The ultimate antidote to nu-male journalism, pharma-shills and pretentious roasties. Get burned, feel the pain, transform yourself to Shrek Hulk.
Onion Chad General
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>oh great another bullshit Veeky Forums meme
>google it
>find pubmed
W-what is going on?
Will Sommer tried to make us look like retards. But he reached only his specific, SJW nigg fe-male audience, sane people know the powers of the onion.
I mean for real, it's on fucking pubmed. I wonder though why they never tested it on humans if it has these amazing effects on rats, the research is pretty old already
They always test on rats or mice first. And more peripheral or esoteric ideas such as this rarely make it to the human stage due to lack of general interest.
>tripling testosterone literally by eating a common healthy vegetable
>lack of general interest
If i wouldn't have found that study i would've written this off as the most ridiculous off the wall bullshit i've ever seen, this is fucking incredible if its actually real / works on humans.
Well, it's extremely cheap to try it out yourself. Why would any investor have an interest in cheap ass anabolica, wiping out the shills and con-artists?
Wouldn't onion juice make you stink?
>implying anyone outside of bodybuilders and far right internet posters have any interest in increasing general testosterone levels
>implying the pharma industry won't kill this just like they killed orthomolecular medicine following the fall of the soviet union
You have a lot to learn my dear boy
The soy jew would like to turn all boys into soyboys.
Just eat raw onions. Onion juice was a funny meme, now I'm being actually serious. Try it out for 20 days, it will cost less than a dollar.
I will fucking buy onions right now. They used 1g per kg bodyweight to up the test from 1.6ng to 5ng /mL. I'll just eat 200g daily for good measure.
Won't raw onions stink? How the fuck do you just eat a raw onion? Peel the skin and eat it like an apple
That's basically it. I recommend kaki though.
>Americans are just finding out that in fact eating vegetables is good for you
No fuck the nu-males who laugh at gains. They deserve their placement. It's not about correcting your test level, it's about maximizing it. It's for broscience and if you don't support it, well done fag, you belong to the main audience of cuckshill articlefags.
do i have to eat fresh onion or is it ok to pan-fry it?
i pan fry onions before i add my eggs to make scrambled eggs
Whenever you cook a vegetable, you ruin its integrity.
Does it make a difference if I eat red or brown onions?
Bacon with eggs and a huge raw onion.
Put it in a salad you mongoloid.
On second thought, I'm glad this meme is taking off, because I just know that (((some people))) are going to declare this extremely common, aromatic vegetable to be a tool of the alt-right or whatever like they did with pepe, milk, the a-ok gesture...
Every time you eat an onion, a commie gets thrown out of a helicopter.
Eat the brown ones for extra gains.
We need to prove that this isn't just a meme. Get shrek'd.
Foark you're gonna make it bro
>tool of the alt-right or whatever like they did with pepe, milk, the a-ok gesture...
What the fuck? no way
is this really not a meme to make us smell like niggers?
what kind of onion is best?
It's not a meme, see science. You should ideally drink some good almond milk to clean your mouth.
Garlic and onions are healthy but they aren't superfoods. But whatever, eat them. They're cheap and tasty and you can put them in whatever savory dish and chances are you should have been doing that anyway even without the BS memescience promoting it as a superfood because this is just basic god damn cooking skills.
what does that mean? does it lose its superpowers? have i been adding onion for nothing all of my life?
to be honest you should incorporate a lot of onions in your meals, however the onion high wears off once you start reaching your 40+. Absorb the spirit of the Onion anons.
>onions not a superfood
Fuck off Willsomner.
Onions are legit. It's just these paid scribers who act like we're fullblown retards.
Hey retard, put it in a salad. Use your brain. Also, put some chili peppers and garlic in it for sirt effects.
b-but onions make me brap alot. also very stink.
how you talk to grills when you stink out of ass and mouth like a vampire hunter
Tbf I am just doing whole onions because of memes. Salads aren't too dumb of an idea.
how the fuck do you cope with the shit breath? i can never get onion out for ages once i've eaten it
cooking veggies doesn't affect the nutrition in any appreciable capacity. also a meme. boil the onions, fry them, eat em raw, stick 'em up your asshole, do whatever.
Basic goggling required
The studies refer to raw onion though. And it's delicious.
chew mouthful of parsley leaves for a bit, then spit it out and if the smell is not gone, drink a few gulps of milk
*not eunuchus juice, almond milk or very skimmed organic cow milk
If you insist on consuming raw onions (actually really good in salads and on hamburgers) then consider "cutting" them with a strong, sharp citrus like lime or lemon juice.
yes yes the mouth but what about the brap.
onion braps are really disgusting. 1-2 of those and i must open windows or it feels like auschwitz
Vinegar is also good for this.
This is unironically just a cause of your underdeveloped shit tier western digestive system.
Pineapple juice and chocolate.
what do you mean? i just drink milk i get from the grocery shop and its works...
Lime juice, cilantro, onion
God-tier vaguely Mexican flavor trinity.
Whole fat milk is full of estrogens, they are fat-bound.
So you HAVE to eat it raw?
Like a based nazi grandpa.
If you're worried about the smell (which you should be), eat your onion at dinner if you're not planning to go out.
Also, add some garlic. That zinc-containing shit skyrockets your testosterone and thats been known for a while. The first time I ate a clove of raw garlic I had to sit down for a minute cause of how intense the burn was.
no, it does not contain any significant amounts of estrogen. If you think it does, tell me the amount you think it has.
>Like a based nazi grandpa.
Enough to significantly reduce your sperm count. Just google it, sourcefag.
Is sperm count directly correlated with test levels?
>Math student
>Forcing this meme so hard over 48 hours.
I think you have literal not-memeing autism or you're an agent provocateur trying to astroturf some viral sensation.
Veeky Forums sucks at cooking
yo does this shit have to be eaten raw to gain onion chad powers.
I usually make chicken breast/thigh soups with a mirepoix of celery/onion/carrots and some herbs.
I'm still getting the benefits if its cooked right?
Nah, I just want to help you out with topics. The onion is supreme when it comes to testosterone levels, the shills either won't provide you with more scientific data on that matter or they will market their own cancerpills.
onions are /plebtier/
>he doesn't take fadogia agrestis for a 6-fold increase in test in 5 days
In white albino mice given supplemental fadogia agrestis (18-100mg/kg water extract), serum testosterone has been noted to be increased in a dose-dependent manner to approximately 2-fold (18mg/kg), 3-fold (50mg/kg), and 6-fold (100mg/kg) after five days.[1]
Try it. Just try it. There is literally no scientific evidence speaking against moderate cooking. It's just these rats who were juicing the onion, I am curious about effects with cooked onions.
Translation: I have no clue what I'm talking about, I got this off some vegan blog
A true patrician. But onions might just be way cheaper, right?
from the end of the article:
>it seems that using 4 g/kg of freshly prepared onion juice is effective in sperm health parameters
That means a 70kg specimen I'd have to eat 280g of onions. I've just weighted one and it was 170g. Half an onion I could do for the sake of science, but over one and a half is gonna fuck me up royally. Other article talked about 0.5g/kg, I'm gonna go with that.
Did you try that shit onion daddy or are you just jewing around?
Not in terms of sheer quantity.
Sourcefag, try use jewgle.
1 study means nothing
The difference is that onions cost basically nothing and are freely available year round pretty much literally everywhere.
>All those mice getting their test and fertility boosted like MAD while you fap to gay mangas
It shrunk
alternatives to onion
/onion knights/ ASSEMBLE
>white cabbage, walnuts, spring onions tossed lightly in grass fed butter with black pepper
>took off heat and added a bulb of garlic
>serve with balsamic vinegar, red onion and mineralized salt
Rate/10, lads
Eat all this with onions.
You missed the bacon lad. 8/10
>people don't already eat onions with every meal
How does it feel to be a gourmetlet?
Onion knights is /pol/,
Onion chads is Veeky Forums.
Fun note, there was a fisherman in my family and he picked up something on the seas. He said to eat 1 raw onion daily and from what I've read about Vitamin C it wouldn't supprise me if it's actually true.
He was never sick, he ofc did manual labour promoting a healthy body but I think onions could be a great natural suppliment.
I always hack up an onion and put it in my food because of low calories and good nutrision.
One takes what one has, was thinking of making a honey-balsamic vinaigrette, but found it excessive considering the butter.
Add high dose K2 and niacin supplementation and you are basically protected from all modern lifestyle disease, fatigue and mental illness.
>implying it isn't the test
>implying literally every westerner is not functionally deficient in K2
>implying K2 isn't essential for a healthy hormonal profile, reducing inflammation, metabolism etc. etc.
Seriously, just try it. It's not even particularly expensive.
>use google to find the tumblr post that convinced me milk is racist with not a number in sight
I asked you for a fucking number. Doesn't have to be precise or too accurate, its just so that you prove that you have any fucking clue as to what you're talking about. Because no matter how much hype you put on it in your devianart protest statement that won't even be on the first page of results if I were to google it, the number will prove that the estrogen is nowhere near a level for concern.
The master race, everyone.
What are some redpilled vegetables that nu-male soycucks fail to appreciate?
I'd nominate celery and onions. They're fine with putting garlic, chili peppers, and scallions on everything, but they cannot appreciate the aroma and flavour of celery (and most of the herbs used in Western European cuisine, like rosemary, thyme, sage, and parsley).
spinach and raw onions/ garlics
>most of the herbs used in Western European cuisine
>rosemary, thyme, sage, and parsley
Onions are too spicy for most Americans, they always ask for no onions on burgers etc because they can't handle the spicy level. However, that's changing as the liberals shove more "diversity" down our throats. Now even the most traditional grocery store is forced to carry at least 2 kinds of onion (red and yellow) or else the professional protesters will show up and scream BIGOT and RACIST until they either shut down forever, or start selling noxious, foul-smelling root vegetables