How does Veeky Forums feel about eating bugs? They supposedly have large amounts of protein in them
Eating Bugs
I've eaten some stuff with cricket flour before, but it's too expensive.
If it becomes ever cheaper, I would totally consume it.
Same as this user. Once it's more available, I'll definitely buy in. It's an exciting and environmentally efficient option.
yeah, and so does whey, and whey tastes better you bugboy
also, the rich will continue to eat the best meats imaginable while you peasants will eat bugs like the filthy peasants they see you as
Not everyone needs to eat the best meats
If bugs can be commercially farmed and ground into an unrecognizable protein rich flour I’m game
Ah, so it comes down to an inferiority complex. Okay.
not a fan of cannibalism
Who cares. Protien is protien, you can waste your time with veblen goods if you want. But you might want to reconsider what is important. Food is fuel and farming bugs has much less environmentally impact and are more sustainable than basically any other source.
>not doing BORED (Bucket of Roaches Every Day)
>making it
Pick one
Ketofag here. I'd eat a fat prepper before I'd eat a bug. Pic related, it's a walking larder.
Veganfags have impaired cognitive function, checks out.
Are you turkish or something?
Not veganfag, just a shitty phone poster who cant spell. Vegans dont eat honey, why would they eat bugs? I understand trying to correct someones spelling so you feel superior to a bunch of kids on a Taiwanese roach farming board. I’m a biochemist in academia (which is shit, I don’t recommend it) who never has, and never will give a fuck about spelling.
If they're being sold as food then I feel a little better about eating them. I ate a bag of crickets coated in soy sauce in Japan once. But I'm not going to eat a bug that I just find in my house.
As long as its cheap and doesn't taste like shit, I'm in.
>tfw fried bugs aren't popular because of normies and their arachnophobia
>tfw they're indirectly contributing to increased global methane emission
Fucking normalfags I swear to God.
>be soyboy
>rant about saving the earth and all that bullshit
>”wtf eating bugs are gross ew”
maybe with some onions op
Id love to try them. I guess the taste a bit as shrimps.
Powder would be great too
had crispy fried mealworms once. was very good. Also ate a baked Beetle. That was disgusting as it wasnt treated with spices much. Felt like i was eating plastic with leafy green veggies. Either way, I would eat insects if they make em properly flavored, although they don't have any fat to them, so it will be rather hard without frying shit or adding fats/carbs.
where is roachbro when you need him?
meal worms and fried crickets are pretty ok. I'd wish you could buy them and processed products without ridiculous markups.
please not this again
I don't see anything wrong with this.
It literally is the most nutritious and environmentally friendly way to eat.
Bugs are also easy as fuck to farm.
They are only sold as animal food where i live, which is why they are fucking expensive as hell.
Also, there is no processed way of buying them. Don't get me wrong, i don't get grossed out easily, but i don't want to make my every burger myself. Fuck that.