How badly does smoking affect gains ? Been smoking for 5 years, no more than a pack a day. Im working towards quitting, so please no "smoking is bad for you posts".
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>working towards quitting
dont be a pussy, you either smoke or dont
This is the kind shit i dont want too se on my thread. "you either smoke or dont" is bullshit, If youve ever smoked you know how hard it is to stop smoking, Ive realised that I do not have the willpower to stop cold turkey so im cutting down, changing my habits etc. Hey, at least im trying right ?
smoking is bad for you
>If youve ever smoked you know how hard it is to stop smoking
It's not that hard kiddo
smoking increases test. don't quit. i smoke at least 8 a day for the benefits of free test.
Smoked for 19 years and yes, I was a smoker until I actually stopped. Planning to quit is worth nothing m8 take it from me
There getting bloody expensive to buy.
Your metabolism is going to go down, appetite is going to go up. Do some more cardio during the first month or two. Endurance goes up at a ridiculous pace pretty much from the moment you stop smoking, you're not going to believe your progress (and how fucked up your lungs were before even with working out).
>smoking is unhealthy
This is what soyboys actually believe LMAO
Ive been thinking about combating this awful habbit with early jogs
quit 3 days ago (well I haven't smoked in 3 days)
day 1 made me feel like utter shit and i was exhausted
probably the most intense withdrawal symptoms i've ever experienced
feeling better now though
been drinking a lot more tea than usual to try and replace it
being addicted is fucking awful
was on 10 a day, probably more but idk
you can do it OP the really shit feeling only lasts 3 day (apparently) and then all the nicotine leaves your system
Whatever works user. Check whether things you associate with smoking make you want to smoke more or not. Personally, I found out that I had no cravings for a smoke while drinking, and ridiculous amounts of coffee actually helped both cravings and metabolism. If you're fucked on that front, then running is probably gonna help a lot. Buddy of mine used to do pushups every time he craved a cigarette, damaged his elbow but managed to quit.
depends how much you like suffering and your mind playing tricks on you
The thing is, i smoke weed mixed w/ tobbaco and there is no way in hell im gonna be able to have enough weed to roll pure ones. How badly are these mixes of tobbaco/weed going to affect my efforts to stop smoking cigs ?
takes 7 years for your lungs to clean themselves, so the quicker you stop the longer life you will have without shitty lungs. It also lowers testosterone.
I associate cigs with waiting for a bus, coffe, good music, certain moments just dont feel the same without a cig. I guess these are my "triggers". I know I dont need them in any of these situations, but damn, my mind is playing tricks on me.
It will make it considerably harder, at least for the first week or two
read this OP, it really works
Why don't you just buy a pipe then?
what is this about? might send to my brother motherfucker smokes way too much
I was in exactly the same boat, it was spliffs that got me back on tobacco every time for years. In the end I went on to using a pipe and then vaping it. I missed the feeling of sitting round chonging at my own pace for a while but the general health gains outweigh it a million times over, wouldn't go back for anything now.
>tfw can smoke whenever I want without feeling any cravings or thinking about it when i stop
>what is this about
probably birdwatching mate
Not read that, don't need, but helping others out here to get it:
The thing is, I dont smoke weed alone at all, and I dont even want to try to convince my friends that we should start using a pipe. We all like joints way too much.
honestly doesn't do shit to effect gains but it obviously effects your health.
sure, textbook says it will effect it but there's no significant changes that occur where you would see any difference.
Lol no. Smoked for 4 years, about 1.5-2 packs / day because i liked the taste. One day I decided I don't want to smoke anymore and threw my pack in the trash.
Maybe you should grow a pair and quit cold turkey.
basically a long session of brainwashing, hard to explain. none of that "if you quit you'll haved enough money to buy a Porshe and won't get cancer lmao" bullhit. it explains psychological mechanisms that lead you to smoking and gives methods to consciuosly counter them. I know two people who smoked for 10 years and quit thanks to this book. I smoked for 5 years and didn't smoke for 6 months without any cravings but then I got drunk and took one cig from a friend and got back to smoking. I'm starting to read it for a second time now, one of the guys I mentioned told me that he also relapsed after a few months and after he read it for a second time he quit for good.
bad,it sapped all my energy for some reason, but didn't take away my love of hiking and long walks,in fact I loved walking and smoking at night,still pick up a pack every now adn then and walk about the streeet smoking like a chimney
Don't you wish smoking wasn't bad for you? Fuck it's so good. I quit but I do miss it. The lung improvement is worth it but nothing really replaces it.
nice album bro
>waiting for a bus
Same, if I'd still use public transport I would've never quit
same, its bretty gud
Quitting a serious alcohol addiction is harder and I did it. Im not saying its easy but "its hard" isnt an excuse either
That's BS. I can smoke a cigar, cigarette, pipe you name it, chew, snuff etc. and I have nothing making me want to smoke. I think some people just have addictive personalities when it comes to certain substances.
>neighbours try to quit smoking at the same time
>2 weeks later they're divorced
>Hey, at least I’m trying right?
Get off my board
It's more accurate to say that nicotine works as an anti-estrogen. I also smoke, but there are better ways to get nicotine into your system.
Try vaping, it seems dumb but it helped my friend quit. And don't listen to the kids on this thread saying you just need to quit cold turkey, they've probably never smoked in their life and don't know how hard it is to stop. Keep trying bro respect for the effort
>Im working towards quitting, so please no "smoking is bad for you posts".
>Hey, at least im trying right ?
None of that matters because it's still bad for you and not only you but the people around you
You're not only killing your own gains, but you're a gains goblin for other people.
Smoking is the worst for your gains. Fitness and smoking are complete opposites.
Get a vape pen that vapes nicotine liquid and a separate convection vape for weed. I have the firefly 2 and its made me quit smoking.
passive smoking logically just means so little to me. the person smoking the cig is inhaling hundreds of times more smoke than the passive smoker, i'm sure that car exhausts cause more passive damage to people's lungs, diesel motors have racked up deaths in the thousands. i'm sure the 0.00001 percent of my cig smoke that reaches your lungs isn't doing any damage. not that i'm condoning smoking, i'm down to about 5 a day...
wow, didnt actually think that I would get a thread going (OP here). Ive actually managed to quit cold turkey a few years ago, but thats becouse ciggarettes started having an awful taste for some reason, Nowdays, I wake up every morning and try to quit. I go for 6hrs without a cig, but then my mind starts playing tricks on me and I become so restless that (combined with my other ussues I guess) Im not able to do anything.
it's a great book, it'll help a ton if you really want to quit... it deconstructs the psychological brainwashing that compels people to smoke and explains how the withdraw is really nothing compared to a real drug withdraw, aka you can sleep through 8 hours of smoking withdrawl with ease, try sleeping through any hours of opiate wd.
>for 5 years, no more than a pack a day
oh fuck
that's like
so much fucking money
I know, I could have bought a Ferrary :D
>This is the kind shit i dont want too se on my thread. "you either smoke or dont" is bullshit, If youve ever smoked you know how hard it is to stop smoking, Ive realised that I do not have the willpower to stop cold turkey so im cutting down, changing my habits etc. Hey, at least im trying right ?
I actually have quit smoking, and at my worst was going through more than a 50g pouch a week... Don't think I was quite smoking two pouches but I regularly would have 6-10 50g pouches in my car glovebox and I'd buy 2-8 pouches at a time for £5-7 each. I don't want to hear your fucking 'I don't want to see that shit in my thread'. It's not your fucking thread. You smoke or you don't and I've met one person who can smoke a few cigarettes and stop... And even then he'd buy maybe 10 small packs a year.
You either smoke or you don't is about as true as it comes. Cutting down from 20 a day to 5 a day... Then you quit for 6 months then you have one... Then you're back at 5 a day for a week saying I'll just put it down on Monday. Then you're back to 20 a day for a year.
Went through this shit three times and here you are can't even go longer than 4 hours without one cutting back from one every 2 hours.
The hard part isn't cutting down, or stopping for a few weeks... The hard parts not putting on in your mouth when 4 of your mates are going for their 5th cigarette of the night and have left you at the table in the bar for 8-9 minutes.
You fucking pussy
>The thing is, i smoke weed mixed w/ tobbaco and there is no way in hell im gonna be able to have enough weed to roll pure ones. How badly are these mixes of tobbaco/weed going to affect my efforts to stop smoking cigs ?
Buy marshmallow leaf... Preferably a organic one that is fresh and not been sat on a shelf for 3-4 years. You can even put a little peppermint in too. You'll notice the marshmallow leaf tastes like shit, but don't worry, it tastes better than tobacco, the only reason it tastes like shit is because your brain is telling you it's not nicotine. Which it's not...
Or buy a vaporiser.
Quit weed while your at it... It's 100 times easier to quit weed than smoking. Plus you wont relapse everytime someone passes you a joint.
Start quitting by replacing the habbit with a new one. I did it by going and getting a glass of water whenever i craved a smoke. Your brain takes a while to rewire but it worked for me. Some greek philosopher said: "pick the right thing and the habbit will make it pleasant"
It takes a while and you'll have to be on guard with activities that you associate with smoking - like drinking alcohol, coffee, after a meal or sex. These triggers can also be replaced by something healthier or make an attempt to resist them. Never say "oh i'll just have one", thats like saying "i'll just make a hole in this dam to have one drink" it will all come pouring down on you.
Good luck op
cutting down is fine until you reduce to 50% what you used to smoke. It's really hard to cut past that, it's better to quit it all together at that point, trust me. The first week is hell but it gets better
im so jealous of all of those non smokers driving around in their ferries, why didnt i listen?
I quit a year ago, cold turkey. Along with quitting heavy alcohol abuse and SSRI's at the same time. It was a wild motherfucking ride, with lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, brain-zaps, suicidal depression, constant panic attacks and an alcohol withdrawal that damned near killed me, but I still fucking quit, and I stayed quit.
You're just a pussy.
Quitting was actually easy after reading this book.
Fuck. I quit smoking, cold turkey too. It was hell too. Couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't do anything for a whole week, got extremely depressed and bloated as fuck specially in the face for a whole week.
I can't even imagine quitting SSRI at the same time. What SSRI did you take?
To be exact, it was an SNRI, venlafaxine, but apparently at the dose I was taking it, the main mode of action is the serotonergic one, the noradrenergic effects kick in at higher doses.
And yeah, it was shite. Honestly? Being black-out drunk for most of it helped. The haze of alcohol helped with the head-zaps, and a blackout isn't really sleep, so it helped with the nightmares. And I didn't eat for days at a time anyway, at a certain point the booze sort of takes over appetite.
Anyway, a month or two into the greatest bender of my life I was off the meds and cigs, sure. But, shortly after that I was hospitalised for alcohol withdrawals. Basically ran out of money and couldn't keep drinking. After I got discharged I somehow talked my doctor into prescribing me Librium for a week, and ended up getting off the booze, too. Still not sure how I survived all that.
It was a weird time in my life, is all I can say. Been sober ever since. Had to start an SSRI again recently, but shit, win some, lose some.
I'd imagine you'd be less motivated to eat
and it's probably harder to breath thus limiting the amount of excersize you could actually do
so, probably along the lines of eating at mcdonalds every day
also, if you get cancer, there goes your gains
plus, less money to spend on supplements and rice and beans
Replace it with coffee you stupid fuck
>that cigarette after fapping to cuck porn
Nothing beats it
get a job so you can afford smoking weed pure you nigger
I’m on lithium and zyprexa which supposedly decrease your ability to have an erection but I haven’t noticed anything. Then again I’m 23 year old male so my libido should be high. My psychiatrist wants to ween me off of the antipsychotics and mood stabilizers and put me on an have your erections been?
OP here , thanks for all the kind words my fellow retards. Quitting cold turkey right after I smoke these 2 i got so they dont bug me
Used to smoke two packs a day. Quit, picked up an e-cigarette, I'm addicted to that now.
The pros are that I no longer smell like shit, neither does my home, car, clothes, etc. I can run/do cardio without any issues, and things taste better. Far cheaper, as well.
The cons are that I'm still an addict, and now I look like a faggot because I smoke an e-cigarette. Fuck all of you brony virgins that took up the fad to "blow mad vape bro".
I smoke at parties and shit I'm wondering how bad that is? Imagine like 2-3 cigs a week
not a big deal
its nothing compared to smoking lets say 1 pack a day
IF YOU keep smoking only at parties
but if you are going to rave parties i reckon youl starts smokin real soon
>comparing a rolled cigarette addiction to a pack cigarette addiction
>Quitting cold turkey
>Right after these t w o
Not gonna make it
(Stay strong tho I wish u the best)
Read Allen Carr's Easy way to stop smoking. TODAY
it worked for me, it worked for my brother, it is EASY to quit smoking.
break them and put them in the garbage
Smokers smell like a sack of Burning racoons also fucks up your teeth and makes your breath smell like youve been guzzling turd sandwiches...when I see a smoker, I think weak willed faggot
More importantly, how much does second hand smoke effect you?
I encounter 2 or 3 smokers minimum daily, all in no smoking areas, and I’m concerned my lungs and penis size are fucked up because of it.
Nah bro, you're definitely the faggot
I wuit for a good 2 months now cold turkey. It wasnt more of a smoking thing its more about quitting nicotine in general. I was using vape, and nicotine sprays along withcigs and it has gotten so bad to the point of feeling numbness in my hands and blood circulation problems couple days after i quit. But its possible considering other things that were harder to auit as well. Along with this, i started nofap november which i find it harder than quitting cigs, and quitting coffee
Ecigs got me through training for my first half marathon. Also you don't get colds as much.
I have to say while its far better than smoking, like maybe 90-95% easier on your lungs. It's still messing your throat up a lot vs baseline. Sure it's not nearly as bad as smoking but you'll feel a similar improvement in quality of life if you stop vaping (right now you're just maintaining after noob gains)
I am coughing and swallowing spit because I get an irritated throat when my vapour faggot friend comes into my house puffing clouds. I didn't mind the little ce5s or even the innokin model closed tank... But this steampunk ipad dual coil in a steel bucket shit turning my living room into a fucking steam room and splashing burning juice that leaves black spots of my leather couch... He's banned from using it here now.
The juice really stinks. Mind it doesn't stop me selling the crap for a living. At least I'm making cash selling the stuff. It's a joke the UK gov put down the nic levels, it just encourages this cloud puffing faggotry of 3mg vs tiny whisps of vapour of 18-24mg.
You're a fucking idiot...
>Fucking faggot quitting heroin, that's easy, I'm coming of oxy... way worse.
If it's that easy just switch to rollups and stop bigboi. Like I said I've quit 3 times for 6+ month. I mentioned the 75g a week on tobacco because imo that was the worst. but I've quit both on cigarettes (pack a day) and rolling tobacco. Didn't feel the need to mention.
What brand are you quitting on... I bet your brand is harder to quit than the brand I quit on (at least for you).
Guess who's sitting here cosy as fuck in my house that doesn't smell of shit, with my clothes that don't smell of shit with my fingers that aren't stained, without my smokers cough and shit smelling breath. Guess who's not coughing up little chunks of white shit and has extra $$$ to spent on cosy socks, good whiskey/coffee, better food. The answer is not you.
it causes cancer which is the ultimate gains goblin
I became addicted to cigs twice in my life and quit cold turkey each time, but I'm done with them now because I'm trying to preserve youth. I'm not sure what to think of people that insist they can't quit. There's something about smoking that you don't want to let go, I don't think it's the cigarette itself. Maybe it's the moment of thoughtfulness you have while smoking, maybe it's comforting in an autistic way to have the repetitive hand to mouth contact, but just smoking a cigarette itself? I understand it feels good, but the cons far outweigh the pros for that to be the sole reason.
Perfect cutting tool tho
I have some romantic attachment to them, I know that they are killing me but I'm okay with that, I feel like I'm playing with my own mortality and I enjoy it.
> you know how hard it is to stop smoking
> dad smoked several packs a day for decades
> about eight years ago, he put the last one in a pack out in his ashtray, looked at me, and said 'user, I don't think i'm going to smoke anymore'
> he hasn't smoked since then at all, quitting cold turkey, despite remaining great friends with mates who smoke like chimneys
You just have bad willpower, which I get, because I'm much the same.
I'm not the one who can't stop sucking on things..maybe you should just stick with would be healthier
I tried a cigarette once, and then never touched it again. Can't see why that feeling would be worth the money and health loss.
10950 dollars if a pack cost 6 dollars.