How much do I need to lift before I can get a woman like this?
How much do I need to lift before I can get a woman like this?
sounds like you need brain gains more than anything
you need to be able to lift at least one personality.
You'd need to lift about a billion dollars into your bank account.
That's pretty average attractive, like 7.5/10.
The average Swedish girl is that attractive, or more.
Your mindset wouldn't get you any women. Imagine having a walk with one and being completely honest. Imagine she'd ask you about lifting. Why do you do it, user? And you'd think... To get grills? Really? That's the point of perfecting yourself? Trust me, it's always better to be able to give an honest answer that states "I want to be a better me, and it's fun, like my hobby".
A bag of shitty coke is all you need to get a sloot like this.
>Honest answer
When did internalizing your motivation become the only noble or honest answer?
Lifting for grills is just as valid
More like 5 max
This user has experience.
>no argument
When you lift to get better, you care more. You don't want to just "look good", because that's what you'd want to to get a gf, but you care about becoming really strong, about all groups of muscles (not le abs cuz womenz want 6pack).
Another thing women desire is self-confidence, drive, and motivation. I'm not exactly sure why, but it's a major turn on for women when they hear that your reason for lifting is to become a more complete person. Sauce: QT3.14 gf
It is just as valid, but broadcasting that you're lifting for a qt3.14 comes across as being desperate for them. Women are more intrigued and turned on by men that aren't desperate for them. You want the girls to chase YOU, not the other way around
>t. virgin
Women will never chase you when there are so many choices to go with that don’t require work.
I'm not a virgin and I do have a girlfriend. The females you're describing are roasties and nobody sane wants those
>Swedish girl
Im not black though
You don't know anything about women
>Another thing women desire is self-confidence, drive, and motivation.
So just b urself is a meme and I should lie?
So that's who this wojak is
Yes. Play the game my dude