can anyone recommend me a good bodyweight routine that only requires a steady ground and walls?
Can anyone recommend me a good bodyweight routine that only requires a steady ground and walls?
Other urls found in this thread:
Get a pull-up bar
get a push-up board
get a gym membership
Varg made a video about it
Buy olympic rings
im a poorfag who's trying to save some money, Im pretty Veeky Forums but I have no money for neither food or gym membership, just wanna stay in shape for now
I live in a small room that is like 3x3 meters
go out to a kids playground so you can do your horizontal/vertical pulling
that would be embarrassing user
how so? you suck at something and need to practise to get good at it.
I'm jacked and today I went bouldering. All these skinny dudes were better than me but I had fun because my attention was on me and my progress.
>inb4 le reddit fag
but for real not a bad beginner routine:
The best place for anyone to start.
Did you have $20? Buy a kettlebell.. It's an entire gym in a call, all you'll need. Resistance training with weights will get you jacked in no time.
So you mean you cannot just go outside or look around and find a place to do fart ups?
Holy shit. At this point you seriously ought to just inject steroids and not even bother exercising at all (srs)
Hand stand pushups
One hand pushups
pistol squats
the only equipment you would need would probably be a pullup bar that costs like 20 dollars, or just a place to do your pullups in.
Al Kavadlo's Get Strong has a great body-weight routine. All it requires is a pull up bar (which you really need for any pulling exercise).
Long distance running
I think I look decent even without steroids. Im just looking for a bodyweight routine to retain my form for now
Yeah but what the fuck do you expect people to tell you without at least basic stuff like pull ups?
Seriously the basics of calisthenics are push ups, pull ups and lunges and you can't (won't) do even one of those moves. I don't know what to tell you bruh, you need to get more mentally flexible or else you need to get more gear.
*tele[orts behind you*
he...nothin personnel refugees.
>Yeah but what the fuck do you expect people to tell you without at least basic stuff like pull ups?
something like this