>be me
>lift heavy weights
>take cold showers
>eat clean
>on no-fap
>rarely drink or smoke
>get plenty of sleep
>still can't grow a beard
What am I doing wrong, Veeky Forums?
>be me
>lift heavy weights
>take cold showers
>eat clean
>on no-fap
>rarely drink or smoke
>get plenty of sleep
>still can't grow a beard
What am I doing wrong, Veeky Forums?
Not being born as Chad
What if I put Rogaine on my face?
Will that help?
Really what you should do is ask yourself why do you want to grow a beard so bad
>not a full beard yet
>>be me
>>cut large trees by hand
>>take warm showers
>>eat what i want
>>no no-fap
>>drink and smoke
>>get just enough sleep to function sleep
>>still can't stop growing a beard
I feel you. I have that Joe Dirt problem where my beard grows in all white trashy.
actually, in all seriousness, yes. rogaine will work more or less anywhere. That's not to say it's a guaranteed thing, but the mechanism is fine anywhere you could grow hair.
I'm 25 and all I can grow is shit like pic related.
I'd rather have no beard at all than having to shave this so I don't look like a rapist.
>tfw uneven cheek growth
>tfw have to conceal a scar on jawline
>tfw side with poor growth has the scar
Actually yes. Rogain is amazing for filling out a beard.
Im white but my curl is afro texture apparently this isnt normal
Dont see /NoSoy/ on there, missing some memes bud. Did you actually think you could grow a beard without collecting them all first?
>hairy legs, asshole, forearms
>splotchy, thin facial hair
This is fucking weird
I have a thick beard (except uneven cheeks) but have very little/blond body hair
It takes me about a month to grow a lumberjack like beard with spnish inquisition style moustache
You fags need to get good at genetics
What if your beard is dense but does not grow to length very quickly?
>20 years old
>extremely fast facial hair growth
>had a beard that was literally 7 inches long when I was 19
>moustache was literally 8 inches from tip to tip
>Zero chest/body hair
>minimal arm hair
What did my body mean by this?
this tbH. I look like optimal /bearcubbait/from the neck down but literally 14 above it. the actual fuck?
My beard grows just like that. Shit tier mustache genes tho
>t-thanks genetics
>What am I doing wrong, Veeky Forums?
Being born with the wrong genetics
It will grow eventually
Nothing worse than beardlets
well a lot of people notice hair on their face getting thicker as a side-effect of using rogain or the generic varieties,turns out when you wash it off your head it can run on your face/neck and in time do some damage,esp since women are starting to use it as well.
tldr:rinse your head in the sink before going in the shower
you know, you make a valid point
>be me
>able to grow full beard at 18
>thots in amazement of my full beard,pale complexion and deep green eyes
>start losing hair at 22
Sophie's choice really if I didn't get enormously fat between 24-28 and didn't hop on the fin train on an off I would probably be bald as a cucumber
>tfw 20 and I can grow a full fledged beard
>moustache and chin hair grows in really thick and fast
>sides come in patchy and take forever
Depresseding teebeequeueaich
>grow beard
>your targeted audience likes you with a clean face
Oldfag here (32). If it makes you feel any better:
>couldn't grow a beard until 23
>after 23 it wasn't spotty and looked good
>didn't grow chest hair until 30
>didn't grow stomach hair until 31
Some people just have shit genetics. I have coworkers that our my age that still can't grow beards
How much thicker does facial hair get from age 18 to ~30? I could almost grow a beard, but there are just a few spots that don't connect.
>one side of my face has thicker hair than the other
considerably. mine went from white trash to viking literally overnight when I turned 26
One of my close friends from high school has had a beard since we were like 15 and is going horribly bald at 20. I was pretty jealous back then, but not so much anymore.
How old are you? At a certain age, you'll just have to accept that you cant grow a beard if it never comes in. If you really have to, take creatine to increase DHT which is the hormone responsible for beard growth.
Also you don't need to do all this meme shit to grow a beard, just live life while staying fit. If you really want to increase test in any meaningful way you'll have to inject it.
>shit genetics
yeah mexican asian etc
>people saying to inject test
Even if he does he probably still won't be able to grow a beard. Facial and body hair is caused by DHT and the receptors which cause our hair to grow are much more sensitive on some men compare to others. That's why you see those narrow shouldered, no chinned betas who can grow a full beard but some people who are naturally high on test can't.
I know a few big, strong as fuck guys with jaws like anvils who can't grow a beard. Also I know some who can but have barely any body hair
I've been using minoxidil on my face for a week now... starting to see baby hairs kek. I'm 25 and got that no beard genetics too.
Haven't shaved in like 3 weeks, gonna just let it grow out as much as it will go, I don't even care what I will look like any more; no one's gonna say to me to shave it, on the contrary someone said I'd look good with a beard so I'll just keep it growing.
Minoxidil definitely works. Started seeing vellus hairs at 1 week and I'm at around week 6 now of applying it 1x a day and seeing some dark hairs here and there. Pretty nice for someone with trash beard genetics.
about to jump on that minoxidil train sometime soon
I'm annoyed of getting mistaken for a 15 year old
can grow side burns, moustache and chin hair fairly fast but not enough hair and too patchy
the only thing keeping me back is my body hair as even from toes to right under my chest is basically one big hair string
whilst face and chest are almost hair less
dunno if I mess up whatever my body is planning for me
>Hairline receding
>Hair started growing on shoulders and back
>Still can't grow a full beard
Beard genes mean absolutely nothing if you dont have goat mustache genes to go with it. Only so many times you can be called abraham lincoln before you go crazy
Same problem here, you probably sleep on that side. That's my best guess fmamamalam
I'm 32 and my facial hair is brown for about 6 days of growth then all of a sudden it goes for "Jock Mode" and turns ginger.
Chest hair is dark black and thick as fuck. Little trimming round the shoulders and abbs and some Manscaping and I don't look too bad. Not to mention I've got the Salt & Pepper thing going on. Figurally have maybe 4 girls who would go out with me if I had the balls to ask.
>tfw just want a lifter Waugh not a THOT
Beard growth is purely genetics. I was low test baby and grew a glorious beard. Now I'm on trt and grow the same beard.
Same here
Gotta have some of those Middle Eastern genes
Can tell just from this that you are a narrow nu-male cuck
32 and on Veeky Forums? Fucking sad. Go kill yourself.
Pretty sure my wrist is thicker than your neck...kill yourself.
lol silly noofag kiddo
Veeky Forums has been around for fucking ever at this point. I'm 33 but been on here for over a decade lmao.
>cold showers
HERE is where you're fucking up BADLY. Today I took the last shower after seeing what cortisol does to test. Search what cortisol is and how it affects it
Why do you hurt my feelings :(
You might not have the genes for it, and quite frankly, if you have a decent haircut and jaw, you're set.
>getting so worked up about cold showers that you raise your cortisol
>not learning to enjoy cold showers
not even a testosterone thing anymore by now just energizing and cool. u pussy duud
> At a certain age, you'll just have to accept that you cant grow a beard if it never comes in.
bullllllshit. There are photographs of my father with a patchy as fuck beard in his early 40's and now in his 60's is thick and fuck and covers his whole face.
Unless you're a beta that suppressed your DHT with finasteride your beard will keep on getting thicker throughout your whole life
Might just be your genes m8. Maybe you won't grow them at all, maybe you're just too young and they'll appear later on you.
If beards come to numales so often there's probably not much you're actually doing wrong.
>hair on anus as thick as (very thick) hair on head
>beard is patchy mess
What the actual fuck. I thought nature was supposed to make fucking sense. What is the goddamm fucking evolutionary advantage of having to shit through a fucking carpet? Was nature trying to kill my genes by making me smell like shit? Am I just fighting the inevitable with liberal anus soaping????
This, it's the reason I shave
Daily reminder that the skinny numale fag who is a part of antifa had lots of facial hair and still looked low test. I honestly think it's irrelevant
beards arent related to testosterone you retarded faggot
why are you ashamed of your scar? are a woman?
It's not a cool scar, it was from an infected ingrown hair.
beards are for fags
I mean I eat like shit, fap on the daily, drink like a trooper, love a good smoke and I've been shaving since 12 what must be wrong with you beardlets I'll never know
>be me
probably doesn't help with growing a beard
>lift heavy weights
beard isn't a muscle
>cold showers
beards are not plants, watering them won't make them grow
>eat clean
Nice. Probably won't grow you a beard
>on no-fap
Sexual frustration and beards are not the same thing, and that's only good for growing the former
>rarely drink or smoke
Cut the smoking down to zero, but either way your beard doesn't care
>plenty of sleep
Good for you, but beards don't sleep.
In my expert medical opinion, you can't grow a beard and there's nothing you can really do about it. All of that shit you posted is either irrelevant, or has so little impact that it's still basically irrelevant to growing a beard. Just shave your face and be happy you're living a healthy lifestyle.
Also, jesus fucking christ by this point I'm pretty sure the only thing no-fap doesn't give you is a handjob. Stop subscribing to stupid fucking meme articles and taking your health advice from the fucker who wears his baseball cap backwards in the shower. Jerking off in moderation has no detrimental effects to your health, and no-fap will not grant you superpowers.
good shit. please don't trim/line up your cheeks.
Nothing. Beards have become the modern symbol of the nu-male. If you don't take care of yourself by shaving you're no better than "le manly man" craft beer drinkers who have nothing to show for themselves except their beards.
Depends on genetics user, my dad wasnt growing anything until his early 20's and got a full beard by his late 20's. Meanwhile me and my little bro have started developing facial hair at 19 and by 23-24 we should have full coarse beards
What is this no-fap meme? I've jerked off like a madman and still grow a decent fuzz in a week.
Shave that moustache and you'd be a real cutie
The effect of minoxidil is not even topical, so you can put it anywhere and it will grow nose and ear hairs as well.