anyone else here bench more than they squat?
pic related is my max
i can bench 255lbs
Strength imbalance
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Does it even matter if you're not competing?
If you really care just squat more often
Same. Also, I can OHP 135 x 5 but can barley do a pullup
Bring them knees back nig
I wonder what your max squat would be with proper form
>rip in peace knees
>Same. Also, I can OHP 135 x 5 but can barley do a pullup
lmOao si this rewal life? or is thois just fantasy
Your presses and other lifts will suffer if you don't bring your back up to par with your shoulders/arms.
Aren’t you doing a front squat in pic? What is your back squat at?
If you're doing heavy overhead pressing, you should really be doing weighted pullups or chinups as well. You'll end up hurting yourself down the line.
I have to keep my torso upright or the barbell will fall
i don't do back squats
how much do you weigh
if you weigh 300lbs then yeah
faggot do back squat
i already do deadlifts
front squat hits the quads more since with a back squat it's easy to just get into a good morning and muscle up the weight without full quad use
How has no one pointed out the crocs?
I bench only a little less than my front squat, I don't think it's a big deal. Also, is horseshit, your knees should be going out in a front squat. Also, buy some weightlifting shoes, don't use plates.
so you're fat?
>it's easy to just get into a good morning and muscle up the weight without full quad use
that happens BECAUSE you have WEAK quads you dumb ass faggot.
Same. Stay mad SS t-rexes you look disgusting.
so what's the point of squating with 3pl8s on my back if i just use my deadlift muscles and never improve my quads?
don't ego lift
>what's the point of using a lift in which the TARGET muscle is the QUADS to improve my QUADS
>these are the people giving you advice on Veeky Forums.
do whatever squat you want
but you're essentially just arguing that you have poor back squat form and choose to front squat instead
doesn't really fucking matter anyways
>TRIceps being as strong as QUADriceps
Your bench should be have a 3:4 ratio with squats
You literally started a thread about how shit your legs are, and you're arguing with people like you know what's best for legs?
Lol, k.
more muscles in shoulders, but bench is higher than OHP
it's size/quality > quantity
legs = big
arms/chest = small
squat = big
bench = small
you seem to be having some trouble here so i'll try to spell it out for you:
back squat allows you to use your lower back to help your quads
front squat doesn't
that means you get more benefit from a front squat if your quads are the bottleneck
it does matter since you want to train your bottleneck for fastest gains
so i should be able to curl half my squat or 2/3rds my bench?
bottlenecks get the most attention
first thing i noticed lmao
Yeah, you're missing the point, intentionally or otherwise. Enjoy your nogains. I'm sure arguing on the internet will make up for it.
>resorting to memes as a last ditch effort
>front squats
>Stands on a plate
>skins under shorts
what the fuck is wrong with you.
he's also using the deadlift rack, not using locks to secure the plates, lifting barefoot, not matching colors, taking photos...what else?
>how much do you weigh
dont worry front squats are better anyways.
Front squats + RDL are the most balanced combo for legs. Conventional or sumos don't hit hamstrings unless you do them with bad form
have you used the lat pulldown machine?
i can ohp 1pl8 once but i can rep out 250lbs 5 times on the pull down. i weigh 197lbs. i thought my ohp would be higher since i can bench 255lbs but nope.
sumos are basically squats
isn't the romanian dl just the negative of the upper portion of dl?
>isn't the romanian dl just the negative of the upper portion of dl?
yes, it gets a nice stretch in the hamstrings
Goodbye OP's knees
>have you used the lat pulldown machine?
Home gym, so I only do barbell rows.
but how is that different from just doing a conventional dl? the goal is to get your glutes "under" the bar, mechanically speaking, which would help the pull with your hams. also, i let the weight down slow, no dropping!
Because you aren't lowering the weights the same as you are with the deadlift.
When lowering the bar on the RDL, you primarily do a hip hinge and barely any knee flexion. If you can do this with conventional deadlift; you're either using light weight or about to snap your shit up.
yeah good point
>Wearing socks to squat then putting heels on a plate
Doesn't that defeat the purpose? If you want elevation just wear shoes
You are like children, watch this:
Deadlift - 435 not even a real PR, pull this all the time
Front squat - just 225, form breaks down
Bench: 85s for 4
Pull up: 90 x 4, from a dead hang on rings, 255lbs total.
>front squat doesn't engage your lower back
>these are the people giving you advice on Veeky Forums.
what do you mean by "engage"
i never said the front squat doesn't use your lower back, i said the lower back isn't the bottleneck (if you train you pull)
so your attempted strawman is pretty obvious to all of us
>Bench: 85s for 4
why? do you even bench anymore?
>OHP: 120x3
>BP: 165x3
>Weighted Chinup: 125x1
i feel like this isn't good.
Ohhh, so THIS is why you hate us.
It is acceptable for a front squat to be weaker then your bench.
But not your back.
omega dyel
If I took those braces off, would his knees explode?