises can be used at the end of the session after doing everything else I've mentioned so far so long as they don't interfere too much in recovery for the next session.
Once you can't progress this way anymore you could read into periodization OR you can try out the Bulgarian Method.
Holy shit, user.
i think im down with weightlifting for good senpaitachi
hurts my body too much and i've trained with young beasts that just destroyed my confidence in my ability to excel in this sport seeing an 18 yr old kid who's trained as long as i am clean and jerk 180kg at a lower bw
pretty sad but i also missed my last 2 comps due to injuries
idk man
>reddit spacing
>soy boy mindeset
i been here longer then u and stronger then u
u dont no wat u talmbout retart
>it's the talmbout faggot
yes yes yes, please stop weightlifting and posting in these threads