Veeky Forums-humour thread go!!
Veeky Forums-humour thread go!!
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Anyone wonder what boggie would look like at 15 percent bodyfat with muscle? I need to see what his facial aestehtics look like
>insulting Zyzz like that
Get the fuck out of here
Unironically delet
Even if Boogie is now living longer than Zyzz it doesn't mean that he is someone to look up to.
People are still motivated by Zyzz, inspired by him, wishing to be like him. Boogie is a warning, a fat blob of fat that is mocked for being ugly.
Is there really a debate here?
>tries to be fit, dies anyway
God you homolusting beta stans have no sense of humor.
>Is there really a debate here?
No, it's a humor thread you autistic retard.
>Insulting Zyzz?
I've seen some shit in my time...but this?
mods get this thread out of here
>Being this triggered
Get over it, fuckboys. Zyzz is dead. Boogie is the new king of Veeky Forums.
alphadestiny is
Compare his popularity to boogie. We have several boogie threads in the catalog in this moment.
like he melted
And Veeky Forums has jordan peterson threads every day when everybody fucking hates that guy
Shitposters from other boards like you must go
>Shitposters from other boards like you must go
>a Veeky Forums without veganism, onionpills, nofaps, gay bait, sips, waterfast, feels, waifu, /pol/, soy and other shit threads
Look at the catalog. This board wouldn't have more than 10 threads.
>You don't want low-effort shitposting from retards and unfit neets on your board?
No, not really
That's an unusual final image.
Wasn't there something where Veeky Forums was photoshopping fat girls to make them look thin? Someone should do that in /fat/ for inspiration.
I like the lifting for waifu better.
Can someone post 5'8 manlet pic vs 6ft2 wearing a shirt writting bad boy pls
is he natty?
This is the natty-limit
>inspired by him
>tongue on roof of mouth
what the fuck?
Jesus christ I can feel the fat flowing into me just form looking at that picture
>not mewing
Bet you don't jelq either, chinlet.
lmao that dual ´cep
i gotta try it myself
contect of this? ive not often been to Veeky Forums these past months. was there a meme being pushed that waterboarding increases gains ?
why put the dl lifitng grandmom? shes fucking based
oh god, its going to be that time soon. My gym even has a "this month is free you fucking nigger faggot" thing going on, BEFORE new years, and I think one month after it or something. Its already packed to full capacity on the weekends.
h3h3 isn't funny
I can't stop watching this video.
stay small pleb
Hello newfag
Does he actually make his wife wipe his ass? I heard some people in another thread saying he did.
This picture is a masterpiece. I am glad having witnessed it.
Thanks for the laugh user
This diagram will help you understand whether or not he can wipe his own ass
Fuck I just realized I forgot to give him an ass
Neck gains was the goal here. I think.
>shits on American healthcare system
>is what's wrong with the healthcare system
Hmmm guess I haven't hit Rome level yet
shitler BTFO
>be me
>can only afford normie tier gym
>go there to work out, see normie
>notice how all the good looking (6 of 10 or higher) normie males and females are constantly flirting
>start thinking there is some kind of fit person orgy going on that average looking people like me aren't invited to
>realize it isn't a secret, it's just called being socially well adjusted
>MFW I realize my lack of social skills is crippling me to dirt tier dating status
>MFW I realize people have sex on the dirt
>MFW dirt is more sexuality active than I am
I can pick up all these plates, but even dirt can pick up more action than I can.
That looks fun
i miss the old Veeky Forums
I kinda feel shitty about this. My gym membership expires in Dec. And I want to join a new gym starting next year.
I'm gonna be that guy.
>Veeky Forums
Good, those try hard pretentious undergrads deserve to get triggered. You can't discuss books on any other boards without some try hard bursting in with 'hurr durr Veeky Forums here, ur a pleb XD'. It's obnoxious. Every time I see that shit from now on, I'll start a Jordan Preston or Sam Hyde thread. Thanks for the idea.
Damn that Roman city looked beautiful as fuck
How can Barbarian bois even compete?
Don't feel bad. The joke is that it's all new people doing shitty workouts. Being new to a gym or starting Jan 1 isn't a problem
Do it for her
By burning to the ground
Rome was only seriously sacked twice. Once by Gauls in around 390 BC and then again by Vandals in 455.
The first time they did in fact destroy most of the city. The 455 Vandal sack was mostly stealing gold and women not found in churches. Though Vandals had too much respect for the city to truly raze it
Oh come on you couldn’t let a joke be a joke
> also who cares Rome’s gone, stop lifting for fallen and failed regimes
My autism is too strong, friend
yeah except that modern south europeans have nothing to do with rome whatsoever.
>Reminder that the Germanic tribes stood unconquered for 10,000 years whilst Rome and Greece rose and fell, then Christianity showed up alongside Islam
>Reminder to check the science, literature and nobel award prizes per country (hint: thanks, Germany, Sweden and England (also RIP))
>lifting for Oswald Mosley
No one alive has anything to do with the Romans as a people. They survive in laws, political structures, language, war, religion and organization
Fuck I hope her sake they have a bidet
plz delet
>only 2 gyms in town and the second one closed earlier this year
I heard last year that during peak hours a bunch of people had to turn around right away because every piece of equipment was being used. I can't imagine how bad it will be now.
They completely fail to understand the Virgin v Chad meme
>not lifting for BYZANTIUM
Fuck off Phillistine.