Somebody at CNN saw this picture.
/fph/ Fat People Hate - This is a banana edition
>mayo soup
At last its low fat mayo.
I just threw up a little
People like this swamp troll should be shot for the good of society desu
Which is funny because low fat mayo is full of bullshit additives while normal mayo is like 3 ingredients.
was that mustard in the crust?
or the worlds worst chesse?
Couldn't watch the whole vid.
Proof positive that """foodies""" don't really appreciate the tastes of food. He horked that down the same way my do chows down on his dogfood.
Jesus, close your mouth you albino ape
go on
>Ywn be so healthy you need to do this on your walk home
>Stop eating objective trash
>Doing it little by little
These people are disgusting.
that guy doesn't look Indian
Fatty on her way to get weight loss surgery
She tried
>god bless America
>the home i love
Aren't they supposed to be on a liquid diet for like 2 weeks prior to surgery?
What's the background to this?
the young thicc girl is pro-cheerleading
the old fat woman is anti-cheerleading and calling it success
i like how the box of brownies is censored
like wtf why do you need to censor that
brand name
they dont want to get sued or have to deal with licensing
with a negro boyfriend who hopefully slits her throat before they produce soulless mongrels
how can it be so bright yellow
this motivates me more than the motivation thread.
Food porn
>be a pig
>start Veeky Forums for the sake of health and job motivation etc.
>go to gym for the first time today
>chads everywhere
>afterwards go home, check this thread to see if I'm in here
[spoiler]i'm not the only one who does this right[/spoiler]
hey man lay off her! squatting 500lbs is no joke, you know?
Fucking sam hyde at it again
He can't keep getting away with it
I thought this was going to be an indian, shocked to see white skin.
I doubt people hate on specific people they met at the gym
Just celebs
might be a romanian gyppo tho
his wasabi video was kino 2bh
This guy is clearly a homeless drug addict, with possible mental issues.
>walking around with multiple mismatched plastic bags
>toothless mouth
Those be meth or heroin shits.
Keep up lifting bro, gets easier if you stick to it
Because the company doesn't want their brand to be associated with the hambeast
well atleast she is doing something?
Of course exercising wont get her thin but the intention of her actions is the right one and will evtl. leed to better means of weight loss
The VS show is really giving me great stuff to laugh at.
Nope, she does it too show how healthy she is. She has no intention of losing weight, her highly photoshopped pictures supporting HAES and fat positivity is what feeds her.
socialized medicine for anyone but senior citizens was a mistake
I fucking hate selfish cunts like this. It's one thing if you grew up with shitty parents and became slightly overweight because they fed you awfully. But wasting healthy people's money and time on your morbid obese self, of your own choice, then deciding to actively refuse to make any progress disgusts me. It's this entitled, selfish mentality which dooms many westerners. The lack of discipline is appalling.
>Unattainable bodies
>People have obtained those bodies
I will never understand fat logic
whos gonna tell him
she promotes fatness and healthy at every size, she thinks that if she exercises on camera then she is healthy, she is doing the least possible to maintain that her disgusting figure is in fact a perfectly sculpted physique
>that belly
it has to be a joke
this made me feel queezy
>thighs, arms, and tummies are meant to be jiggly
neanderthal should have taken the upper hand on sapiens sapiens, this isn't how things are supposed to be
If it makes you feel better, these threads go after fat people who ignore their problems/glorify obesity. As long as you show up to the gym to actually work your ass off, you'll be fine. Keep it up, bro!
"fat people hate" is a false name for these threads. its more like, "fat people who keep making excuses and act disgusting hate."
>super fit athlete
>health is a social construct
>BRB gonna tell my sister to quit her chimiotherapy because she is just pretending to be unhealthy
I have some friends who are fat but are starting to love the "HAES" movement.
Holy shit please I'm trying to get fit quickly so I can make some inspirational shit and tell them that being fat is not healthy nor self love.
>wants to be kawaii
This guy belongs on /cm/
That's not /fph/, that's /madeit/
Too bad about her face, tho
here you go lads
>skinny thing
this made me cry a little
I'm impressed that she can go ass to grass while doing quarter squats.
Well at least she’s burning some extra calories nonetheless.
Sweet lord do fat fetishists have no standards?
I swear people who are into this just love old gross men.
At least go for a twink, damn.
This reminds me of me when they photoshopped Comic Book characters to be fatter.
i thought that was raw chicken at first
This one just makes no sense.
What a fucking
Son of a bitch
very rare, cheers
>realistic bodies
I fucking hate HuffPost so fucking much.
please, sause on this i want to see the live action one
Does she have a point? If a cyllinder of metal slammed her stomach, there's a greater chance that there will be organ damage than if she were fat.
If she were fat however, and slipped on ice and fell from standing height to flat on the ground, the extra weight from the fat on one side strains and might break the bone.
If you're fat, you're definitely more able to sustain cyllinders hitting you in the stomach though.
She has found a way to make that 'cheese' even more disgusting
she's unable to exercise and still lost 130lbs just counting calories. There is no excuse for fat people.
she looks fine? not the most fuckable face but it's not awful to look at.
There's a not-so-niche audience of people out there who not only want to watch people eat, but are only satisfied by the act if the person eats it obnoxiously.
I am one of them. Sorry.
Or they don't want to be associated with annoying, spoiled and dying fat people.
dating apps produce pure gold
look at these fucking retards LOL