You all got meme'd
You all got meme'd
It's extremely healthy regardless and you should eat raw onions every day.
No I haven't been, laddeh
what about cooked onions?
>It's extremely healthy regardless and you should eat raw onions every day.
Agreed. But you still got meme'd
Not quite as healthy, but eat both.
Eat cooked onions for dinner and raw onions for dessert.
ok. i will unironically do this. Sausage/garlic/onion + onion tomato salad desert
And about body odor, that is in fact mainly determined by health and genetics. If you smell really bad after eating onion you most likely have some underlying health issue and eating the onion has started the healing process (similar to a febrile state).
If you however are extremely worried about odor, simply eat the onions in the evening before bed.
If you're all worried about the smell, why not just eat your onions before bed and then shower at night/in the morning?
B-but muh weak genetics and inferior test levels. There has to be a way to boost muh test that's only just been discovered after 5000 years of people eating food!
Well, being healthy does boost testosterone. Not to supraphysiological levels obviously, but getting healthy will be one of the simplest (and most effective) ways to improve hormonal profile.
am i big boi now?
>1-2 whole mashed avocado
>1 whole diced onion
>1 whole diced tomato
>pepper/salt/spices to taste
>spread over toasted rye or make sandwiches
come home white man
>still buying into the allium jew
Admit it, Veeky Forums. You all got fucking meme'd on hard.
None of these links work
>what did he mean by this?
All dat test
Kids these days don't care about a nice profile. They want test on top of test on top of test. I always see these threads about cheating test exams to try and get on trt
Raw garlic master race
>tfw my grocer sells pre peeled raw garlic cloves
so you're telling me I bought 200 onions all for a meme??
Yes, you wasted 6.89 $
Onions are godtier, shut the fuck up