>be in gym
>You're not 19 forever comes on the radio
>tfw 24
>wasted youth
>workout ruined
>leave gym immediately and go home fighting the feels
Be in gym
ever heard of headphones retard?
>tfw squandered my undergrad degree
That hits close home user
> almost 22
> first year in uni cause started a bit late
> KHV, never had any friends
> make friends with flatmates and get along ok with people on my course
> girls don't even notice I exist
feels like I missed some important milestones and I can never make up for it now
Same boat but 21 and women notice me often i just don't know how to proceed
Life isn't a race, you may have fucked up then but you have the ability to take charge now. Make up for those lost years by getting fit and furthering your personal goals.
>working out without headphones
Who does that? Honestly, gyms that don't sell headphones are missing out on so much money because I guaranfuckingtee that most serious gym goers would spend 5 bucks for a pair of headphones if they forgot their own
Eat muh onions and become invincible
Need to lay of the soy there boy your estrogen seems to be getting the best of you also invest in a pair of headphones and you can listen to what ever doesnt hurt your feel feels.
>be a gym
>sell headphones
>play the most annoying music possible on the speakers
Good business plan tbqh
Yes good business plan indeed
>dropped out of school at 14
>played wow for 11 years
>never had a job
>only left the house once every 2 months
>only now just got my driver's license a month ago and starting to improve socially
don't talk to me about wasted years
>failed highschool
>didn't go to college/uni/study anything
>minimum wage factory job from age 17
>lost job a year ago
>lots of debt
>no friends
>parents didnt buy me car or lessons like everyone else's did when they turned of age
>don't see how I can ever afford it
>watching people complain about shit and wishing I had their problems
>already had a heart attack
>angina and can't do cardio (favorite activity)
>gf of 8 years resents me even though I dedicated my entire youth to her
>shes ugly now and blames me for not finding her cute anymore
>thanks for "self checkout" i often go months without interacting with anyone except her
>only wish is to turn back time and do literally everything different from the age of 10
>never had a job
>only now just got my driver's license
Exactly. How? WTF
How do you have money and I don't after working in a shitty factory for 7 years 2am-2pm?
Wtf mang I hate you and everyone.
>tfw 19
>this song still makes me feel depressed
>thinking about everything i've missed in life
>i'll never sort myself out
I will never understand why you americans feel so obsessed with age
being in your 20s and being 19 is basically the same thing, with the difference that in the first case you are more mature, more economically indipendent and, in general, people will take you more seriously because you're not a fucking teenager anymore.
I'm 25 right now and I'm waaaay more happy, healthier and fitter than when I was 19. I think that many of you guys see your teenage years with a huge pairs of nostalgia goggles, sinc eyou never really lived it and all you know about it comes from mtv video clip and hollywod movies.. I can tell you, even for the chadder of the Chads, teenage years are a difficult and complicate time.
That's what you get for living in a brown people country. White countries have welfare
First step: breakup with your “girlfriend.”
Teenage love is overrated. It's just hormones and insane lust. I've had same levels of lust in my mid twenties with my thicck gf of the time after a month of nofap. All you fags don't miss out on anything.
Well, except the part where a virgin girl gives herself fully to you. That part is real, and by the time most women hit 20 they've been on the cock carousel for a good while. Women are biologically and evolutionarily designed to bond once or maybe twice in their lifetime. Get yourself a qt virtuous girl and fucking marry the shit out of her.
>about to graduate from college this May
>somehow made it through four years of college without kissing a girl, let alone having sex
ahahahaha the absolute state of me lads
You're right as long as you're relatively successful. I think the main problem is that the gap between the successful people and the failures grows wider and wider as they age. Almost noone achieves anything by 20, but in the mid 20s people start to graduate as doctors, lawyers etc., and in their late 20s/30s the careers of successful people skyrocket. They make a ton of money, have an active social/love life and make all kinds of new experiences. Meanwhile, unsuccessful people end up isolated and working deadend jobs and miss out on awesome life experiences. It's easy to get left behind if you don't have your shit together.
Sometimes i have these feel to bro. But when i start thinking about it , i was a skinny no man at my 19. No friends and no experineces. Now i am 25 and after 3 years of hard training i consider myself fit and lived a uni life after 22. Still no gf but i know soon after i graduate i will find one.
>tfw 23
>finally finishing undergrad
s-six years isn't so bad right?
I feel physically attacked by this picture
I can never go back to headphones like that you can just buy on the cheap for 5 bucks at a gas station or something. They sound like shit and break in a few weeks.
Actually investing in a good pair was one of the best decisions I ever made. My Bose earbuds sound great and have lasted me over a year so far. The improvement in sound quality is so great I can never tolerate anything less
>tfw checked most of those off
>tfw 24 soon 25
>Feels like life just started
Feels good man
should i really buy some earphones for the gym? (i assume you dont wear big actual headphones right?) I always thought it was kind of gay to listen to music in public - its like you cant face where you are and need to retreat inwards to your own little world while drowning out reality.
Have those feels but did kiss her and laid on a field watching the stars which makes me even sadder that we will never be together
same for me. getting a computer was the worst mistake of my life
How do you cope knowing you'll never get a qt virgin maiden to wife? I'm having a hard time going on
You have roughly 59 years left of your life, how do you want to spend them?
That pic lacks perspective. My longest relationship, three years, was with my first love.
To this day it still hurts and I often wonder if it was all worth it. Everyone finds their own misery, don't let the social norm dictate what you feel.
Keep pushing, no matter the age, and good things will happen. "Missing out" is a stupid reason to give up, there is always more to take.
>wasted youth
>feel bad and quit
>wasted twenties
>feel bad and quit
>wasted half of the life
>wasted whole life
>nothing to quit
>nothing achieved cause felt bad in twenties
really think what you are saying. Now is the best time ever to start living user.
Teenage love is silly
>get first gf at 17
>make out for the first time
>start thinking maybe I can get my benis succ'd for the first time
>she gives me the succ
>all I think about is her sucking me off
>we often hang out after school and occasionally fool around
>hang out a lot but I don't think we were actually in love
>felt like we were together just for the hell of it
Yea we liked each other but the whole thing felt shallow because all I wanted was sex and we eventually broke up 2 years later when she went to college. Chelsea, your Jewish milkers were the best.
I'm 26 right now and desu just about all of my relationships happened because I didn't feel like being lonely after being single. I've taken a good long time to be single and to think about what I want, I'm meeting a qt mousey girl today that I met at the gym and honestly it feels like the first time I'm approaching things romantically and not out of lust or a desire to not be alone
I'm 25 and about ready to die
>Chelsea, your Jewish milkers were the best.
>Niggas thinking 25 is old
You guys barely scratched this life.
Already taken 2 virginities, it's highly overrated.
That’s why you wear earphones, silly
Anybody 25 and under complaining about their life being over is just being dramatic. My life was shit until 25
>spend entire highschool life a DYEL shut in
>start college and get into drugs to try to fit in
>get in trouble because of drugs
>spend 20-24 in state prison
>get out and have literally nothing + no sexual experience and crippling depression
Versus now
>live in a million dollar house in Southern California with some bros
>regular sex with college chicks
>bench 3p8 at 12% bf
Unless you're a women you have until at least 32 to start feeling bad about your life.
It's not about that user.
It only gets worse brother
So you won the lottery and brag about your eventual lack of money.
>college is free in new york now
>high school dropout, been a decade since i was in school for my GED
>don't know if i'm even smart enough to pass the classes
What is it about then?
I think you're coming from the wrong perspective.
Jesus OP don't be such a fucking whiny little beta bitch.
I'm in my 30s and workout and shit and feel fucking great.
Go eat a fucking onion and try to restore some god damned T you pussy.
this is my biggest fear. one day I'll wake up and I'll be 40 with no wife, no kids, no future. It'll all be too late
>ITT People screaming and kicking at life
Why don't you fags start a music career?
too busy with my failing art and woodworking career
go apply to be a correctional officer depending the state the lowest they start at is 30k a year with amazing benefits and of course dump that bitch after
they bump some classic shit at my gym though
you dont have to be smart, you just have to invest the time to learn. it will be worth it in the end. at least try user
Mine plays Nickelback.
>Want to enlist in the military since it's better than being a manchild working at taco bell
>Have to relearn math... shit I never learned actually... so I can get the GED that's required to enlist
>Even then the military might tell me to "fuck off we're full!" for some made up medical reason
>someone unironically stands by this picture
It's all about how autistic you are. Otherwise, sex feels not much different from masturbation.
I've taken one, and it was a great experience because of the emotional bond. The act itself is shitty, and doesn't feel good.
However, I have legit spergs , so my brain is probably very different from yours.
>reddit spacing
>talking about being autistic
checks out
>wasted youth
You're not old enough to be whining about your lost youth. I'm 49. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Don't join the military. Shit work for shit pay. Learn sales or a trade.
Finding a girl to turn into your wife from day one
>trades meme
not so fast old man
In the same fucking sentence
What would you change if you had the chance to go back, anons?
If I could go back to 16 I'd lose weight asap instead of waiting until 19 to do it, get my driver's license sooner and I'd buy buttcoins. Pretty content with how everything else went.
>thinking life is that easy
You can at least dream about it.
>tfw you realize coding is now a trade
Meh, the only thing you even miss by your mid 20s is the feeling of the newness of sex...the rest of the shit has literally nothing to do with being young.
But if its any consolation, my gf had a friend that was a virgin til like 25 and looked like Anne Hathaway almost exactly. She was just a sperg and wanted her first time to be special...anything is possible bros
Everyone misses out on something
Young 19 year old CEOs will never get to play video games while smoking weed in their moms basement
YouTube superstars get divorced
Age is something you don’t fight.
Yeah I had the same feel 1 year ago when I watched the anime "ReLife", some loser 28 year old jap takes a pill and goes back to highschool to fight his chronic depression or whatever, it doesn't really matter.
When he has gymclass he outruns some kid in a race but then he hurts himself for not having a warming up.
Use your youth to do sports while you can, if you're 28 you will need a stupid warming up and in your 30s you will age drasticly. I can still do some silly movements without sum warm up.
Being the youngest person to graduate college, get a job, drive a car or accomplish your goals doesn't matter. Being 30 and having not done any of those things definitely does.
honestly this
25 now, unironically feeling better than ever bfore
commited so many mistakes in the past years that gud things now feel incredibly fresh
we can all make it
> go to company event
> lots of qts in early twenties
> "share something exciting that happened recently"
> all the qts talk about going on exotic holidays with their bfs
> "How about you, user ?"
> "F-f-finally hit 4 plate squat"
> "A 4 what, user ??"
I am only 23 brehs but I've already accepted permaloneliness. Literally all 5+/10 girls I meet are already taken. It's too late, the chads have made their moves.
I suggest trying to backwards rationalize your failures and sooner or later your brain will fall for it.
You can only spend time. You cannot save it.
Holy fuck are you me.
I watched Moonrise Kingdom and Submarine a few days ago and it made me feel like shit.
I'm 19 and have never experienced love, never had a kiss, I wasted my entire adolescence and teenage years playing fucking video games until last year.
Now I'm trying to catch up but I feel like it's already too late, I missed too many milestones necessary for me to develop as a person.
I replied to the wrong post but ohwell
I won't lie, teenage love is probably about the furthest thing from "true love" but you to be completely honest it's hard to beat that feeling of thinking you're in love for the first time.
Even the fights felt more passionate. it's like every emotion was magnified 100x with all the bullshit drama & hormones flying around. I did some truly dumb, embarassing shit in the name of love. Got my ass kicked a few times. Still though the experience is something that forms you and prepares you for real relationships imo.
> ask a qt out
> no response for 2 days
> gather strength through self hate
> benchpress my first 2pl8s today
> crying mid rep
> run to the locker room, thank god it was empty
> keep telling myself everything will be okay since I'll only ever hear those words from myself and nobody else ever
there has to be more to happiness and fulfillment in this life than just love
>>live in a million dollar house in Southern California with some bros
>Spotify Radio
>Paramore's "26" comes on
>turning 25 this month
>a year to make it but I know I'll probably waste it
>23 kv
>will never experience teenage love
>only get mires from buff dudes
At least all the gym dudes talk to me :(
Buck up you sad cunt faggot. You have access to a computer and probably live in the 1st world. You don't have anything to complain about.
Your youth doesn't end until you're 30. Ever notice why lots of women go insane at that age?
Reality will break your heart
Survival will not be the hardest part
It's keeping all your hopes alive
When all the rest of you has died
So let it break your heart
>23y old this month
>Wow autist growing up, superficially normie now
>Go gym, go to work, go clubbing
>Fitting in
>So lonely
>girls ask me how come I have no gf
>Some stare or smile but I won't do anything about it
>Guys 10 times uglier have gfs
>I will never truly be a normie
The new blade runner hits home lads
similar situation
>21 atm
>had a rough childhood
>move after i graduate
>waste a year in uni drop out find a job
>try to fit in
>literally everyone likes me especially older people
>go out drinking with people my age but dislike it and and i don't wanna stagger at gym
>join college a year later
>go drinking with college mates
>realize im 10 years ahead at emotional level
>came to accept it and now i'm a gymcel gamer
Yes lad u a manc??
>fucked up uni going thru c.c. done in one more semester then off to uni
>fucked up uni because partying and being a normie
>enjoyed normie life but now depressed because career and academic gains stalled
23 years old master race reporting in.
We gone defeat them brother. Time is a relative thing.
just searched up what khv means, jfc sad
Apply to the post office. You can't mailman like myself but there are plenty of other careers to choose from.
You aren't alone bro, my oneitis who I havn't talked to in a year messaged me and we talked for about a week and agreed we'd go hang out and do somthing this weekend, out of nowhere she won't respond to me and has completely ghosted me, it hurts so fucking bad...
Ive taken 4, technically 5 but she told me to stop after being fully in her. Virgins are stupid. You have to crack them open for months.
Your own fault for getting back with the whore who left you. LEARN from your mistakes, don't repeat them faggot.
>24th birthday
>"this year is the year I get laid"
>25th birthday
>"this year is the year I get laid"
>26th birthday
>"this year is the year I get laid"
tfw got back with a girl from 2 years ago
got blind sided, again
shame on me huh