Lel I just got fat
Lel I just got fat
Not just fat.. Your face look worse too
Pls god halp meh wazted yerz in teh jym
>bigger traps
>way bigger lats
>way bigger arms
Decent noob gains tbqh. No chest whatsoever though. Did you forget to bench+dips/linclinebench?
>way bigger shoulders
Nah just cut bro. Im just beeing edgy
Cut and you'll look better than in both pics
less weight more reps more sets and cut
No. You can tell theres muscle under the fat
You are better now bro, Bane Mode is the real mode, just Keep doing clean bulk
chrissy.....he's fucked up
believe it or not you probably look better right now than you would after you cut women love thicc bois
speaking from experience im on a perma bulk myself
like a blonde donald ressler
mirin traps hard
how long you been bulking?
you look a lot better now than in the first pic.
The first pic screams "twink here, please ass rape me"
Second pic suggests you do the raping.
>Those traps, shoulders, lats, arms
>I just got fat
Nah OP, you did get fat but you also gained a ton of muscle, just need to cut a bit you'll be golden.
time between pics?
about 3 fiddy
So are we basically women now?
>awooooo awooooo
>I just got fat on my bulk
>no it's okay sweetie you look great
>you just need to lose a little fat
>girls are gonna be all over you! It'll be alright!
>some girls prefer guys like this
Dude you look good but you need to kys
At least you don't look like one of Bryan Singer's gay lovers anymore.
Bloatmaxxer be gone!
Girls were fine with your lean skeletonmode. They're even more accepting of /pileofrocks/, which is what you've got going on, now. Unless you're trying to have public sex with festival sluts, I wouldn't worry about going zyzz mode.
4 years that’s been why I’m afraid to cut
4 years
>4 years
4 years????
you look like me at 2 months.
You look like a cool party jock sort of dude in both pics, would friend
Nah you just look warm and soft. I bet you are comfy friend for cold winter nights.
>pls moar pics
>no homo
> Taking Starbucks to the gym
That shit goes cold after about five minutes what's the point
Please kill yourself.
This place is full of low-t soyboys. What do you expect?
tfw forgot to lift while bulking
Well not an excuse but I was 120 now 190 and joined the military in between so sometimes carbs and running was the only thing to do
Man do not, I repeat, DO NOT cut. You look great. Maintain calories and start doing some cardio and you'll look awesome.
Also, are you the blonde guy on Mark Rippetoe videos?
Negative just a random gym bro
that kid in ur pic needs to start mewing NOW