I don't get it what's the hype lately with this program? I thought SS and basic powerlifting movements were the best way to gain muscle mass and look good?
I don't get it what's the hype lately with this program...
Fucking neck and online dating meme total bullshit
Haha why are you mad though family member
Lmao keep squatting bro
What the fuck
starting cucks btfo
What a retard, he should have just recomped then started gaining weight.
Why do people do retarded shit like this and then blame their program for their shitty diet choices?
jeez I wonder why with this faggot board
You can get to 3pl8 squat so easily with LP but if you get fat as fuck doing it that's your own fault for being a retard.
>Jeez I'm getting fat, better not change anything I'm doing to prevent it
>Fat 4 months later, wow I wonder how this happened, must be my program
This is a mental illness.
>You can get to 3pl8 squat so easily with LP
Just fucking lol go elsewhere genetically superior Chad nigger
3pl8 squat isn't hard to achieve as long as you haven't been a shut-in your entire life.
I started at 95 pounds and hit 3plates for a 1rm within a year randomly squatting at different intervals. I did do a lot of leg movements inbetween though.
>3pl8 is hard
Jesus man how weak are you? Squat is probably the easiest out of all the lifts to raise barring really fucked up proportions.
>genetically superior Chad
I'm 6'5 with long ass legs lol, you just suck.
That's the definition of easy
To be fair, that dude looks like he recomped. He just had a weird, extremely fucked up body shape from the beginning and nothing he did was gonna fix that. He definitely looks way better in the After pic, even if it's a troll.
If he recomped he'd be leaner than when he started, his body shape is weird but when someone is that skinny and has that much fat it's hard to tell. He definitely would have been better off getting to the point where he at least didn't have tits and fat around his hips before bulking.
starting cucks triggered t b h
are any of you sub 12% bf?
I didn't even do SS I'm just not a weakling lmao
>I'm not a weakling
>3 pl8
>Doesn't post bodyweight and height
Why do anons do this
None of this matters without bodyweight and height
Stop shilling this product, you're too obvious.
>I thought SS was the best way to gain muscle, but I found an easier way which can be yours for just five payments of $19.99!
this guy's body looks like it came out of a low-poly video game
It's amazing
I already posted my height if you could read you dumb fuck.
I started an LP program squatting 185 for 3x5 at 6'5 175lbs absolute skelly mode, bulked to 205 still pretty much the same bodyfat, maybe 1-2% higher and by then I was repping 3pl8 for 3x5. It's seriously not that hard to get there.
That's a very strong weight to start with, wow.
However you didn't double your initial weight which I find telling. I think it's more impressive for the dude that starts squatting 95 lbs and works up to lmao2pl8.
It would be more accurate to say a minority of people can do a 315 squat easily after doing LP or really any interchangeable lifting routine, and that a majority would have difficulty doing so, and a fairly large proportion would find it impossible.
Don't forget it's all bodyweight and limb proportions dependent.
>tfw every single date I've had has been from online
>I could probably meet a different girl every 1/2 weeks if I tried
>realize rich good looking guys could realistically fuck a different girl every single day easily
I had been doing PPL and random shit programs before doing LP, I did start at 95lbs. Switching to a linear progression program was probably the single best thing I ever did for my gains.
You can do LP on a ppl
Unless you're really short and, REALLY skinny, or a woman or something and don't weigh that much you can do it, at MINIMUM you should be able to get to 275 for a 1rm.
Honestly man it's just 3x5 monday and friday, 5lbs every time you squat, take a deload if you fail or you feel you need to and you'll get there. It takes some grit and focus but once you get into the groove and just grind it for a few months you'll get there.
The ones I did had super trash progression set ups, I fell for the "ads when it feels easy" meme hard. This was before I knew what I was doing.
>a system based on autist redpill incel myths
Fucking A from a marketing perspective
add*not ads, I should also mention when I very first started I was scared to squat because I thought I was gonna fall over so I only did leg extensions for the first like 6 months of going to the gym until I could do ~8 reps with the full stack (I wanna say it was like 305), so my quads already had a bit if strength in them when I started squatting.
stop shilling your shitty product which has absolutely nothing you can't already find on lookism, looksmax or TRP already "Damian"
You and people like you are under confirmation bias.
You see people doing the program, you see people reaching the goal and you conclude that if you do the program, you're going to get to those goals. What you don't see is all the people who stop because they're not going anywhere. And no, you can't account for all of them by saying "they lifted incorrectly" or "they didn't eat enough".
Confirmation bias is a buzzword weak people use when they can't sack up and achieve something that others tell them they can.
I feel sorry for you that your standards are so low you legitimately think a 3pl8 squat is that difficult to attain. That shit is peanuts. I've legitimately never met a single person that wasn't a)fucking up b)a woman c)had super fucked proportions that couldn't at least get to a 275 1rm.
>Confirmation bias is a buzzword
No, confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias whereas someone will form an opinion on a given subject based only on one side of the equation.
>I've legitimately never met a single person that wasn't a)fucking up b)a woman c)had super fucked proportions that couldn't at least get to a 275 1rm.
How could you possibly know that? Have you forced every single person you know to train? Do you have any evidence that under realistic conditions, every single man out there is going to reach a 275 1rm?