Gentle reminder that Starting Strength has fallen out of favor on reddit, and that most people there advocate for PPL or 531
Don't be a redditor. Accept Rippetoe into your life
Gentle reminder that Starting Strength has fallen out of favor on reddit, and that most people there advocate for PPL or 531
Don't be a redditor. Accept Rippetoe into your life
No, starting strength is shit
u have to go back
having 3x frequency for every lift with LP for a beginner is anythnig but shit
If I add pull-ups to SS as accessory work should I leave my lifting belt and shinguards on?
>a year ago everyone on Veeky Forums was memeing about compounds
>now that reddit likes brosplits the favor has shifted here
Reddit has never liked starting strength. Interestingly enough, their main point of contention is just the lack of arm volume. It never crossed their liberal minds to just do a few sets of curls after their compounds and then problem solved????
> not doing PPL
not gonna make it
They also criticise how it deals with failure, that you should be doing AMRAP at some point to actually overcome the failure. I don't agree though.
PPL really wears me out. I can't stay consistent 6 days a week. 4 day split is what works for me
Wrong pic
It seems to fallen out of favor here too (hint: we're the same). Really though I think we had a surge of new people come and I think they didn't get the SS+GOMAD meme. Also with the constant milk=higher estrogen shills that came around the same time they probably thought the whole thing was terrible for you.
SS should only be used for beginner lifters since it gets you work in the big 3 3x a week and does so in a small enough time period that people with no discipline can reasonably stick to it.
Once you've progressed beyond 6mo to a year you're going to be more disciplined and can start adding more accessories and move to a brosplit for straight aesthetics, push/pull for a mix of aesthetics and strength gains or a periodized strength routine for powerlifting.
>SS should only be used for beginner lifters
>Starting Strength should only be used for beginner lifters
A day:
Squat good.
Leg curls ? ok i guess
Leg press good.
Leg curls again? why? seems too much.
2 kinds of calf raises....
I'd replace one of the leg curls, calf raises and perhaps leg press with deadlifts and/or lunges.
B day:
Bench (push motion) good.
Row (pull motion) good
Incline bench / ohp (push motion) good.
Pulldown / chin-ups (pull motion) fine i guess, i prefer pull-ups.
Any tricep (most likely a push)
Any bicep (this is curls, be honest).
Why the fuck do you alternate between push and pull motions all the time. You do know they use 2 different muscle groups? This means you do bench and get chest and tricep warmed, only to have get cold because you want to do rows which target back and bi.
It's an upper/lower split pretty much. First is leg curls and the second is RDL's as a replacement. On second lower day I alternate squat with deadlift. Two calf raises is just followin lyel mcd since I trust a well known program better than myself
Chin ups for slightly more arm work so back and arms have equal focus. I'm fine with pull ups too.
The accessories are high frequency so I wouldn't have to to rest as long compared to my major lifts. Because of that I don't think I'd cool off that fast as there isn't that much of a time gap
I'll see what I can do about the 2 calfs though
Do your homework, kiddo.
u seems completly noob
The routine he is doing is upper/lower hypertrophy routine for intermediate lifters. Routine name is Lyle Mcdonald Generic Bulk
>not doing BBB PPL perma bulk
lord bless ya rippletits
Serious question. Does rippletoe have autism?
Is the book worth buying?
The program is shit on constantly and I can look up lifting form videos online.
When will the PPL meme die
The program is shit on by people who haven’t done the program. The book is good, but PPST3 would be better for programming purposes.
>3x frequency
>for every lift
you mean just the squat, right?
If people actually bothered to read starting strength, they would realise that they CAN infact ADD CURLS AND CHINS to the program.
Hell I added dips too but don't tell Rippetoe.
I added chins after my deadlift/GHR (which you're meant to alternate in and out when sets get heavy, but lets just call it deadlift day), weighted dips to my bench day and curls/skullcrushers on Friday's workout if I didn't feel too fucked.
I hit 1/2/3/4 without too much issues, my arms didnt look like spaghetti (I felt weighted chins smashed my arms more than curling did desu). and going through my LP towards the end was mentally the most challenging thing I've ever done. Volume day on TM is a bitch yes, but going balls out on everything x3 a week hurts more.
But then again there are guys who want to be lean and ottermode, which is fine, PPL after a couple of months of SS/SL will fit this role, but many of us don't want to just be built, we want to be massive AND strong as hell.
Practical Programming is the better book but buy SS if you're just beginning.
The two things that I did change, with positive results are:
>Add accessory work; Rip discusses this
>Add more deadlifts once you get good.
So this... is the power of GSLP... whoa...
>two kinds of calf raises
lol just take your time on one type and really get a good range of motion in. do 5 half up, full down, 5 half down full up, and 5 full motion with heavy weight.
you morons forget that gaining muscle is literally all about breaking down muscle fibers in all sorts of ways and then taking in the proper nutrients so they can build back up, and resting as much as possible between workouts
but whatevs
>you morons forget that gaining muscle is literally all about breaking down muscle fibers in all sorts of ways
oh please, that's literally muscle building in a nutshell. break down muscle fiber, eat and give your body time to build them back up. don't act like it's some sort of crazy and intense science, because people have been getting big for decades now
>choosing a routine based on reddit popularity
why add pullups to a program that already has chinups?
Holy shit I just finished SS and 531 and squat 405, that can't be real.
when will the ppl is a meme meme die
Curls on Friday are officially sanctioned by Rip.
>AMRAP for novices
is this a meme?
Yes. This place exists to troll stupid noob lifters.
he isn't wrong though. DOMS is microtears to the muscle fiber. Recovery repairs these and rebuilds them to handle more weight. It is basic GAS.
someone gets it
microtears happen with or without DOMS though.
DOMS just seems to be an increased sensitivity to pain
Maybe that guy should run his "great" program himself first. Jesus Christ, Rippletoad at least squatted 600x2 before acting like he knew what he was talking about
pull ups > chin ups
I love you, but stop shilling mark.
Should I run starting strength until my lifts are 1/2/3/4??
>if I fail I might get discouraged from lifting
Such a reddit-tier reason to not like a program
You'll be lifting at least for the next few decades unless you're a bitch, so what do you have to lose? Seeing your squat go through the roof is fun
I've already been lifiting for two years and still look like a skinny fat bitch, I think its time I focused on the lifts and ate more.
This guy minor variation of GSLP is constantly recommended and he looks dyel. Over on forum author of Fierce 5 is big, and Vikings Bare Bones program is jacked but no one here or on Reddit ever mentioned then, why?
I'd try SS but every huge bro I know laughs when he hears the volume on it and said he started with double that.
I don't see the issue, phraks glsp is for beginners, for 1-3 months. Whatever he's doing, he should have moved way past that anyway, so...
No, you aren't tearing the muscle when you work it. That's a myth. If you tear the muscle, that's called an injury.
Isn't the volume of just 15 total reps an exercise, just retardedly low
bro splits are still based on compound movements. wtf bro
LOL is this real?
>Squatting every day
I thought we all understood that SS is a meme
No, he just didn't read the sticky, like a gaylord
Anyway, as stated in it, Starting Strength's fine until you hit around double bodyweight squat/deadlift or stall out consistently (whichever comes first), then you can switch to another program: Texas, 531, chadSplit, etc.
There's a reason the shit's got three phases of progressive intensity.
I wish the 5/3/1 meme would die. Everyone modifies it so much and so differently it's meaningless as a program.
>I do 5/3/1 but I only lift two days a week and I've replaced deadlifts with HIIT kettlebell swings and instead of doing 65/75/85 on back squat I do front squats for 10 sets of 2 reps
Plz make Brazzers photoshop
BBB is an upper lower though! Please explain
i just started GSLP and have been making hella gainz and setting PRs
That's less the program's fault and more a matter of jobbers being jobbers.
You could say the same about any program really, much like op and SS apparently.
Solid kek, tho
Advocating PPL/531 instead of SS is literally the dumbest shit ever. Not surprised idiot redditors would do that.
>hey kid wanna increase your squat by like 250 pounds in 6 months?
>no thanks id rather it take 2 years to squat 3pl8 doing a PPL routine
Please note Pic Related... Any beginner would be able to make pretty damn good gains on this, and it's (more or less) the same damn thing as SS/SL/5x5/Greyskull/etc/etc/etc
Anyone who has done GSLP knows you wont be able to progress for longer than like 3 months while on SS you can go for about 6 months if done correctly
The problem with ending work sets with an AMRAP set is that, if your AMRAP set is bigger than your work sets by more than 1 rep it basically means you took it easy on the preceding sets. Like if you're doing 275 pounds for 3 sets of 5 reps, and your third set you get 9 reps, you really weren't pushing yourself on the previous two sets.
Also, having novices do AMRAP deadlifts is retarded
So what is Reddit's PPL? I don't understand how to use Reddit, I don't like it, and I'm not even sure I'm in the right spot.
I found some sort of wiki, but there is only 5x5 programs offered, and some brand-name upper/lowers (oddly enough, 5/3/1 is one of them).
GSLP makes people think they SHOULD be getting over 5 reps on the last set, but really the last set should be an absolute struggle to get more than 5
>5/3/1 over ss
That makes no sense.
reddit's PPL is pretty much identical to Coolcicada's deadlift variant PPL
nearly every ss is shit post is about some dude that does it for 3+ years and looks like shit
which is why beginners should read the book first.
it addresses the issues you guys are talking about.
also to anyone leling at pics of phrakture and deciding GSLP is trash, remember that phrak didn't invent GSLP, he just made a popular variant on it.
>caring about any of this
oh, and addendum is that GSLP is almost identical to late-stage SS (especially if you use PCs to warm up for DL)
Mark himself recommends using microplates to progress, taking a light squat on wednesday, doing weighted chins and BB rows as accessories, etc.
Really the major change is the AMRAP and deload progression, which IMO is superior to SS's deload protocol.
lol no it doesn't
'dude just go to failure on the last set it's the secret to getting huge!'
yeah this should last about 10 sessions before it stops working
but it literally does
it's true, AMRAP does mean AMRAP
but here's the thing is that GS accounts for good days. Sometimes you are working what you should be working for a 3x5, but you got some killer sleep that day or for whatever reason you have another rep left in the tank at the end of your set, so you can crank out another rep. Squatting 280 for 5/5/6 doesn't mean that you should have been squatting 285 for 5/5/5, and if your AMRAP set is ridiculously high and you were operating at a submaximal weight, you just double the weight increase to catch up to where you should be. The AMRAP sets end up self-regulating.
5/3/1 BBB followed to the letter with the author’s recommended variations is disgusting efficient for the gym. In an out in 1-1.5 hrs depending on deadlifts or not.
I doubt they seriously do that. Who the fuck does 531 at beginner level.
5/3/1 BBB is shit
t. got memed into running 5/3/1 BBB challenge in 2013
run anything but fucking 5/3/1, if you need something that works well with sports/life do juggernaut method or something
Chin ups are part of the program. Do not add pull ups on top of them. If you INSIST, it won't be the end of the world if you do pull ups instead of chin ups, but chin ups will do more for your biceps.
PPL is irredeemably shit.
Really, SS is probably the more necessary book for newfags. Left to their own idiot devices, they will fuck up EVERYTHING. The SS book will at least guarantee that, if the lifter is at least half literate, one understands how to perform the most important lifts at least mostly correctly.
It's a NOVICE program, you idiot. The rank n00b doesn't have the work capacity or recovery capacity trained to be able to do a lot more, or benefit from a lot more. The whole point of SS is to quickly build up that kind of work capacity, and it does so effectively in a few months. Once one has worked up to near failure, dropped the weights back 25ish percent, and worked back up to about failure, they are pretty much done with LP and are full ready to do programs with heavier volume.
Any post-LP program should contain pretty much ONLY the core barbell lifts and stuff listed under "Useful Assistance Exercises" in the SS book. Most everything else, with the possible exception of roman chair sit ups, is stupid bullshit
Isn't the point of SS just to get beginners doing compound lifts and progressing?
5/3/1 is designed for every experienced powerlifters.
If you aren't a lifter past 40 and advanced, i would give 5/3/1 a pass.
5/3/1 is not a program for advanced lifters, it's an intermediate routine for people playing sports, busy careers, wasting illnesses etc
nothing wrong with PPL for intermediate lifters if the goal is aesthetics, stupid for beginners
>The rank n00b doesn't have the work capacity
That's why he need to train for it for not resting 5-10 mins between sets.
>The rank n00b doesn't have the work recovery capacity
This is bullshit and every good coach knows it.
I do 5/3/1 for beginners.
I never understood why people lift for aesthetics. It's a completely arbitrary ideal, one that is subjective to every person. Aesthetics don't exist outside of a social context. But strength is absolute, and exists as an objective measure.
that's because you look like shit probably
aesthetics are rewarding for the same reason strength is rewarding, it's rewarding to YOU when you hit a new PR or see a new striation in the mirror or your arms look absolutely massive when you catch your reflection in a window somewhere
it's all just for your own ego, embrace it
There’s nothing wrong with PPL. How different is the reddit ppl from coolcicadas ppl? I’ve gotten pretty good results from his. It helps that I enjoy being in the gym so often too.
What you describe is narcissism. Strength is rewarding simply for being an absolute that actually exists outside of your head, rather than a borderline mental illness that is you peacocking in the mirror.
The difference between SS and fad routines is that SS is extremely effective. It doesn't matter if it "falls out of favor" somewhere, because the routine still works. Once reddit has had their fill of doing bro routines some of them will eventually rediscover SS and make rapid progress and the pendulum will swing back again. People have been training this way for decades. Most other styles of training have disappeared, and when people rediscover them it's quickly discovered that it wasn't that effective to begin with.
whatever geek you look like shit lol
muh absolute, muh pure pursuit of strength *tips fedora*
Not an argument. And I'd kick your ass, retard
>SS is extremely effective
You even have no researches or statistics on this statement. There is shit ton of guys who can't progress doing SS because SS is a simple peaking program, and if you have no base then you have nothing to peak.
good, concise summary. whoever continues memeing after this best be trollin
you getting enough protein, bra?
looked shit (eating at maintenance so slowly dropping BF%) until I increased my protein intake, looking better @ same weight as before (6'3"@200lbs)
>few sets of curls
5/3/1 for beginners has 3 sets of main progression and 5x5 of first set just for one lift, so you do 8 sets for bench press for example. This is the volume.
i've never been to a forum where the majority doesn't like compounds lol
>Once reddit has had their fill of doing bro routines
What are this bro routines you are talking about?
Are you genuinely implying ppl is a bro routine? Are we just discrediting anything now just because it’s gained some popularity ?