post natty limits
Natty limit general
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I got 7.5 inch bitch wrists if my genetics were optimal at most i could get a 17inch bicep natty.
Could you also get a shoulder on your shoulder?
Probably if if i can find a black market body part surgeon good enough
Honestly, the natty limit for most people is pretty fucking depressing. Genetic freaks look pretty good, especially at higher bodyfat, but mainly natty bodybuilders look like swimmers with 10 lb more muscle.
Pic related has been training and competing 20 years as a truly natural bodybuilder and you would never mistake him for /fraud/ in contest condition. In fact, like most true natties, he disappears completely in a dress shirt when he's lean.
>7.5 inch bitch wrists
I got 6 inch wrists... pls no bully
how do i get arms like those curling 20 kg?
This is probably the only (classic)bodybuilder in the world I'm actually convinced is natty, mostly because I haven't followed other possible candidates as much.
when will fucking retards on this forum realize that natty limit is different for every single person in the world?
Holy fuck, if those are curls and not dumbell shoulder presses, thor is strong as fuck
That's ok user unlike being a fatty you have no choice in your bone size. If you worked out hard and had optimal genetics at 6 inches you could get maybe get a 16 inch bicep natty.
Also, remember that this guy has been lifting for 20 years and has done sports and calisthenics as a kid before that. Also done a shitton of bodybuilding competitions so he's actually proficient in posing. In the pics you can see he has competition tan on his torso meaning he's in competition bodyfat here and tan + lighting increases definition.
Seriously? It's like he's photoshopped
but we are all the same and everyone can be anything women are just as strong as boys and boys can be girls. try refuting that IRL publicly and look what happens to your career, loser. science has spoken, enough with toxic broscience.
t. liberal
utti:D vitu mörkö.
yeah he is a beast and very scientific, t fellow finfag. Also he has very unorthodox training methods.
clearly on gear
7.5 wrists 17 inches, dont see the problem here fampalam
>he thinks 20kg curls make you strong
As someone who's been in gyms for over 10 years with a few breaks and mediocre genetics, I have to agree.
I know I will never get big unless I hop on the gear but I don't want to yet.
And the funniest part is peoples expectation of lifting is such that when I finally pin they will ask me if I started working out (once past humanity).
I lucked out and found an endocrinologist that gives me my test. He runs monthly blood work and makes sure I'm not fucking myself up too bad. Seriously if you can find one jump on them and never let go ever.
I will wait until I'm 40-45 probably.
I'm okay with the natty life and I really don't want the inconvenience of pinning and taking care of pct.
It's your body man and if you want to be natty be natty, no shame in it at all.
THICC bih coming through
Is his head longer than usual?
He's trying to become like El Blanco Gohan
>when I finally pin they will ask me if I started working out (once past humanity)
Reminds me of a truly infuriating moment.
>Be me, 21 year old Veeky Forumsizen who has spent the past 4 years of his life in the gym
>Obsessed with lifting; doing a high volume bro split and taking in protein 5 to 6 times a day, usually three meals and three shakes
>Gained thirty fucking pounds since the end of high school
>Lifts are through the roof compared to where I started
>I'm also leaner than I have ever been in my life despite being much thicker
>Mention to a workout buddy in my biology lab that I measured my arms recently and they're up to 17.5"
>As a point of contrast, we have tons of Asian and Mexican dyels at our university with 10" pipe cleaners.
>A girl from our group who was listening in to our conversation looks over at me, makes a 'wtf' face and asks "YOU work out, user?"
>Literal Navy SEALS copypasta floods my brain
>I lunge at her, intent on beating her to death with my bare hands but restrain myself at the last instant and reply "Yeah."
That was more than five years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. I have never felt such rage for someone over such a casual remark.
PS: I have a mutual friend with that girl. I've seen her Facebook pics. She's a fucking cow now. That makes me feel slightly better.
Natty delusions are hilarious. None of them is natty. You will never get there.
if your arms were actually 17.5" then either you were a fat fuck or she's retarded
literally all 3 you quoted are natty
You're fucking retarded.
I have an 18.5inch arm (14-16% bf) natty with bitchwrists. Not like your alpha 7+, but real, miserable, 6 inch wrists. Btw, also almost 15 inch forearms, so wrist size is not everything.
are you a roidhead and angry that some natties are ahead of you or something?
>if your arms were actually 17.5" then either you were a fat fuck or she's retarded
I'm 6'5" with 8.5" wrists, I wear a size 8 hat, size 16EEEE shoes, etc. So obviously I have really thick bones and a large frame. My arms are even bigger now but still aren't what most people think of as muscular. It's a blessing and a curse to be big boned and tall. I'm glad I'm not a manlet but I don't think I will ever fill out my frame without pinning gear. Still, I made it out of hungry lanklet mode a long time ago.
I think the average person has a hard time understanding what a physique looks like when it's scaled to lanklet proportions. Having 18 or even 19 inch arms is just not that impressive when you're really tall because you still look like you need way more size to "look like you lift weights" by normie standards. It's astonishingly difficult to look like you lift with clothes on when you're 6'5".
>or she's retarded
Yes. But in her defense, most women (and weak men) know nothing about lifting, so she's hardly alone. I mean, if I took off my shirt, I suspect she might have said "Ooh, I see it now." But how often are you shirtless in public? And even then, does a girl (or weak man who doesn't lift) have any idea how much work it is to "just" look like a swimmer with a bit more muscle?
This video basically reveals what women know about working out.
"I like the middle guy because he doesn't seem like he tries too hard."
If you've trained for a while now, you know how much effort it takes to look like the middle guy. It takes a LOT of effort to "just" look like the middle guy. A natty guy has to work his fucking ass off to stay in that kind of shape! And even then, he disappears in a dress shirt.
Why is there 1000 threads a day trying to convince people to start roiding, and theyre all almost exactly the same. Im starting to believe that popular supplement companies are making these threads
nah it's mainly just me shit posting
im pretty sure its just roidheads trying to find reasons why their drug abuse is justifiable
Needs to get better dress-shirts then. I'm about the same size and I look fucking great in a properly fitted dress-shirt.
i'm convinced it's just first year lifters who starting roiding after their newbie gains ran out
aka uncredible
Did you ever play sports in school? I'm a 5'11 framelet who was athletic and pretty good at sports, but I was always shit stomped by the 6'3 230+lbs giants who could just steamroll everyone. I'm envious of you're stature :(
Haha she was teasing you and you raged, everyone can see that you work out dude relax.
I can see why someone may think you dont work out, still, should be at least a bit noticable
>Did you ever play sports in school?
Yes. I was never a superjock or anything, though.
>but I was always shit stomped by the 6'3 230+lbs giants who could just steamroll everyone
Indeed. I always pitied the manlets and framelets. I have a friend who is your height and has one of the most impressive natty physiques I've ever seen. He's also a great athlete and much better than me at everything physical. But he is still a bit of a framelet and is always telling me how he envies people with wide clavicles because they have the sculpture look. He's also surprisingly weak for a guy who has lifted for 10 years. I didn't realize how much your frame matters until I met him. He's really insecure about it.
Meanwhile, I envy him for looking way more muscular with the same amount of muscle as me. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, it seems.
If you think Hemsworth is natty then you're truly fucking deluded in your mental retardation.
He literally said he's 20lbs heavier for Thor than normal. If that doesn't say anything to you...
If you’re going to make a natty thread, start with a natty.
> fully developed delts with striations
> huge, fully developed chest
> natty
Okay son
fucking unbelievable that people like you actually exist
He is trolling (I hope)
Hit 83kg Lean Muscle mass the other day, am 6'0 and 18.
Ultimate goal over next two years or something is hit my natty limit of 92kg lean muscle mass. Stay around 100-105kg though.
Who is this brap queen?
who is this, no homo
Keep in mind that's the result of over a decade of natty lifting. (Pic is Ryan Gosling in the gym at 18.)
The question that always goes through my mind with guys like you is whether or not you've actually dreamer bulked a la Babyslayer or any number of powerlifters. It ticks me off as a 5'8" guy with 7 inch wrists who still has to dirty bulk to gain any sort of strength that you guys tend to complain about not being able to really pack on size but are afraid to grow a gut, and then chalk it up to being too tall. Like... the fact that you're 6'5" means that your body processes food optimally. Eat more and you'll grow enough to look muscular. Your grass isn't as green because you don't water it.
Imagine how i feel at 5'8" with 6inch wrists.
>I lunge at her, intent on beating her to death with my bare hands but restrain myself at the last instant and reply "Yeah."
Ancient Greece, bitch. you will never be this big even with gear
i've got tiny wrists too, user
i tell myself it'll make my forearms look big one day
have you heard of a neg, user?
if you actually had 17.5" arms and weren't a fat fuck she probably wanted your penis in or around her mouth
It's Dom Mazzetii, to be quite honest. He's got the genetics but he is strict natty at all times. Mike's actually quite a bit smaller these days, but he took his body to the limit quite well
>minus leg day
This is the natty limit vs a pro roider
please post arms
i have your wrists and need hope
How do I get a back like this?
the fuck
Hemsworth prety sure isn't.
Jewllywood actors are known to juice shit up in order to get swole for their roles as quickly as possible.
He was natty before Thor when he workled at some aussie tv show.
typical victim of SS
shit, no wonder you looked small to her, user, I'm 6'3" with 14.5" arms and I look like a twig
o-one day, r-right?
Pretty sad that someone would let this manlet meme get to them enough in order for them to make that
Manlets promoting race-mixing, what else is new
Peak serum soy levels achieved.
Don't need pct if you never come off steroids
I find these e-stats difficult to believe.
How do I achieve this body?
Not for everyone, but if you're genetically gifted, you too might one day get this jacked.
Are you asian or something, it's easy AF.
that dudes on gear - look at his traps
i picture his face like this
Is 20kg really all it takes to get biceps like that? I'm a skeleton and I'll go in and move as much weight as guys that look 30-40lbs heavier and it confuses the shit out of me, is it my diet?
I'm not trying to claim I'm super strong or anything, I've only been lifting about 6 months, but I see huge guys go in and curls 30lb DBs and then go home, while I'm reaching for 25s and 40s to increase my weight.
Is it a difference in goals? In my diet? Am I just fucking crazy? Probably
>I see huge guys go in and curls 30lb DBs and then go home, while I'm reaching for 25s and 40s to increase my weight.
They're on dat dere cell tech, bruh. And since you've only been lifting for six months, you probably don't realize that is code for steroids.
Of course, if you were to ask any of them how they got so big lifting bitch weight, they'd probably offer something up about "Mind muscle connection, dude. It's all about feeling the muscle work."
In other words, guys on steroids love giving natty guys shitty advice. And really, who can blame them? Their mystique would vanish pretty quickly if they actually gave away their little secret.
NFL linebackers are pretty fucking big aren't they natty?
Pic related