Sleep is so important for everything: physical and mental health, gains, happiness, functionality. It's benefits are incredibly numerous and sleep needs to be part of any man's regimen.
So why is it so hard to actually get good sleep?
Give me your best sleep tips.
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No electronics an hour before bed. Sounds pretty dumb but the blue light behind the screen fucks with your melatonin production. Also establish a regular sleep schedule for 8-9 hours a night.
No way. I want clean sleep. 7-8 hours without the aid of drugs.
Have you ever woken up from truly regenerative sleep where you feel refreshed, re-energised and not remotely tired? It's amazing. That should be normal.
I would have no idea what to do for an hour without electronics before bed
Sometimes I wear sunglasses and I think it does the same thing
nigga im tryin to get swole not smart
>Not doing mindlifts
work out in the evening and go to bed afterwards
Mouthbreathing subhuman, she should kill herself Tbh
I'd love to wake up next to her.
>styling your hair and wearing makeup to bed
This goes double, thrice even for those who are too much on the internet. There is something calming in books. One rhetoric, no way to respond...the mind kinda rests, even if its a complicated book.
I found no better way yet to sleep. And I was an insomniac who lost his mind being super fucking overactive here, I couldnt shut my brain off.
he is rude but he's right; the fact that she sleeps with her mouth open means that her breath smells terrible in the morning.
Vape weed.
ZMA and melatonin Supps
>Give me your best sleep tips.
I try to "retire" by 8pm that means finish whatever I'm doing that evening, and start getting cleaned and changed for bed. I also cut off screen use at this time. I dont have to be *in* bed right away, but I start dimming lights and lower the thermostat temperature (61°F) and will usually read until 9pm, at which time, I actually close my eyes and try to drift off to sleep.
I wake up by 5:30am, take a piss, prepare breakfast and do the stickied stretches. Again, I avoid screens for that first hour.
What is Veeky Forums's bedtime and what is the undisputed best time for successful individuals to wake in the morning?
sleep fag here. been insomniac since 14 years old influenced my whole life. been to sleeping lab and checks. so i know my shit
>go to bed always around the same time. make it dogmatic.
>sleep before midnight is more valuable than later
>you body is connected to the sun because sleeping hormone is produced trough sunlight wich must enter trough your eye - means look into the sky important: glasses filter the important stuff out. the best time to get your dose of sleeping sun exposure before 12 noon
>avoid blue light after sunset like cancer. (f.lux)
>buy a light-alarm clock that wakes you with light not by tone
>peanuts enforce deep sleep
>the last sip of any fluid should be 3 hours before bedtime
>connect your sleeping pattern to the sunset/rise (scooby actually does this)
>NO ALCOHOL. you have no idea how already a single beer buttfucks your sleeping quality
>no exiting media 3 hours before bed. ideally you read a nonexiting book
you live a life of old people and its exhausting and cuts down your social circle but you will feel good in a way you cannot imagine right now.
>peanuts enforce deep sleep
>The last sip of any fluid should be 3 hours before bedtime
This is interesting. Could you elaborate? When should peanuts be eaten (spread across the day, or just before sleeping)? And why no fluids?
i read on phone
Masturbation. And onion juice.
>And why no fluids?
so your bladder doesnt ruin your sleep
>connect your sleeping pattern to the sunset/rise (scooby actually does this)
so I should go to bed at 3pm and get up at 8am? gotcha
>tfw average 5 hrs of sleep each night
>tfw when not tired
Is this okay lads? I'm usually not sleepy during the day, and can function and lift normally. When i tell other people how much I sleep they're astonished, making me feel kinda bad like I should probably sleep more.
and literally not sleep for like a week every summer.
Do you wake up naturally after those 5 hours, or do you have like 10 alarms to get up?
These lads and always waking up at the same time (early) so you can sleep eaasier/earlier, I've had serious sleeping issues and these are the best you get without chemicals
does the option help where it reduces the blue and it gets yellowish?
>you will never get to wake up next to her
listen everyone always say that but it's just not true i spend 13+ hours looking at a computer and i've been doing so for years and years and i sleep really fucking well
My sleep quality increased with multi-vitamin supplementation.
Unless things like having to pee, hunger or something like that is causing you to wake up, then I'd guess you only need 5 hours of sleep. You could check with your doctor and hear what he thinks if it worries you.
>blue light counter programs like flux and twilight on your electronics
>plan 1.5 hour intervals. sleep 6, 7.5, or 9 hours a night to get proper rem cycles
>wake up early ish every day
Thanks bro, will do
where do you wokrout?
I knew a guy who trained himself from the age of 27 to have 4 hours sleep a night and he is still very functional at middle age, he does maths for fun so he's really good at it
It helps but is still not as good as no screens
read a dumb book, you cunt, so you dont get too smart...
books can be fun just like other stuff like videogames and facebook etc
>>no exiting media 3 hours before bed. ideally you read a nonexiting book
what is a "nonexiting book"?
my 12,5 cents:
1. sleep is good for the body because of the deep rest, induced by the melatonin secretion out of your third fucking eye in the middle of your brain, that turns off your fight or flight (stress response) body features. so you can regenerate... the body can only do one of the two at a time: fight/survive or grow/heal. the important part is that:
2. if you are stressed (by worries, light, sound, radio waves, etc. etc. but generally anything that secretes cortisol) you probably won't get many sleep gains
3. melatonin secretion happens around 22:00
- a completely dark room
- it will be best to be somehow shielded from radio waves... wifi noise, gsm cells etc etc
- cold air (18-21 Celsius) but covered well
- go to bed around 22:00 o'clock (you can supplement your self with melatonin 30 min before sleep if you go to sleep at other times, not as good as the natural high I guess)
- don't smoke tobacco, don't drink alcohol
- get the attitude of "I am going to bed" and deal with it. no worries, no useless tougths...
I generally sleep much better when I am tired like if I trained to failure a day or two ago, and my body aches by those sweet sores I definitely feel like sleeping better than in the middle of the 3-d week of drinking and no gym...
that's all I can think of right now.
>tired af in the morning
>fully awake at night
i hate this fucking meme
disregard that, I read half of a book, for 3 hours, and still couldnt sleep. Ate well, dark room, orange tinted glasses before etc...
thanks internet
next up on my checklist: Lets try a GF, not sure where to get one but maybe I should hang out at bars or something dumb like that.
There are apps on both Android and iOS that can redshift your screen, reducing the amount of blue light. Twilight is a free one for Android, and you can set it to automatically turn on or off at set times, as well as how deep the red is and how intense it becomes. It's pretty great.
never gonna make it
Guys, I need help motivating myself to sleep. I tell myself to got to sleep at around 23:00 but end up staying up until about 3:00 every day
literally just turn shit off and go to bed
I don't have the discipline to get enough sleep.
don't worry, you won't
Cannabis indica
Get yourself a satin or silk sleep mask. Slap that bad boy on and prepare for a world of "this is stupid...why the fuck is my alarm ringing?"
i live with a chink korean and a brazilian that listens to metal, i just used ear tampons for the noise or earphones, goodlad
Earplugs changed my life. I still wake up easier than my wife or anybody else but goddamn I sleep so much better.
The click of the thermostat turning on the heat through a closed door would wake me instantly before.
>i live with a chink korean and a brazilian
At least you don't have to be worried about being woken by barking dogs.
hahaha you have to be quite the faggot to be able to stomach reading a book before bedtime
To anyone who finds they are tired all the time or find you cant breathe through your nose, I would suggest getting a CT scan; Im never able to get good sleep or breathe through my nose because my septum is crooked and my "turbinates" are enlarged, blocking airflow. Getting surgery in a month to have septum straightened and turbinates reduced, hopefully improving my sleep
Same, that has been my life for as long as I can remember
I always sleep easier when I'm cold. Not sure if there's anything to that.
Would love to stick my cock in her mouth before she wakes up in the morning.
Exiting? NONEXITING?!?
I get excellent sleep. I guess double pillows, soft feather on bottom, thinner slightly firmer pillow on top. Also, have pillows as if two people were sleeping in your bed so if you roll around you'll always have pillow. Sleep with a heavy comforter, the heavier the better.
If you expect noise pollution, put some brown noise through a speaker system with good base (you wont hear most of the brown noise through a cell phone, laptop, or pc set up without sub woofer).
Have a fan blowing over you for a gentle breeze. Other than that, stop stressing.
>talks about mental health
>doesn't want to get smart
what the hell nigger?
>Australian summer
>No air conditioning
>Hot and sticky as fuck
>Wake up damp
I hate the summer nights
Then explain why I sleep 12 hours a day and feel like shit all the time?
checkmate atheist.
What is /fits opinion on white noise for sleep? Any best options?
download flux on your computers for anti-bluelight gains
one of the best apps I ever got
12 hours is too much m8
just downloaded
meme or not?
No, a me-me is a picture with bubbIe text that started on this site back in 2003.
FIux is an appIication for comps.
>tfw you have chronic insomnia
khazar millkers
/fitlit/ needs to happen again sooner
>sit in good posture
>awaken old bad memories
>now super sad about something and have to cry for an hour.
I game all day and the moment it hits 12 i go to bed and sleep like a rock.
Melatonin. 5mg seems enough for a fit guy of average weight like me. 10mg and you'd be out Very very soon.
Also look up on the YouTubes JASON STEPHENSON GUIDED MEDITATION. I scream cuz they are the shit. He's got this soothing calm voice that will talk you down into some seriously deep and good sleep. It's very well made, don't be a cheapo and actually download his stuff, it's on iTunes. I can't sing enough praises. Bonus, sometimes he uses binaural beats to entrain your brain and help you relax. One of the best things I've found this year for sure.
Also, hot monkey sex helps. With a human if you can help it. Your hand doesn't count. Kinky, all out gorilla sex will have you hour by a light and your lady or ladyboy or boy very happy.
Second the recommendation of no alcohol. Fucks up your sleep majorly.
Books are great, get yourself Plato or something dense like Descartes. You'll be out before the end of chapter one lol
This. l aIways hear "no screens 1 hour before bed" or whatever time but l watch it and faII asIeep about 10-15 minutes after for about 7 hours sIeep.
Xanax is fucked, leaves you like a zombie. If you think you'd achieve an optimal workout after taking it you're a fool
the windicks 10" has this build in...
Can I get tips on how the fuck to sleep correctly? I sleep from 7-8 AM to 2 Pm pretty much every day and always feel like shit when I wake.
this right here tho
LOL Y U mad tho breh
>finally kick all the drugs
>wired as fuck for hours and hours in bed and can't sleep
What do
Don't tell me melatonin
You guys are the same retards as smokers refuting bad effect smoking has "because it never bothered them".
Just cus you sleep well doesn't mean it isnt fucking with you in subtle ways, nor that it does apply to the vast majority of the population. But hey, fuck science right
Step 1: Lay down on a surface
Step 2: Go to sleep
It's not hard.
All my books is on my computer, must i print them out then?
what kind of earplugs do you use? I bought some cheap ones but then i couldnt sleep because they hurt my ears. The boiler clicking away drives me mad and my neighbours listen to wierd music at like 2am often.
>complete step 1
>attempt step 2
>lay there awake with my eyes closed
>mind wants to think about something
>dismiss it
>lay there for longer
>why cant i do step 2?
>check time
>have to wake up in 3 hours anyway
i feel like im missing part of this. For as long as i can remember i pretty much just do not sleep most nights. Ill reach a point of exhaustion and then finally sleep but its once every 3 days or so. My eyes are always tired as fuck and so is my mind but my body manages. The few times i sleep have always been on holiday to rural areas or when i go out into the sticks for whatever reason and i feel like a billion dollars afterwards.
I read that the optimal time to go to sleep depends on your age and genetics. I've been going to sleep at 8pm and waking up at 4am, which some health sites (bullshit?) say isn't optimal for a 22 year old. Am I doing more harm than benefit by sleeping 8pm-4am, as long as I don't have any energy issues the following morning?
I never found dismissing thoughts to work. I actively fantasize, distracting myself long enough from the fact that I'm awake until I fall asleep. Takes on average about half an hour.
If I dismiss my thought I just become hyper awake of my body and its sensations, like I would during meditation.
Reminder that sleep is like a workout, you can't "skip" (stay up late) too often, or you won't make any schedule gains, and you "work out hard" (get up early) if you want results. And remember, fucking up these simple steps sets you back quite a bit