does Veeky Forums drink soy products?
Does Veeky Forums drink soy products?
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Woah first time seeing that image. Bump for interest.
Why is soylent such a tranny/numale magnet?
are they so weak they cant even chew their food anymore?
Pretty sure most all of the physical change is hair dye and taking actual estrogen pills. Physiological change is due to failing to transfer past success into monetary gain, loss of popularity, and constantly being bullied by /v/.
Idk soy probably doesn't help but wanda has far worse issues to contend with.
No, Veeky Forums is anti-soyboy.
Sorry, buddy. This is a meme thread and reasonable replies aren't allowed.
It's because they're too le busy with their indie game companies and being a provider for their live-in, pansexual, transgender romantic partner to cook and workout, you silly meathead. If you did anything but pick up hunks of metal at the douche house, you'd know that
>indie game companies and being a provider for their live-in, pansexual, transgender romantic partner
why do they all have to be like that?
>having picture taken/selfie
>hmm better crease my brow and look confused or constipated.
yes, it's not as gross as milk, yet tastes better than water. I've been drinking it for years, the thing about it being estrogenic is the same as all the other retarded memes, don't believe in everything you read on Veeky Forums come on man you can think for yourself and do your own research.
It is estrogenic. Don't believe in everything you read on Tumblr come on man you can think for yourself and do your own research.
>Read about soylent
>Sounds like an interesting idea
>Check composition
>47% fat
Into the trash it goes
why the fuck would it be estrogenic? What ingredient contains the estrogen? I'll humor you as long as you keep it within the realm of science.
Do your own research you dumb autistic piece of shit. Start with Wikipedia.
>why are phytoestrogens estrogenic
It’s a psychological defense mechanism because they know they’re ugly.
>Start with Wikipedia.
Start with google scholar or go to university library then you insufferable mongoloid
You eat it directly? like soy milk or burgers?
what you intend to do following your diet? gain mass? lose weight?
Pretty sure there's no soy in that. It's just a name.
jesus christ dude, you can read the ingredients before looking mentally retarded
See, this is just the thing with vegans who are most often leftists. No source contradicting their absolute bullshit is ever credible. They deny source credibility all the way. Just like communists. That's why life-style vegans, just like liberals and communists, need to be shot and all their works erased from history. They are dumb selfish animals who lack the reasoning capability of humans.
Its the numale alternate expression, they swap between "im just pretending to be ugly you guys" and "cum catcher"
No, even if soy doesn't influence oestrogen, the people who drink soy products tend to look like fags. Hence "soy boy". I would rather err on the side of caution and carry on eating meat.
Yes, have about 2.5 dl/~1 cup on my morning oats and drink 2.5dl to my lunch, every day. I also eat tofu or TVP almost every day.
holy shit sterling is a cuck? how did I not know this
Been doing so for over 2 years, no negative effects.
Daily reminder that cow milk also contains estrogens, but mare milk contains taurine.
Become a stallion, drink mare milk the size of a galleon!
Mammalian oestrogen (dairy products)
Xenooestrogens (from plastic)
Photoestrogens (plants like soy)
3 types of oestrogens...
But only one has a clear link with an effeminate subculture that actively promotes the use of it, and only it, in their community.
You sure about that?
What a sad life your brain has, not being used beyond meme correlations.
I only drink tit milk straight from a slut or bull shark semen for massive gains bro
I don't drink either but dairy is a lot worse for you in terms of oestrogens than soy is. It literally comes from a female cow. The reason why everyone who does GOMAD gets man tits isn't just because it's fattening.
>All people come from a female human
>All people must be full of estrogen!!1 Everyone is actually a woman, men can't exist!
>Soil comes from animal shit
>Half of all animals are female
>Shit coming from female animals must be full of estrogen!
>Soil is full of estrogen!!!11!
>All plants grow in estrogen filled soil and are full of estrogen themselves!
when will brainlets stop using that "logic"
I like how this pic tries to imply he was doing good before the soylent. He was already extremely low test and feminine and on the verge of transitioning. He probably started drinking soylent knowingly because a trans friend told him it made him more feminine or something.
I like to analyze these cases on a biological level and it seems to me that these people subconsciously want to take themselves out of the gene pool to benefit humanity.
Stay safe, avoid all 3. But nice try, dairy marketer shill.
>called out on their stupidity
>begin spamming meaningless meme "studies"
never change, shills
Well technically we did all start out as female until we got our Y chromosome as a fetus.
So a good friend started drinking soylent recently. Should I beat him up or let him drink until he starts turning into a woman.
I wouldn't mind actually, he would be a good GF
Kek, fug his boipussy
"total dairy food intake was inversely related to sperm morphology (P-trend = 0.004). This association was mostly driven by intake of full-fat dairy foods. The adjusted difference (95% confidence interval) in normal sperm morphology percent was -3.2% (-4.5 to -1.8) between men in the upper half and those in the lower half of full-fat dairy intake (P < 0.0001), while the equivalent contrast for low-fat dairy intake was less pronounced [-1.3% (-2.7 to -0.07; P= 0.06)]. Full-fat dairy intake was also associated with significantly lower percent progressively motile sperm (P= 0.05)."
"The present data on men and children indicate that estrogens in milk were absorbed, and gonadotropin secretion was suppressed, followed by a decrease in testosterone secretion. Sexual maturation of prepubertal children could be affected by the ordinary intake of cow milk."
"Milk products supply about 60–80% of ingested female sex steroids."
"The daily intake of total investigated estrogens through milk is 372 ng, which is dramatically more than currently recognized."
" Free and deconjugated E1 (6.2−1266 ng/L) was the major estrogen followed by αE2 (7.2−322 ng/L) and βE2 (5.6−51 ng/L), whereas E3 was detected regularly at the detection limit of 10 ng/L"
I know right? But where can I buy something that is made out of 47% carbs?
>Pretty sure most all of the physical change is hair dye and taking actual estrogen pills.
Its implying that soy caused him to want to dye his hair and take estrogen.
I only drink sips
There are also studies showing eating food lowers testosterone, I guess I better MEASURE MY HORMONE LEVELS AFTER FEEDING in order to have a PROPER UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN METAOBLISM.
>japs in charge of proper research.
Daily reminder that anti milk shills are filthy soyboys who can't interpret data at all.
You forgot to mention the part where dairy products pale in comparison in estrogenic compound concentration to soy/seed products, it's not even a fair comparison.
A powerful compound in hops has also been found that is thousands(not a thousand, thousands) of times more potent in anti androgenic and estrogenic activity than the strongest of isoflavones in soy.
Been drinking soy all my life! My pecs are really well developed as a result
>small amounts of phytoestrogen is bad
>Drink cows milk a literally a potent shot of oestrogen sugar, fat and diluted calcium
nice try retards
>small ammounts
>a fucking cup of soy milk has dozens of thousands of times more estrogenic compounds than the shittiest form of conventional commercially available cow milk
those fucking gums
>doing estrogen for THIS
Just start calling him a soyboy. Whenever he does something feminine or shows physical feminine features (blushy skin, gyno, weakness etc) point it out and mention he's a soyboy. That's how were currently getting the entirety of Veeky Forums into lifting.
Hormones are measured in the picograms in milk, they are measured in the NANOGRAMS/MICROGRAMS in soy milk.
Please, please for the love of god stop comparing the two, it's not even in the same league.
Soy products have many thousands of times more estrogenic compounds than ANY sort of dairy product, even fucking pure butter.
Hops inhibit aromatase/estrogen dumbass.
I literally just posted this in the /pol/ soy thread
You're the retarded fuck comparing the two. They can't be measured against, one having more doesn't mean shit when it's not hormones that are in soy but a molecules (Daidzein and Genistein) that have an estrogenic effect. Example, they could be both in micrograms and the soy having less but the net effect being that it is more estrogenic. The quantities are irrelevant to compare.
Armotase or estrogen conversion does not really matter if you pump yourself full of exogen estrogens which hops is full off
No they don't, hops have been linked with MALE breast cancer and gynecomastia and lower fertility in males, in fact the use of hops in beer has started as means to do make central europeans more docile in the previous millenium.
Hops flavonoids DO inhibt aromtase
Still this applies
>the quantities are irrelevant
>At 6 mo, consumption of SPI+ significantly suppressed AR expression but did not alter estrogen receptor-beta expression or circulating hormones. Consumption of SPI- significantly increased estradiol and androstenedione concentrations, and tended to suppress AR expression (P = 0.09). Although the effects of SPI- consumption on estradiol and androstenedione are difficult to interpret and the clinical relevance is uncertain, these data show that AR expression in the prostate is suppressed by soy protein isolate consumption, which may be beneficial in preventing prostate cancer.
Do you know what this means?
It means soy's isoflavones are literally anti androgenic and directly impact androgenic receptor activity and expression and binding capacity to DHT, testosterone and other androgens lmao, WHILE INCREASING ESTRADIOL(most estrogenic hormone in the human body) LEVELS IN THE BLOOD.
But it's not about hops' flavonoids, it's about a compound that is also found in other plant foods that is still not completely understood but tested in vivo and animals displays thousands of times more estrogenic activity than ANY OTHER phytoestrogen.
And it's not even specific to hops, alcoholic beverags are by default anti androgenic.
soyboy BTFO lmao
Daily reminder that soy reduces estrogen in both women and men and it protective against prostate cancer.
Phytoestrogens do not negatively impact testosterone. In fact it's the opposite. Do your own research kiddos.
Lmao there you have it, estrogenic activity between mammalian and synthetic and natural phytoestrogens, mammalian one is the strongest, but it's irrelevant considering phytoestrogen consumption fat outweighs mammalian consumption.
I just had some nakeed. Read the ingredients.
I think my dick strunk
I know all of this illiterate fuck. I'm talking about your point of picograms vs nanograms when comparing actual estrogen and isoflavones, which is irrelevant because 2 different things are measured there.
>posts about absorbance
Cite your study
Hops inhibit breast cancer here :
(Also by inhibiting estrogen)
It says that it reduces the womens' menstrual problems though. That's showing that it acts as an estrogen blocker, right? It's showing the absorption rate being high and that it blocks estrogen.
Man you pol fats are doing the vegan work for them, go fuck off back to /pol/.
>Does GOMAD for several years
The point being that 10000 picograms is the same as 1 nanogram, and that cow milk has literally around 1 nanogram of TOTAL estrogenic compounds(mammalian and xenoestrogens) per cup, while soymilk has over 20000 nanograms, and 100g of tofu having at least 5x that ammount, and since phytoestrogens found in soy are at the very least 1/500th as potent as the strongest mammalian estrogen it clearly shows phytoestrogen consumption is an issue, you dumb retarded soyboy cuck.
This also doesn't take into consideration the the anti androgenic activity these phytoestrogens have.
this thread is a prime example of /pol/fats trying to push their soyboy meme onto other boards
Guess what reduces women's menstrual problems too you fucking retard.
Progesterone therapy.
Progesterone opposes estrogen, what's your point ?
Daily reminder that phytoestrogens bind to the same receptor as estrogen but are thousands of times less potent, effectively blocking your estrogen receptors with weaker phytoestrogens, acting as an estrogen blocker.
It's not just absorbance at all, are you blind or something?
This is one of the only studies that directly compares mammalian estradiol with xenoestrogens in abosrbane AND potency.
my man
"levels are low and should not pose any cause for concern."
This is the same thing as faggots bitching about mercury in tuna. Fuck back off to /pol/ you fat faggot.
Neither of the studies you linked say anything bad about soy
No, it has ng's of actual estrogen, whereas soy has compounds that have an estrogenic effect. Nothing is said about how x amount of isoflavones turns into x amount of actual estrogen, which if it did you could make a point of comparing the quantities. This shows that you are scientifically illiterate.
itt dairy shills on damage control
>not taking into account long term studies that clearly show people who consume the most isoflavones have the least testosterone due to them fucking up endogenous hormonal feedback in humans specially males.
B-but muh 2-4 week studies showing phytoestrogens dindunuffin amirite?
You know what else binds in androgen receptors? phytoestrogens lmao.
>b-but it helps preventing prostate cancer though
So does starving and taking birth control pills.
>>not taking into account long term studies that clearly show people who consume the most isoflavones have the least testosterone due to them fucking up endogenous hormonal feedback in humans specially males.
>doesn't post nonexistent study
Post it
i drink liquid food for easily 90% of my calories. only way i can get in the calories to keep bulking desu. Bet i look less soyboy than you two twinks tho
soy has nothing to do with this dude's transformation. He got actual HRT on purpose to become the mess he is now
>S H O U L D
Wow I'm hopboy now
They are not meant to, they are to demonstrate that measuring hormones during and shrotly after feeding is retarded since EATING by itself decreases certain hormones including testosterone so the japanese studies done on cow milk consumption causing testosterone drops 60-120 minutes after feeding are irrelevant.
never drank it, but my wife would make steamed edamame, and I would snack on dried edamame. But now that I know about all these fucking ZOG tricks to emasculate us, I don't have them any more.
What's your goal here?
To push misinformation on soy to create a pol meme?
Your lack of science has been called out every single time you make an argument. You've essential shown us that the anti-soy shilling you're doing is scientifically illiterate and retarded.
Did the vegans rattle your jimbos?
I literally just did
I don't care about pol memes, I care about the truth and I dislike pseudo intellectuals who actually SHILL for shit modern produce like soybeans that have only been used in specific populations for less time than we have been drinking cow milk(which btw has less estrogens than human breastmilk).
Even east asians eat pathetic ammounts of soy protein a day, less than 9.5 grams.
But according to these soyboys having a big portion of your nutrition from soy products it's fine and totally healthy, which is just not true.
Lol get a load of these meatcucks, clinging to one single case study of ONE dabetic person eating MASSIVE amounts of soy, hahahahhaha
P values this low get thrown out, yet they published anyway to prove a point. That it's a minor, untested statistic.
Also you should read you studies closer. The first is in favor of the soy boys.
Fuck back off to /pol/.
I think I'm going to go have a cup of miso soup and some tofu at my local asian cafe. /pol/ needs to fuck off with the antisoy bullshit. This thread is proof that they can barely comprehend their own studies and don't know their hormones because it's a new subject to them.
>MASSIVE ammounts of soy
3 quarts of soy milk has literally less phytoestrogens than 300g of tofu.
>3/4 of soy milk?
so how much us that supossed to be? 3/4 of a box?
Fact:The concerns about the estrogen-like activities of soy have caused some to worry that soy products could decrease a man’s testosterone, butclinical studies don’t support this fear. Thereareat least two reports of men who have experiencedfeminizing changesin their bodies (one of whom had Type 1 diabetes) afterconsuming high doses of soy, but even at higher-than-average rates of consumption — higher even than what’s typical among Asian cultures —science has found no evidence to caution men against eating soy. In fact, men may even benefit from some dietary soy, as it seems todecrease prostate cancer risk.