What the fuck is your excuse, Veeky Forums?
If boogie can make it, anyone can make it.
What the fuck is your excuse, Veeky Forums?
If boogie can make it, anyone can make it.
Other urls found in this thread:
But he hasn't succeeded yet. He's still morbidly obese.
>"""making it"""
Man Boogie is a fuckwit. Years of excuses and Fad diets, telling his retarded audience "you can't lose fat because excuses!", gets fucking surgery then begins preaching about losing an amount of weight he could lose if he didn't eat like a Walrus. He's in no position to be telling people they need to work hard to achieve their goals
Take what, bypass surgery?
In what exactly he succeeded?
Boogie took the cheap way out and had to have a very risky surgery that makes his stomach practically useless. That's not making it that's buying it because you are such a useless fuck you cant even put down a fork.
He didn't try for shit, he had surgery that physically prevents him from eating as much as before. The only thing he is good at is taking from others. Reminder that he is a liar and not to be trusted and that he will plateau and regain all the lost weight due to not fixing or even trying to fix the problems underlying his fatness.
Why are amerifags so bad at their own language? Even high school euros have better grammar.
I don't have access to surgery that does the work for me.
Even with surgery it takes work, good on him.
To do what exactly? He still eats shit fast food.
Probably because we do more English grammar than you guys?
No idea why you compare Europe with those third worlders though, doesn't seem fair.
>not getting the ultimate cheating tool
>constantly making an example of himself to steer people away from lifelong obesity
>can't shut up about how hard his life is because of his weight
>was against the banning of r/fatpeoplehate on reddit
>chronicling his weight loss for the world to see
>knows he has influence and tries to use it to motivate other fatties to lose weight
>believes health at every size is bullshit, preaches to viewers that obesity is a disease
someone give me a real reason to hate him other than he's a fat disgusting lardass.
>inb4 boogie pls go
you retards are obsessed and can't keep him off the front page of Veeky Forums, fucking pathetic
>someone give me a real reason to hate him other than he's a fat disgusting lardass.
That's the only reason we need to hate him
i agree, Veeky Forums has a problem
>was against the banning of r/fatpeoplehate on reddit
Mhmm, sure thing boogie.
Wow so inspirational. I think boogie might be akin to Zyzz in away.
>you retards are obsessed and can't keep him off the front page of Veeky Forums, fucking pathetic
Seriously, boogie threads need to be banned. e-celeb faggotry
Lets forget that he is a liar and charleton that's only use in life is to be used as a warning for controlling what you eat.
>eats healthy for 2 months
>starts telling his success story
How arrogant can he be, he still looks like shit and even has an even less healthy glow to his face than ever. Workout in secrecy like Batman in TDKR before you come back to Gotham city.
So when's the heart attack coming?
He's still eating like shit though
>pic related
You didn't watch the video, seriously just watch from 6min to the end. Fucking idiot.
>said it was a loss of free speech while acknowledging it as reddit's right
>said fatpeoplehate was a containment sub that kept it from spreading
>criticized reddit for banning fatpeoplehate but not other 'hate' subreddits
>overall thought the banning of the sub was pointless
>boogie doesn't really care about a sub about hating fatties
>thinks its best to have a containment sub so he doesn't have to see it
>he buckles under any scrutiny and like a jew slimes for the easy out
someone call the press!
ffs why not just eat less!?
yes, it's not surprising and you shouldn't expect a 500lb morbidly obese fuck to enthusiastically support it.
the point is you're a boogie obsessed faggot and a brainlet who brought up the one video that supported my point.
He is really inspirational. I wish him the best on his journey! God speed boogie!
>not on an eternal dirty bulk
soyboys get off my board.
The holy grail of medical innovation. Due to the intention of this application, we all evolved as a species
the only thing he succeeded at was getting fat and scamming the internet for money. So fair play to him i guess
No excuse
>getting surgery because you're a lazy fat fuck
Lmao, might as well call synthol injections success
So it's essentially medically assisted bulimia?
lmao wtf is wrong with people these days
Boogie? mor like Biggie