/plg/ - powerlifting general
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Reminder that deciding to pull sumo is like deciding to be gay.
It's a conscious choice, and you're going to hell.
Bench 4x5
Dumbell 2ct paused bench 3x6-8 @8
Front SQ 4x5
Pendlay row 4x6 @8
Dumbell się rises 3x8-12 @8
Bi Hammer curl 4x8 @8
Bi fixed bar curl 4x8-12 @8
Plank 3x???
>8 sets of curls
i can pull 5pl8 though
i'd still obliterate a qt trap
Asking here because I don’t trust the rest of /fit. Haven’t lifted for a couple months due to work/school but now it’s good so I’ll start again.
What should I run if I want to get strong and big fast as possible? I fucked around before with different routines and learned my lesson.
Just considering SS to TM desu.
My chest and arms look tiny and so is my bench but I thought that if I bench more I’ll look bigger idk if that’s a good way to look at it.
pls be 50kg plates
>What should I run if I want to get strong and big fast as possible?
What results have you gotten this far? Tbh you're probably over-estimating how fast you can gain strength and increase muscle mass, since everyone on Veeky Forums lies about their progress.
Idk what you're trying to prove with that picture, I would gladly make out with them
Greyskull LP.
what makes a person look big are the delts, traps, arms and upperback
having just a big chest will still make you look dyel, evidence are the pl'ers who like to be ''minimalists''
can someone link frogs youtube
Not a lot but that was because of a lot of routine jumping, inconsistency and bad sleeps etc. eg awful at squatting so I avoided it.
A lot of the routine hopping was because I was always reading what I should be doing and doing fives was terrible for getting bigger, eg. you need more volume! so I’d run some gzcl or nsuns
I haven’t lifted for a few months or ate much so right now probably 125ohp, 180bench, 215 squat and 325dl for maxes at 175bw/5’10.
Whilst I’d like to get a stronger bench and squat, is it as simple as just get stronger on fives to get bigger? All of this inconsistency was from hearing people shit on SS/TM.
thx for the meme but found it anyway
god his deadlift form is garbage no wonder he sux at it
OHP: 67.5kg 5x5
Bench: 82.5kg (5,5,5,5,4)
Is there any reason not to do SL days ABA-ABA-ABA-ABA instead of the standard ABA-BAB-ABA-BAB, so I figure out what’s wrong with my bench press and have it catch up a bit to my other lifts?
Before you say it, no, it’s not a push press.
How can I do something based around this then? Or actually work it into a program? I don’t know what’s not minimalist.
just run the RP volume program endless times with the strength version a couple of times here and there
its in the Veeky Forums volafile. It is fullbody, lets you pick the exercises etc etc
>mfw brainlets berate me for not asking out a girl that is not someone who I truley feel I will like as opposed to waiting for my pretty princess
How does it feel to be enslaved to the thot race
Those lifts aren't strong but it doesn't look to bad for a beginner.
The only key to getting big and strong is consistency, just do the compounds 2 or more times per week for at least 10 sets per week and train your arms. The routine doesn't make it or break it, your muscles only knows stress, not set or reps. Rep ranges doesn't matter that much either, just stay between 3-15 reps and push somewhat close to failure.
protip: don't do deads with normal pants when you forget your gym clothes
bet the whole gym was mirin
they ripped on the first rep of a triple
one dyel guy stared at my ass the whole set, and a bit after too.
>How does it feel to be enslaved to the thot race
I can choose whether or not I pound the balloon knot.
You are a slave to the pangs of its absence.
Did you continue lifting?
Happened to me once with some old sweatpants, I wrapped my hoodie around my waist and finished my workout.
>I spend my days endlessly chasing after momentary satisfaction in the form of thots who do not and will not love me as opposed to seeking my pretty princess who will love me forever and ever
Arms definitely grow
>not using 4-way stretch pants
It's impossible to know how well a relationship will work with someone you don't even know until you try it. You have an idealized view of women and will never find someone if you keep waiting around for the perfect woman.
It's much better to try dating more people and through experience find out what you like and don't like in a relationship.
>Not wanting to practice so you don't fuck it up with your pretty princess because you have no clue what you're doing
>I spend my days endlessly lusting after momentary satisfaction in the form of a solid 6 manface weightlifter who does not and will not love me as opposed to seeking my pretty princess who has a cock and will rape me forever and ever
Fixed your projection.
This is 100% solid advice.
Is it wrong to date someone with no intent of it being a lasting thing, ngl I think thats pretty disrespectful
of course i did
>tfw to intelligent to have sex
*tips barbell*
>You have an idealized view of women and will never find someone if you keep waiting around for the perfect woman.
No, it's not wrong at all. If you told girls you intend to try to date because you want to end up married when you initially start dating, you'd scare them all away.
The point of dating is to try to build a connection with someone and have fun together. If that bond ends up being very strong, that's when making it a lasting thing comes into play.
Also this
I just have erection issues desu
I'd fuck every thot that flirts with me if I didn't
Im not going to give you anymore (you)s
you are not worth the time, I suggest others do the same
consider yourself filtered
im sure hes really upset
trip on panzer
Wow you really got me good
Imagine getting upset enough at my character to filter me LMFAO
"My character"
>getting upset by anything panzer says
if you want to give him one back just ask for panzers c&j number LOL
"They hated him because he spoke the truth"
who /pagan/ here?
I seriously hope you channel the power of Mars when you lift
>use a character to project insecurity
>quote about truth
>die a virgin
Do reverse hypers and core exercises for strained back?
>every training session is "just a bad day"
id keep going like you are, bench will catch up if you treat your triceps with more volume. look into JM presses
Why does c6w pdf have a bicep exercise as 4th upper body exercise but a vertical back exercise in the excel
What do
>bicep exercise as 4th upper body exercise
outdated or something, it's either lat pull down or chins/pull ups (weighted)
bicep is optional on upper days, you don't have to do it
Im not going to give you anymore (you)s
You are not worth the time, I suggest others do the same
Consider yourself filtered
What did he mean by this
Are you trying to be all xd I was sarcasm
If you've talk to panzer off of plg you can tell he's probably not really autistic. He just needs to stop having an unhealthy, idealized relationship with women.
just ask yourself if bicep curls are going to carry over more to your lifts than lets say weighted pull ups or pulldowns are
the answer is obvious:do pull ups/pulldowns and curl as an accessory afterwards
Implying there's anything wrong with a good joke you mega autistic
>If you've talk to panzer off of plg
This would be autism.
I-I meant to put if you've talked
S-sorry senpai
you are fun to mess around with kid, but it looks like i confused you so I'm going to stop
you are fun to mess around with kid, but it looks like i confused you so I'm going to stop
panzer seriously can you clean and jerk over 105kg yet
please say yes
Of course
I did 106kg around 12 weeka ago :)
After 2 or 3 more weeks lf GVT we are reintroducing me to WL style programming a bit before we do a strength cycle so idk I might get to test new maxes again
>nothing personel
what a joke
i bet i can still c&j 10kg over that without training oly for nearly a year now
My arms wer smol before gvt and I couldnt stabilize jerks without elbow rebend
ie why we did a bodybuilding routine
oh yeah im sure your coach isnt a complete hack seeing as you front squat 180kg or something yet barely clean and jerk 105kg lmao
i could do 120kg with a 130kg front squat max when i still did oly
I'm an anomaly on the team
I chalk it up as GDE theory
Casue on our team we have many multiple time national medalists and some individuals good enough to compete/be alternates for international teams
Im just a GDE with oddly high squat numbers
Protip: She isn't waiting for you.
Also 120 with 130 FS is lying
Either your front squat was higher or your clean and jerk was not that high
Normal precentage for athletes is 85%
the 130 was based off a 3 rep max estimate with 122.5kg
>you must be lying becuz im such a gde i cant outlift you with higher strength numbers
nice logic there lmao
92% is well in the range of outlier you do understand that right?
Fuck off raffy, you pedo.
according to who? Ive seen people c&j their front squat max and they werent even elite
Data from athletes
Think about that fucking statement you made
It makes no sense to be able to do a clean with an RPE 10 front squat
Most athletes do ~85%
it makes no sense yet people do it
panzer ur sounding like a brainlet im sure everyone is lying and youre right, since you cant be wrong is that right?
Stay AWAY from the power lolis
Why are nonwhites the ultimate beta-orbiters
Which one is the program you're talking about?
Just downloaded and theres male physique template, PL hypertrophy, PL strength and also renaissance hypertrophy, renaissance strength.
pl hypertrophy
youre supposed to run the hypertrophy one for a couple of times with higher weights everytime(obviously)with a strength version in somewhere here and there
The irony is she HAS been to Brazil and made quite the name for herself with the locals ;-)
where can i find the volafile?
Are you sure? My bench is retarded, it’d benefit from more work I feel.
I’ll also watch some form videos again.
Do you think it would be better to run SS as it is for a little while before moving to that? Maybe throw a few curls in.
I'm a massive t-rex that can squat over 2x my bench. What should I do to get it up as fast as possible? I don't think I can do Smolov for it since I'll also be running RSP at the same time that I'm trying to fix my bench.
yeah sure, do it when you feel ready
try to mimic some assistance like it does might save you time learning the thing
oh man that was a super long log of Norman khan that just fell into the toilet
Honestly that may have been it just that one
Wait.. NO
Hold up
Hold up
(Five minutes later)
Nope looks like that was all lol
Stink factor 4.7/10
Why is my form consistently shit on deload weeks? What is my fucking problem? I try my damnest to keep my technique solid but somehow it's always garbage when I'm working with light weights.
You're not focusing.
I am unironically a gay bottom and still more of a man than you. Your princess does not know or care about your existence, and muttering r9k buzzwords towards vaguely female strangers on the street does not equal flirting. Kill yourself in the most heinous way google gives you you sad fuck.
be consistent with the setup and cues
gotta build a base first
Two cycles ago? Sure, I'll give that to you. Last cycle? I was aware of the problem, and paid attention to my form. Still felt awful. This week? I was pissed with having garbage form and back pain with fucking lmao weights. I had full focus on my form and it still went like shit. I will not agree to lacking focus.
Setup is the damn same as every other squat or deadlift. I've built a base for years.
Am I just picking the absolutely perfect weeks to deload or does sub 70% weights meme my balance or something
Deload by keeping intensity up and volume down.
>does sub 70% weights meme my balance or something