Its been over 3 months since I last worked out and now that depression / apathy is starting to kick in I want to get back.
Please post pure qt girls in this thread that are worth living / working out for.
Wife / gf material only, no sluts.
/pure/ motivation thread
>tfw no hot professor
>Wife / gf material only, no sluts.
>no sluts
and you start with a girl wearing a tight, sleeveless dress that cuts off mid-thigh?
Damn that cutie, I want to learn.
>Its been over 3 months since I last worked out
Never gonna make it. No amount of pictures of qt grills will change that.
This is conservative in 2017 user
a v e r a g e
Would bend her over the desk.
Only reason I stopped is because I got a summer warehouse job where I was walking 16 miles a day and carrying 20kg boxes, then coming home too exhausted to even shitpost here.
Then I got busy with uni and never started back up.
Nobody cares
pic related
I've always wondered his: at what age do they stop acting like 4 year olds?
no its not
so did you notice any changes? Did you lose bodyfat,get really vascular or even increase in size? From what you tell me you engaged in day-long low-moderate intensity exercise, up your protons from shakes and see what;s what
hopefully after their idol career is over
yeah, go lift instead of being a whiny faggot.
Jeff pls go
I went from skinny dyel to skinny dyel so no, not really.
My arms got a bit bigger but the main physical change was getting feet so sore it felt like pushing to finish a set walking home, and getting fucking blisters everywhere.
then there's something wrong with your diet or maybe even you. My lazy ass lost a decent ammount of weight(on average 3-4 pounds a month) by simply walking around and slighlty lowering my calories(by counting,cronometer helped a lot with keeping me in check). Now,despite being at a caloric deficit overall and walking a lot I do have some decent tier legs,and I haven't done a push up in months
Did you skip out on sleep?
>jeff's motivation comes from looking at pictures of jeff
It's probably multiple factors, I didn't pay much attention to diet and any calories lost I just made up for by eating junk food between meals.
I've been walking about 4 miles a day for years now (to school and then uni), so any potential leg gains from walking have most likely already been obtained.
Tits too small but otherwise a 9.
i wonder how often students approach her offering to fuck
Probably not very often.
Come on guys I need some actual women not degenerate weeb shit
>tfw no blind gf
why live
>not ohp boxes every chance you got
Never gonna make it
found an orthodox muslim, guys
ffs, it's 2017, why does he still has that gay Zyzz-like hairstyle?
200x better than a manbun at least.
guaranteed she's taken her fair share of cockas
ok, I can agree with that
Not him but I work at a warehouse too. They already think I'm an idiot, not gonna get worker's comp and prove them right lol.
I guarantee this thot posts on r/gonewild with some stupid, horrible caption like only women seem to be able to make.
"I just got off work now shove your cock in my holes daddy"
You need to wear compression stockings
Quads of reality
>tfw I got the full complete good romance with Lilly on my first try of the game
anyone that's not Emi is the wrong choice
>she's fit
>she looks like a loli
>fuck her in the ass
this, unfortunately the total lack of feet is a dealbreaker to me
Feetfags get out
checked really hard
>not working out for Hitler
Lifting for a manlet that killed himself because he was gay for men with blue eyes and blond hair
still doesn't excuse the stupid anime hair he has, what a tool
>le edgy fedora tip
we're looking for pure waifus, not legless sloots
i believe this is what u require user
make sure to give yourself 20 lashing for your filthy thoughts
it's probably a student giving a presentation tbph
Please user, no. My gf cheated on me about a month ago and I can't fucking deal with it.
This video reminds me of her. She would tell me she wanted to die with me, grow old with me. I fucking loved her so much, why did she fucking put me in the trash. God damn it, fuck these feelings, I miss her so god damn much.
Holy shit it's so sad to see you idiot nerds still clinging to your virginal anime waifu body pillow fantasies.
Your flaxen haired porcelain skin fairy princess craves dick because nature literally programmed her body to do that. You will never be her first and only lay. At best, you'll take her virginity only to be cast aside later on once she discovers what it's like to be fucked by a real man who brings out her animal desires.
Your delusion is that you're a virgin by choice, because "all women these days are sluts and I want no part of it" when the reality is just that women don't want you because you're awkward, you reek of insecurity and you're insufferable to be around.
If you lift/live for girls or any external object outside of your control for that matter you should reconsider your life. Also, if you have never been a success with the ladies by your mid-20s you're probably pretty ugly, I've learned it the hard way.
Pedophile detected.
>inb4 im not a pedo im just attracted to women that look like children
Looks like a C or D. Enough for me anyways
>Not lifting for Rin to make your arms stronger to compensate for her loss of arms
> falling for an emotionally labile gf who over-dramatizes relationships
How else did you ever think it would end but her getting bored and craving new drama and rushes? In future get yourself a red-pilled pragmatist gf with huge tits and be happy with it.
yfw i AM a pedo
t. projecting beta
I actually found another girl with huge tits that is much less about the whole romanticized relationship thing. Think she's a virgin cause we tried having sex last night and I couldn't get it in until I felt something tear and burst through. There was quite a bit of blood and we had to stop right after.
To all people who struggle with motivation. Have you heard anything about loving the struggle? Yeah, I know that some quotes of ancient philosophers are quite cringy in the modern age, but hear me out. Struggle is nothing when you love it. It's just like a video game challenge. Especially when it comes to doing something as lifting, you get your natural rewards. Have you heard the Arnold? I come to the gym, I lift, and I cum. That's the feeling you want. Happiness. The real drug. It's always hard to begin -- but when you do and get a bit accustomed to trying... Oh, that's a while another level of being alive. You are stronger, hornier, better overall, and all you want is more. Do it, friend, because there's no better way to live the life.
More likely she was a post-op man with implants who used you as a dilator.
kek what the fuck were you thinking
>nb4 im not a pedo im just attracted to women that look like children
could you explain to me what qualifies as ""children""? 14 yo is perfectly able to consent
Look at all that femininity.
fuck man, you can tell bjork trolling the shit out of this chick. She's trying so hard not to beat the living shit out of her hahahahahahaha
It gets better brah, promise.
My dear acquaintance of African descent
>supports you
>school uniform with elegant bowtie
>sexy running shorts
>great mom
>her smile is enough to lay all your wordly concerns to rest