How long did it take you guys to realise that natty lifting is a waste of time?
How long did it take you guys to realise that natty lifting is a waste of time?
We all know that we're just too much of a pussies to start pinning
>that chink with two blonde goddesses
I don't like needles
This is me. Im scared to permanently fuck up my hormones, especially at a younger age. Maybe when Im in my 30s or 40s
2 months of my first 500mg test blast
/pol/ please go
How good are your results?
How are you feeling mentally?
I'd rather be natty than die at 40
I sat in the bathroom like a pussy for 20min before my first pin, once I did it I was surprised how painless it was. Over time though it starts hurting much more because of scaring
Im on the same, mentally no change whatsoever. Gains are pretty decent, nothing radical but kind of like noob gains again. I may not be the best to talk because i had relatively high test beforehand and plus im pinning to recover from time out after an injury.
> scarring
Are you not changing pin sites? You really shouldn't be scarring at all.
ching you can have our women, we'll take yours, fair trade
Still alive,60-70 all of them.
want me to expand the list?
A cycle or two isn't going to have any impact there, it might even help you by giving you a better life with less depression and higher earnings. However there is no doubt that going beyond test wrecks your liver and blast and cruising for years blows up your heart.
I’ve fast die young
I’ll start pinning at 26 cause faurd sticky says so
4 years before I did my first cycle. Amazing gains, amazing feels, etc. Literally fucking amazing.
Left is 8/10, right is 6.5/10.
Not even close to goddess-tier. Pic related on the other hand...
Nigga you gay
She’s like a 6
Talk shit get hit mother fucker.
All of you stfu this is what a Godess looks like. White.
-grabs you by the throat- back the fuck off!?!?
who smoke or drink regulary here ?
Because if you're already ruining your lungs and liver, how the fuck ruining your endocrinian system would be worse ?
And if you do it properly you wont get any damages btw
I've a question about steroids. Do the muscles they make you grow offer strength or are they just for show?
That was some funny shit.
Men really dont look good with long hair, its all derived from idolizing 80s action films with mullets but even then it wasnt mainstream popular.
Just admit you wanna fuck dudes user
Your first cycle wont feel like much, 500mg test isn't a lot but you will still make solid gains.
Pretty much all muscle gains do help with strength but some really fuck up cardiovascular performance for some people. When I take tren I can’t run or do cardio...but that’s me not everyone. WINSTROL helps me a lot with can dip. Nandrolone makes me stronger but also makes my muscle so pumped so quickly that it’s extremely painful to do high rep sets.
I think test only cycles are’re going to shut down way less on a 600mg npp or deca cycle with 125mg test but get wayyyy better results. Test is not the end all be all. Most golden boys didn’t even fuck with it much it makes you hold too much water. If you are serious about gaining size and body building I’d sooner take a gram of deca with no test then run test.
her face is a 5 tops, probably a 3 without makeup
I stick myself prolly at least 30 times a day. Want to get into lifting and maybe do a cycle. Is this dangerous at all for a regular drug user?
Just start lifting and stop doing drugs.
It doesnt help too much in strength. Reason why i dont take it. Most cycles are meant for show . Also like said it can mess up your cardiovascular and muscular endurance. But during the cycles your endurance gets insane
agreed lol. Also the mullet wasnt mainstream popular back then? i thought it was. I thought short sides but long top and back was popular back then. having a lot of side hair as a male makes you look ugly
Dude 18-nors shut you down the most. You're a fucking meme
>It doesnt help too much in strength.
lmaoing @ u rn senpai pls kys
Uncanny valley